- assert 断言
- async_hooks 异步钩子
- async_hooks/context 异步上下文
- buffer 缓冲区
- C++插件
- C/C++插件(使用 Node-API)
- C++嵌入器
- child_process 子进程
- cluster 集群
- CLI 命令行
- console 控制台
- Corepack 核心包
- crypto 加密
- crypto/webcrypto 网络加密
- debugger 调试器
- deprecation 弃用
- dgram 数据报
- diagnostics_channel 诊断通道
- dns 域名服务器
- domain 域
- Error 错误
- events 事件触发器
- fs 文件系统
- global 全局变量
- http 超文本传输协议
- http2 超文本传输协议 2.0
- https 安全超文本传输协议
- inspector 检查器
- Intl 国际化
- module 模块
- module/cjs CommonJS 模块
- module/esm ECMAScript 模块
- module/package 包模块
- module/typescript TS 模块
- net 网络
- os 操作系统
- path 路径
- perf_hooks 性能钩子
- permission 权限
- process 进程
- punycode 域名代码
- querystring 查询字符串
- quic 快速用户数据报协议互联网连接
- readline 逐行读取
- repl 交互式解释器
- report 诊断报告
- sea 单个可执行应用程序
Node.js v23.9.0 文档
- Node.js v23.9.0
- 命令行 API
- 概要
- 程序入口点
- 选项
-C condition
,--eval "script"
,--print "script"
,--require module
- 环境变量
FORCE_COLOR=[1, 2, 3]
- 有用的 V8 选项
(以 MiB 为单位)--max-semi-space-size=SIZE
(以 MiB 为单位)--perf-basic-prof
- 命令行 API
- assert 断言
- async_hooks 异步钩子
- async_hooks/context 异步上下文
- buffer 缓冲区
- C++插件
- C/C++插件(使用 Node-API)
- C++嵌入器
- child_process 子进程
- cluster 集群
- CLI 命令行
- console 控制台
- Corepack 核心包
- crypto 加密
- crypto/webcrypto 网络加密
- debugger 调试器
- deprecation 弃用
- dgram 数据报
- diagnostics_channel 诊断通道
- dns 域名服务器
- domain 域
- Error 错误
- events 事件触发器
- fs 文件系统
- global 全局变量
- http 超文本传输协议
- http2 超文本传输协议 2.0
- https 安全超文本传输协议
- inspector 检查器
- Intl 国际化
- module 模块
- module/cjs CommonJS 模块
- module/esm ECMAScript 模块
- module/package 包模块
- module/typescript TS 模块
- net 网络
- os 操作系统
- path 路径
- perf_hooks 性能钩子
- permission 权限
- process 进程
- punycode 域名代码
- querystring 查询字符串
- quic 快速用户数据报协议互联网连接
- readline 逐行读取
- repl 交互式解释器
- report 诊断报告
- sea 单个可执行应用程序
- 其他版本
命令行 API#
¥Command-line API
Node.js 具有各种各样的命令行选项。这些选项暴露了内置调试、多种执行脚本的方式、以及其他有用的运行时选项。
¥Node.js comes with a variety of CLI options. These options expose built-in debugging, multiple ways to execute scripts, and other helpful runtime options.
要在终端中将本文档作为手册页查看,则运行 man node
¥To view this documentation as a manual page in a terminal, run man node
node [options] [V8 options] [<program-entry-point> | -e "script" | -] [--] [arguments]
node inspect [<program-entry-point> | -e "script" | <host>:<port>] …
node --v8-options
不带参数执行以启动 REPL。
¥Execute without arguments to start the REPL.
有关 node inspect
的更多信息,请参阅 debugger 文档。
¥For more info about node inspect
, see the debugger documentation.
¥Program entry point
程序入口点是类似说明符的字符串。如果字符串不是绝对路径,则解析为当前工作目录的相对路径。该路径然后由 CommonJS 模块加载器解析。如果没有找到对应的文件,则抛出错误。
¥The program entry point is a specifier-like string. If the string is not an absolute path, it's resolved as a relative path from the current working directory. That path is then resolved by CommonJS module loader. If no corresponding file is found, an error is thrown.
