- assert 断言
- async_hooks 异步钩子
- async_hooks/context 异步上下文
- buffer 缓冲区
- C++插件
- C/C++插件(使用 Node-API)
- C++嵌入器
- child_process 子进程
- cluster 集群
- CLI 命令行
- console 控制台
- Corepack 核心包
- crypto 加密
- crypto/webcrypto 网络加密
- debugger 调试器
- deprecation 弃用
- dgram 数据报
- diagnostics_channel 诊断通道
- dns 域名服务器
- domain 域
- Error 错误
- events 事件触发器
- fs 文件系统
- global 全局变量
- http 超文本传输协议
- http2 超文本传输协议 2.0
- https 安全超文本传输协议
- inspector 检查器
- Intl 国际化
- module 模块
- module/cjs CommonJS 模块
- module/esm ECMAScript 模块
- module/package 包模块
- module/typescript TS 模块
- net 网络
- os 操作系统
- path 路径
- perf_hooks 性能钩子
- permission 权限
- process 进程
- punycode 域名代码
- querystring 查询字符串
- quic 快速用户数据报协议互联网连接
- readline 逐行读取
- repl 交互式解释器
- report 诊断报告
- sea 单个可执行应用程序
Node.js v23.9.0 文档
- Node.js v23.9.0
- 目录
- assert 断言
- async_hooks 异步钩子
- async_hooks/context 异步上下文
- buffer 缓冲区
- C++插件
- C/C++插件(使用 Node-API)
- C++嵌入器
- child_process 子进程
- cluster 集群
- CLI 命令行
- console 控制台
- Corepack 核心包
- crypto 加密
- crypto/webcrypto 网络加密
- debugger 调试器
- deprecation 弃用
- dgram 数据报
- diagnostics_channel 诊断通道
- dns 域名服务器
- domain 域
- Error 错误
- events 事件触发器
- fs 文件系统
- global 全局变量
- http 超文本传输协议
- http2 超文本传输协议 2.0
- https 安全超文本传输协议
- inspector 检查器
- Intl 国际化
- module 模块
- module/cjs CommonJS 模块
- module/esm ECMAScript 模块
- module/package 包模块
- module/typescript TS 模块
- net 网络
- os 操作系统
- path 路径
- perf_hooks 性能钩子
- permission 权限
- process 进程
- punycode 域名代码
- querystring 查询字符串
- quic 快速用户数据报协议互联网连接
- readline 逐行读取
- repl 交互式解释器
- report 诊断报告
- sea 单个可执行应用程序
- 其他版本
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental
Corepack 是一个实验性工具,可帮助管理包管理器的版本。它为每个 支持的包管理器 公开二进制代理,在调用时,将识别为当前项目配置的任何包管理器,根据需要下载它,最后运行它。
¥*Corepack* is an experimental tool to help with managing versions of your package managers. It exposes binary proxies for each supported package manager that, when called, will identify whatever package manager is configured for the current project, download it if needed, and finally run it.
尽管 Corepack 是随 Node.js 的默认安装一起分发的,但由 Corepack 管理的包管理器并不是 Node.js 分发版的一部分,并且:
¥Despite Corepack being distributed with default installs of Node.js, the package managers managed by Corepack are not part of the Node.js distribution and:
首次使用时,Corepack 会从网络下载最新版本。
¥Upon first use, Corepack downloads the latest version from the network.
任何所需的更新(与安全漏洞或其他相关)都超出了 Node.js 项目的范围。如有必要,终端用户必须自行弄清楚如何更新。
¥Any required updates (related to security vulnerabilities or otherwise) are out of scope of the Node.js project. If necessary end users must figure out how to update on their own.
¥This feature simplifies two core workflows:
¥It eases new contributor onboarding, since they won't have to follow system-specific installation processes anymore just to have the package manager you want them to.
¥It allows you to ensure that everyone in your team will use exactly the package manager version you intend them to, without them having to manually synchronize it each time you need to make an update.
¥Enabling the feature
由于处于实验状态,目前需要显式地启用 Corepack 才能生效。为此,则运行 corepack enable
,其将在你的环境中设置 node
¥Due to its experimental status, Corepack currently needs to be explicitly
enabled to have any effect. To do that, run corepack enable
, which
will set up the symlinks in your environment next to the node
(and overwrite the existing symlinks if necessary).
