Node.js 版本
¥Node.js Releases
主要 Node.js 版本进入当前发布状态六个月,这让库作者有时间添加对它们的支持。六个月后,奇数版本(9、11 等)将不再受支持,偶数版本(10、12 等)将转为 Active LTS 状态并可供一般使用。LTS 发布状态为 "长期支持",通常可保证在总共 30 个月内修复关键错误。生产应用应仅使用 Active LTS 或维护 LTS 版本。
¥Major Node.js versions enter Current release status for six months, which gives library authors time to add support for them. After six months, odd-numbered releases (9, 11, etc.) become unsupported, and even-numbered releases (10, 12, etc.) move to Active LTS status and are ready for general use. LTS release status is "long-term support", which typically guarantees that critical bugs will be fixed for a total of 30 months. Production applications should only use Active LTS or Maintenance LTS releases.
¥Release Schedule
有关 Node.js 发布时间表的完整详细信息可在 在 GitHub 上 中找到。
¥Full details regarding the Node.js release schedule are available on GitHub.
¥Commercial Support
通过我们的 OpenJS 生态系统可持续发展计划合作伙伴 HeroDevs,可以获得维护阶段之后版本的商业支持。
¥Commercial support for versions past the Maintenance phase is available through our OpenJS Ecosystem Sustainability Program partner HeroDevs.
¥Looking for the latest release of a version branch?
Node.js | N-API | 代号 | 发布于 | npm | |
v23.6.0 | v131 | - | v10.9.2 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v22.13.0 | v127 | Jod | v10.9.2 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v21.7.3 | v120 | - | v10.5.0 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v20.18.1 | v115 | Iron | v10.8.2 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v19.9.0 | v111 | - | v9.6.3 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v18.20.5 | v108 | Hydrogen | v10.8.2 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v17.9.1 | v102 | - | v8.11.0 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v16.20.2 | v93 | Gallium | v8.19.4 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v15.14.0 | v88 | - | v7.7.6 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v14.21.3 | v83 | Fermium | v6.14.18 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v13.14.0 | v79 | - | v6.14.4 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v12.22.12 | v72 | Erbium | v6.14.16 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v11.15.0 | v67 | - | v6.7.0 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v10.24.1 | v64 | Dubnium | v6.14.12 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v9.11.2 | v59 | - | v5.6.0 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v8.17.0 | v57 | Carbon | v6.13.4 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v7.10.1 | v51 | - | v4.2.0 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v6.17.1 | v48 | Boron | v3.10.10 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v5.12.0 | v47 | - | v3.8.6 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v4.9.1 | v46 | Argon | v2.15.11 | 发布更新日志开发文档 | |
v0.12.18 | v14 | - | v2.15.11 | 发布更新日志开发文档 |
¥Official versus Community
Node.js 网站提供了多种安装方法,允许以非交互方式安装 Node.js,例如通过 CLI、OS 包管理器(如 apt
)或 Node.js 版本管理器(如 nvm
¥The Node.js website offers numerous installation methods that allow Node.js to be installed in a non-interactive manner,
for example, via CLIs, OS package managers (such as apt
), or Node.js version managers (such as nvm
Node.js 项目为了推广和宣传社区工作,推出了一个新的下载页面,列出了官方和社区安装方法,为用户提供了更多的灵活性和选择。通过这一变化,我们引入了 "官方" 和 "社区" 安装方法的概念。为了被视为 "官方",安装方法必须满足以下要求:
¥The Node.js project, in an attempt to popularize and advertise community efforts, has introduced a new Downloads page that lists both Official and Community installation methods, providing more versatility and options for users. With this change, we introduced the concept of "Official" and "Community" installation methods. In order to be considered "Official", the installation method must meet the following requirements:
要求 |
新的 Node.js 版本必须在正式发布时同时可用 |
项目维护者与 Node.js 关系密切,包括直接沟通 |
安装方法下载 Node.js 项目打包的官方二进制文件 |
安装方法在二进制文件可用时不会从源代码构建,也不会更改 Node.js 提供的官方二进制文件 |