如果找到文件,其路径将在以下任何情况下传递给 ES 模块加载器:
¥If a file is found, its path will be passed to the ES module loader under any of the following conditions:
程序以命令行标志启动,该标志强制使用 ECMAScript 模块加载器(例如
)加载入口点。¥The program was started with a command-line flag that forces the entry point to be loaded with ECMAScript module loader, such as
. -
。¥The file has an
extension. -
字段。¥The file does not have a
extension, and the nearest parentpackage.json
file contains a top-level"type"
field with a value of"module"
否则,使用 CommonJS 模块加载器加载文件。有关详细信息,请参阅 模块加载器。
¥Otherwise, the file is loaded using the CommonJS module loader. See Modules loaders for more details.
ECMAScript 模块加载器入口点警告#
¥ECMAScript modules loader entry point caveat
加载时,ES 模块加载器 加载程序入口点,node
命令将仅接受具有 .js
或 .cjs
扩展名的文件作为输入。 使用以下标志,可以启用其他文件扩展名:
¥When loading, the ES module loader loads the program
entry point, the node
command will accept as input only files with .js
, or .cjs
extensions. With the following flags, additional file
extensions are enabled:
for files with.wasm
extension. -
for files with.node
所有选项,包括 V8 选项,都允许用破折号 (-
) 或下划线 (_
) 分隔单词。例如,--pending-deprecation
等价于 --pending_deprecation
¥All options, including V8 options, allow words to be separated by both
dashes (-
) or underscores (_
). For example, --pending-deprecation
equivalent to --pending_deprecation
如果接受单个值的选项(例如 --max-http-header-size
)被多次传入,则使用最后传入的值。来自命令行的选项优先于通过 NODE_OPTIONS
¥If an option that takes a single value (such as --max-http-header-size
) is
passed more than once, then the last passed value is used. Options from the
command line take precedence over options passed through the NODE_OPTIONS
environment variable.
标准输入的别名。类似于在其他命令行工具中使用 -
¥Alias for stdin. Analogous to the use of -
in other command-line utilities,
meaning that the script is read from stdin, and the rest of the options
are passed to that script.
指示 node 选项的结束。将其余参数传给脚本。如果在此之前没有提供脚本文件名或评估/打印脚本,则下一个参数用作脚本文件名。
¥Indicate the end of node options. Pass the rest of the arguments to the script. If no script filename or eval/print script is supplied prior to this, then the next argument is used as a script filename.
中止而不是退出会导致使用调试器(例如 lldb
和 mdb
¥Aborting instead of exiting causes a core file to be generated for post-mortem
analysis using a debugger (such as lldb
, gdb
, and mdb
如果传入了此标志,则该行为仍然可以设置为不通过 process.setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback()
中止(以及通过使用使用它的 node:domain
¥If this flag is passed, the behavior can still be set to not abort through
(and through usage of the
module that uses it).
¥Stability: 1.1 - Active development
当使用 权限模型 时,该进程默认将无法使用原生插件。尝试这样做将抛出 ERR_DLOPEN_DISABLED
,除非用户在启动 Node.js 时明确传递 --allow-addons
¥When using the Permission Model, the process will not be able to use
native addons by default.
Attempts to do so will throw an ERR_DLOPEN_DISABLED
unless the
user explicitly passes the --allow-addons
flag when starting Node.js.
// Attempt to require an native addon
$ node --permission --allow-fs-read=* index.js
return process.dlopen(module, path.toNamespacedPath(filename));
Error: Cannot load native addon because loading addons is disabled.
at Module._extensions..node (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1319:18)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1091:32)
at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:938:12)
at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1115:19)
at require (node:internal/modules/helpers:130:18)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/index.js:1:15)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1233:14)
at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1287:10)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1091:32)
at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:938:12) {
¥Stability: 1.1 - Active development
使用 权限模型 时,默认情况下该进程将无法生成任何子进程。尝试这样做将抛出 ERR_ACCESS_DENIED
,除非用户在启动 Node.js 时明确传递 --allow-child-process
¥When using the Permission Model, the process will not be able to spawn any
child process by default.