从现在开始,对 支持的二进制文件 的任何调用都将无需进一步设置即可工作。如果你遇到问题,请运行 corepack disable
从你的系统中删除代理(并考虑在 Corepack 仓库 上打开一个问题让我们知道)。
¥From this point forward, any call to the supported binaries will work
without further setup. Should you experience a problem, run
corepack disable
to remove the proxies from your system (and consider
opening an issue on the Corepack repository to let us know).
¥Configuring a package
Corepack 代理将在当前目录层次结构中找到最近的 package.json
文件以提取其 "packageManager"
¥The Corepack proxies will find the closest package.json
file in your
current directory hierarchy to extract its "packageManager"
如果该值对应于 支持的包管理器,Corepack 将确保对相关二进制文件的所有调用都针对请求的版本运行,如果需要则按需下载,如果无法成功检索则中止。
¥If the value corresponds to a supported package manager, Corepack will make sure that all calls to the relevant binaries are run against the requested version, downloading it on demand if needed, and aborting if it cannot be successfully retrieved.
你可以使用 corepack use
要求 Corepack 更新你的本地 package.json
¥You can use corepack use
to ask Corepack to update your local
to use the package manager of your choice:
corepack use pnpm@7.x # sets the latest 7.x version in the package.json
corepack use yarn@* # sets the latest version in the package.json
¥Upgrading the global versions
当在现有项目之外运行时(例如运行 yarn init
时),Corepack 将默认使用与每个工具的最新稳定版本大致对应的预定义版本。可以通过运行 corepack install
¥When running outside of an existing project (for example when running
yarn init
), Corepack will by default use predefined versions roughly
corresponding to the latest stable releases from each tool. Those versions can
be overridden by running the corepack install
command along with the
package manager version you wish to set:
corepack install --global yarn@x.y.z
¥Alternately, a tag or range may be used:
corepack install --global pnpm@*
corepack install --global yarn@stable
¥Offline workflow
很多生产环境没有网络访问权限。由于 Corepack 通常直接从其仓库下载包管理器版本,它可能与此类环境发生冲突。为避免这种情况发生,请在你仍有网络访问权限时调用 corepack pack
¥Many production environments don't have network access. Since Corepack
usually downloads the package manager releases straight from their registries,
it can conflict with such environments. To avoid that happening, call the
corepack pack
command while you still have network access (typically at
the same time you're preparing your deploy image). This will ensure that the
required package managers are available even without network access.
命令有 各种标志。有关详细信息,请参阅详细的 Corepack 文档。
¥The pack
command has various flags. Consult the detailed
Corepack documentation for more information.
¥Supported package managers
以下二进制文件通过 Corepack 提供:
¥The following binaries are provided through Corepack:
包管理器 | 二进制名称 |
Yarn | yarn , yarnpkg |
pnpm | pnpm , pnpx |
¥Common questions
Corepack 如何与 npm 交互?#
¥How does Corepack interact with npm?
虽然 Corepack 可以像任何其他包管理器一样支持 npm,但默认情况下不启用它的 shim。这有几个后果:
¥While Corepack could support npm like any other package manager, its shims aren't enabled by default. This has a few consequences:
命令,因为 Corepack 无法拦截它。¥It's always possible to run a
command within a project configured to be used with another package manager, since Corepack cannot intercept it. -
属性中的有效选项,但缺少 shim 将导致使用全局 npm。¥While
is a valid option in the"packageManager"
property, the lack of shim will cause the global npm to be used.
运行 npm install -g yarn
¥Running npm install -g yarn
doesn't work
npm 防止在进行全局安装时意外覆盖 Corepack 二进制文件。为避免此问题,请考虑以下选项之一:
¥npm prevents accidentally overriding the Corepack binaries when doing a global install. To avoid this problem, consider one of the following options:
不要运行这个命令;Corepack 无论如何都会提供包管理器二进制文件,并确保请求的版本始终可用,因此不需要显式安装包管理器。
¥Don't run this command; Corepack will provide the package manager binaries anyway and will ensure that the requested versions are always available, so installing the package managers explicitly isn't needed.
npm install
标志;这将告诉 npm 可以覆盖二进制文件,但你将在此过程中删除 Corepack 文件。(运行corepack enable
将它们添加回来。)¥Add the
flag tonpm install
; this will tell npm that it's fine to override binaries, but you'll erase the Corepack ones in the process. (Runcorepack enable
to add them back.)