Attempts to do so will throw an ERR_ACCESS_DENIED
unless the
user explicitly passes the --allow-child-process
flag when starting Node.js.
const childProcess = require('node:child_process');
// Attempt to bypass the permission
childProcess.spawn('node', ['-e', 'require("fs").writeFileSync("/new-file", "example")']);
$ node --permission --allow-fs-read=* index.js
const err = this._handle.spawn(options);
Error: Access to this API has been restricted
at ChildProcess.spawn (node:internal/child_process:388:28)
at node:internal/main/run_main_module:17:47 {
permission: 'ChildProcess'
与 child_process.spawn
API 从父进程复制执行参数。这意味着,如果你在启用权限模型的情况下启动 Node.js 并包含 --allow-child-process
标志,则调用 child_process.fork()
¥Unlike child_process.spawn
, the child_process.fork
API copies the execution
arguments from the parent process. This means that if you start Node.js with the
Permission Model enabled and include the --allow-child-process
flag, calling
will propagate all Permission Model flags to the child
¥Stability: 2 - Stable.
此标志使用 权限模型 配置文件系统读取权限。
¥This flag configures file system read permissions using the Permission Model.
¥The valid arguments for the --allow-fs-read
flag are:
- 允许所有FileSystemRead
- To allow allFileSystemRead
operations. -
标志可以允许多个路径。示例--allow-fs-read=/folder1/ --allow-fs-read=/folder1/
¥Multiple paths can be allowed using multiple
flags. Example--allow-fs-read=/folder1/ --allow-fs-read=/folder1/
可以在 文件系统权限 文档中找到示例。
¥Examples can be found in the File System Permissions documentation.
¥The initializer module also needs to be allowed. Consider the following example:
$ node --permission index.js
Error: Access to this API has been restricted
at node:internal/main/run_main_module:23:47 {
permission: 'FileSystemRead',
resource: '/Users/rafaelgss/repos/os/node/index.js'
该进程需要访问 index.js
¥The process needs to have access to the index.js
node --permission --allow-fs-read=/path/to/index.js index.js
¥Stability: 2 - Stable.
该标志使用 权限模型 配置文件系统写权限。
¥This flag configures file system write permissions using the Permission Model.
¥The valid arguments for the --allow-fs-write
flag are:
- 允许所有FileSystemWrite
- To allow allFileSystemWrite
operations. -
标志可以允许多个路径。示例--allow-fs-write=/folder1/ --allow-fs-write=/folder1/
¥Multiple paths can be allowed using multiple
flags. Example--allow-fs-write=/folder1/ --allow-fs-write=/folder1/
不再允许使用逗号 (,
) 分隔的路径。当传递带有逗号的单个标志时,将显示警告。
¥Paths delimited by comma (,
) are no longer allowed.
When passing a single flag with a comma a warning will be displayed.
可以在 文件系统权限 文档中找到示例。
¥Examples can be found in the File System Permissions documentation.
¥Stability: 1.1 - Active development
使用 权限模型 时,默认情况下,进程将无法创建任何 WASI 实例。出于安全原因,除非用户在主 Node.js 进程中明确传递标志 --allow-wasi
¥When using the Permission Model, the process will not be capable of creating
any WASI instances by default.
For security reasons, the call will throw an ERR_ACCESS_DENIED
unless the
user explicitly passes the flag --allow-wasi
in the main Node.js process.
const { WASI } = require('node:wasi');
// Attempt to bypass the permission
new WASI({
version: 'preview1',
// Attempt to mount the whole filesystem
preopens: {
'/': '/',
$ node --permission --allow-fs-read=* index.js
Error: Access to this API has been restricted
at node:internal/main/run_main_module:30:49 {
permission: 'WASI',
¥Stability: 1.1 - Active development
使用 权限模型 时,进程默认无法创建任何工作线程。出于安全原因,除非用户在主 Node.js 进程中显式传递标志 --allow-worker
¥When using the Permission Model, the process will not be able to create any
worker threads by default.
For security reasons, the call will throw an ERR_ACCESS_DENIED
unless the
user explicitly pass the flag --allow-worker
in the main Node.js process.
const { Worker } = require('node:worker_threads');
// Attempt to bypass the permission
new Worker(__filename);
$ node --permission --allow-fs-read=* index.js
Error: Access to this API has been restricted
at node:internal/main/run_main_module:17:47 {
permission: 'WorkerThreads'
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental
进程退出时生成快照 blob 并将其写入磁盘,稍后可以使用 --snapshot-blob
¥Generates a snapshot blob when the process exits and writes it to
disk, which can be loaded later with --snapshot-blob
当构建快照时,如果不指定 --snapshot-blob
,则生成的 blob 会默认写入当前工作目录下的 snapshot.blob
。否则会写入 --snapshot-blob
¥When building the snapshot, if --snapshot-blob
is not specified,
the generated blob will be written, by default, to snapshot.blob
in the current working directory. Otherwise it will be written to
the path specified by --snapshot-blob
$ echo "globalThis.foo = 'I am from the snapshot'" > snapshot.js
# Run snapshot.js to initialize the application and snapshot the
# state of it into snapshot.blob.
$ node --snapshot-blob snapshot.blob --build-snapshot snapshot.js
$ echo "console.log(globalThis.foo)" > index.js
# Load the generated snapshot and start the application from index.js.
$ node --snapshot-blob snapshot.blob index.js
I am from the snapshot
API 可用于在快照构建时指定入口点,从而避免在反序列化时需要额外的入口脚本:
¥The v8.startupSnapshot
API can be used to specify an entry point at
snapshot building time, thus avoiding the need of an additional entry
script at deserialization time:
$ echo "require('v8').startupSnapshot.setDeserializeMainFunction(() => console.log('I am from the snapshot'))" > snapshot.js
$ node --snapshot-blob snapshot.blob --build-snapshot snapshot.js
$ node --snapshot-blob snapshot.blob
I am from the snapshot
有关详细信息,请查看 v8.startupSnapshot
API 文档。
¥For more information, check out the v8.startupSnapshot
API documentation.
¥Currently the support for run-time snapshot is experimental in that:
¥User-land modules are not yet supported in the snapshot, so only one single file can be snapshotted. Users can bundle their applications into a single script with their bundler of choice before building a snapshot, however.
只有一部分内置模块在快照中工作,尽管 Node.js 核心测试套件会检查一些相当复杂的应用是否可以被快照。正在添加对更多模块的支持。如果在构建快照时发生任何崩溃或错误行为,请在 Node.js 问题跟踪器 中提交报告并在 用户态快照的跟踪问题 中链接到它。
¥Only a subset of the built-in modules work in the snapshot, though the Node.js core test suite checks that a few fairly complex applications can be snapshotted. Support for more modules are being added. If any crashes or buggy behaviors occur when building a snapshot, please file a report in the Node.js issue tracker and link to it in the tracking issue for user-land snapshots.
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental
指定配置快照创建行为的 JSON 配置文件的路径。
¥Specifies the path to a JSON configuration file which configures snapshot creation behavior.
¥The following options are currently supported:
<string> 必需的。为构建快照之前执行的脚本提供名称,就好像--build-snapshot
<string> Required. Provides the name to the script that is executed before building the snapshot, as if--build-snapshot
had been passed withbuilder
as the main script name. -
<boolean> 可选的。包含代码缓存可以减少编译快照中包含的函数所花费的时间,但代价是快照大小更大,并可能破坏快照的可移植性。¥
<boolean> Optional. Including the code cache reduces the time spent on compiling functions included in the snapshot at the expense of a bigger snapshot size and potentially breaking portability of the snapshot.
¥When using this flag, additional script files provided on the command line will not be executed and instead be interpreted as regular command line arguments.
, --check
¥Syntax check the script without executing.
为 Node.js 打印可源代码的 bash 完成脚本。
¥Print source-able bash completion script for Node.js.
node --completion-bash > node_bash_completion
source node_bash_completion
-C condition
, --conditions=condition
¥Stability: 2 - Stable
提供自定义 条件导出 解析条件。
¥Provide custom conditional exports resolution conditions.
¥Any number of custom string condition names are permitted.
和 "require"
的默认 Node.js 条件将始终按照定义应用。
¥The default Node.js conditions of "node"
, "default"
, "import"
, and
will always apply as defined.
例如,要运行具有 "development" 解析的模块:
¥For example, to run a module with "development" resolutions:
node -C development app.js
¥Stability: 2 - Stable
启动时开始 V8 CPU 分析器,并且在退出前将 CPU 分析文件写入磁盘。
¥Starts the V8 CPU profiler on start up, and writes the CPU profile to disk before exit.
如果未指定 --cpu-prof-dir
¥If --cpu-prof-dir
is not specified, the generated profile is placed
in the current working directory.
如果未指定 --cpu-prof-name
,则生成的分析文件名为 CPU.${yyyymmdd}.${hhmmss}.${pid}.${tid}.${seq}.cpuprofile
¥If --cpu-prof-name
is not specified, the generated profile is
named CPU.${yyyymmdd}.${hhmmss}.${pid}.${tid}.${seq}.cpuprofile
$ node --cpu-prof index.js
$ ls *.cpuprofile
¥Stability: 2 - Stable
指定放置 --cpu-prof
生成的 CPU 分析文件的目录
¥Specify the directory where the CPU profiles generated by --cpu-prof
be placed.
默认值由 --diagnostic-dir
¥The default value is controlled by the
command-line option.
¥Stability: 2 - Stable
为 --cpu-prof
生成的 CPU 分析文件指定以微秒为单位的采样间隔。默认为 1000 微秒。
¥Specify the sampling interval in microseconds for the CPU profiles generated
by --cpu-prof
. The default is 1000 microseconds.
¥Stability: 2 - Stable
指定 --cpu-prof
生成的 CPU 分析文件的文件名。
¥Specify the file name of the CPU profile generated by --cpu-prof
¥Set the directory to which all diagnostic output files are written. Defaults to current working directory.
¥Affects the default output directory of:
禁用 Object.prototype.__proto__
属性。如果 mode
是 delete
,则该属性将被完全删除。如果 mode
是 throw
,则访问该属性会使用代码 ERR_PROTO_ACCESS
¥Disable the Object.prototype.__proto__
property. If mode
is delete
, the
property is removed entirely. If mode
is throw
, accesses to the
property throw an exception with the code ERR_PROTO_ACCESS
¥Stability: 1.2 - Release candidate
通过向进程发送 SIGUSR1
¥Disable the ability of starting a debugging session by sending a
signal to the process.
¥Stability: 1.1 - Active development
按 code
或 type
¥Disable specific process warnings by code
or type
从 process.emitWarning()
触发的警告可能包含 code
和 type
。此选项不会触发具有匹配 code
或 type
¥Warnings emitted from process.emitWarning()
may contain a
and a type
. This option will not-emit warnings that have a matching
or type
弃用警告 名单。
¥List of deprecation warnings.
Node.js 核心警告类型有:DeprecationWarning
和 ExperimentalWarning
¥The Node.js core warning types are: DeprecationWarning
例如,以下脚本在使用 node --disable-warning=DEP0025
执行时不会触发 DEP0025 require('node:sys')
¥For example, the following script will not emit
DEP0025 require('node:sys')
when executed with
node --disable-warning=DEP0025
import sys from 'node:sys';
const sys = require('node:sys');
例如,当使用 node --disable-warning=ExperimentalWarning
执行时,以下脚本将触发 DEP0025 require('node:sys')
,但不会触发任何实验警告(例如 <=v21 中的 实验警告:vm.measureMemory
¥For example, the following script will emit the
DEP0025 require('node:sys')
, but not any Experimental
Warnings (such as
ExperimentalWarning: vm.measureMemory
is an experimental feature
in <=v21) when executed with node --disable-warning=ExperimentalWarning
import sys from 'node:sys';
import vm from 'node:vm';
const sys = require('node:sys');
const vm = require('node:vm');
默认情况下,Node.js 启用基于陷阱处理程序的 WebAssembly 绑定检查。因此,V8 不需要在从 WebAssembly 编译的代码中插入内联绑定检查,这可能会显着加快 WebAssembly 的执行速度,但这种优化需要分配一个大的虚拟内存笼(目前为 10GB)。如果 Node.js 进程由于系统配置或硬件限制而无法访问足够大的虚拟内存地址空间,则用户将无法运行任何涉及此虚拟内存笼中分配的 WebAssembly,并且会看到以下输出:内存错误。
¥By default, Node.js enables trap-handler-based WebAssembly bound checks. As a result, V8 does not need to insert inline bound checks int the code compiled from WebAssembly which may speedup WebAssembly execution significantly, but this optimization requires allocating a big virtual memory cage (currently 10GB). If the Node.js process does not have access to a large enough virtual memory address space due to system configurations or hardware limitations, users won't be able to run any WebAssembly that involves allocation in this virtual memory cage and will see an out-of-memory error.
$ ulimit -v 5000000
$ node -p "new WebAssembly.Memory({ initial: 10, maximum: 100 });"
new WebAssembly.Memory({ initial: 10, maximum: 100 });
RangeError: WebAssembly.Memory(): could not allocate memory
at [eval]:1:1
at runScriptInThisContext (node:internal/vm:209:10)
at node:internal/process/execution:118:14
at [eval]-wrapper:6:24
at runScript (node:internal/process/execution:101:62)
at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:136:3)
at node:internal/main/eval_string:49:3
禁用此优化,以便当 Node.js 进程可用的虚拟内存地址空间低于 V8 WebAssembly 内存笼所需的空间时,用户至少可以运行 WebAssembly(性能不太理想)。
disables this optimization so that
users can at least run WebAssembly (with less optimal performance)
when the virtual memory address space available to their Node.js
process is lower than what the V8 WebAssembly memory cage needs.
使从字符串生成代码的 eval
和 new Function
等内置语言功能抛出异常。这不会影响 Node.js node:vm
¥Make built-in language features like eval
and new Function
that generate
code from strings throw an exception instead. This does not affect the Node.js
在 dns.lookup()
和 dnsPromises.lookup()
中设置 order
¥Set the default value of order
in dns.lookup()
. The value could be:
: sets defaultorder
. -
: sets defaultorder
. -
: sets defaultorder
默认为 verbatim
,并且 dns.setDefaultResultOrder()
的优先级高于 --dns-result-order
¥The default is verbatim
and dns.setDefaultResultOrder()
have higher
priority than --dns-result-order
在启动时启用符合 FIPS 的加密。(需要针对兼容 FIPS 的 OpenSSL 构建 Node.js。)
¥Enable FIPS-compliant crypto at startup. (Requires Node.js to be built against FIPS-compatible OpenSSL.)
¥Enables the family autoselection algorithm unless connection options explicitly disables it.
为堆栈跟踪启用 源映射 v3 支持。
¥Enable Source Map v3 support for stack traces.
当使用转译器(例如 TypeScript)时,应用抛出的堆栈跟踪会引用转译后的代码,而不是原始的源位置。--enable-source-maps
¥When using a transpiler, such as TypeScript, stack traces thrown by an
application reference the transpiled code, not the original source position.
enables caching of Source Maps and makes a best
effort to report stack traces relative to the original source file.
覆盖 Error.prepareStackTrace
可能会阻止 --enable-source-maps
修改堆栈跟踪。在重写函数中调用并返回原始 Error.prepareStackTrace
¥Overriding Error.prepareStackTrace
may prevent --enable-source-maps
modifying the stack trace. Call and return the results of the original
in the overriding function to modify the stack trace
with source maps.
const originalPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace;
Error.prepareStackTrace = (error, trace) => {
// Modify error and trace and format stack trace with
// original Error.prepareStackTrace.
return originalPrepareStackTrace(error, trace);
注意,启用源映射会在访问 Error.stack
时给你的应用引入延迟。如果你在应用中频繁访问 Error.stack
,则考虑 --enable-source-maps
¥Note, enabling source maps can introduce latency to your application
when Error.stack
is accessed. If you access Error.stack
in your application, take into account the performance implications
of --enable-source-maps
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental
如果存在,Node.js 会将入口点解释为 URL,而不是路径。
¥When present, Node.js will interpret the entry point as a URL, rather than a path.
遵循 ECMAScript 模块 解析规则。
¥Follows ECMAScript module resolution rules.
URL 中的任何查询参数或哈希都可以通过 import.meta.url
¥Any query parameter or hash in the URL will be accessible via import.meta.url
node --entry-url 'file:///path/to/file.js?queryparams=work#and-hashes-too'
node --entry-url 'file.ts?query#hash'
node --entry-url 'data:text/javascript,console.log("Hello")'
¥Stability: 1.1 - Active development
行为与 --env-file
¥Behavior is the same as --env-file
, but an error is not thrown if the file
does not exist.
¥Stability: 1.1 - Active development
从相对于当前目录的文件加载环境变量,使它们可供 process.env
上的应用使用。解析并应用 配置 Node.js 的环境变量,例如 NODE_OPTIONS
¥Loads environment variables from a file relative to the current directory,
making them available to applications on process.env
. The environment
variables which configure Node.js, such as NODE_OPTIONS
are parsed and applied. If the same variable is defined in the environment and
in the file, the value from the environment takes precedence.
你可以传递多个 --env-file
¥You can pass multiple --env-file
arguments. Subsequent files override
pre-existing variables defined in previous files.
¥An error is thrown if the file does not exist.
node --env-file=.env --env-file=.development.env index.js
文件的格式应为每个键值对一行,由 =
¥The format of the file should be one line per key-value pair of environment
variable name and value separated by =
¥Any text after a #
is treated as a comment:
# This is a comment
PORT=3000 # This is also a comment
或 '
¥Values can start and end with the following quotes: `
, "
or '
They are omitted from the values.
USERNAME="nodejs" # will result in `nodejs` as the value.
¥Multi-line values are supported:
# will result in `THIS IS\nA MULTILINE` as the value.
¥Export keyword before a key is ignored:
export USERNAME="nodejs" # will result in `nodejs` as the value.
如果要从可能不存在的文件加载环境变量,可以改用 --env-file-if-exists
¥If you want to load environment variables from a file that may not exist, you
can use the --env-file-if-exists
flag instead.
, --eval "script"
将以下参数作为 JavaScript 评估。交互式解释器中预定义的模块也可以在 script
¥Evaluate the following argument as JavaScript. The modules which are
predefined in the REPL can also be used in script
在 Windows 上,使用 cmd.exe
单引号将无法正常工作,因为它只能识别双 "
进行引用。在 Powershell 或 Git bash 中,'
和 "
¥On Windows, using cmd.exe
a single quote will not work correctly because it
only recognizes double "
for quoting. In Powershell or Git bash, both '
and "
are usable.
除非提供了 --no-experimental-strip-types
¥It is possible to run code containing inline types unless the
flag is provided.
¥Stability: 1.0 - Early development
启用对 .node
¥Enable experimental import support for .node
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental
启用由 AsyncContextFrame
支持的 AsyncLocalStorage
,而不是依赖于 async_hooks 的默认实现。这个新模型的实现方式非常不同,因此上下文数据在应用内的流动方式可能会有所不同。因此,目前建议在生产中使用它之前确保你的应用行为不受此更改的影响。
¥Enables the use of AsyncLocalStorage
backed by AsyncContextFrame
than the default implementation which relies on async_hooks. This new model is
implemented very differently and so could have differences in how context data
flows within the application. As such, it is presently recommended to be sure
your application behaviour is unaffected by this change before using it in
在全局作用域内启用 EventSource Web API 的展示。
¥Enable exposition of EventSource Web API on the global scope.
启用实验性 import.meta.resolve()
父 URL 支持,该支持允许传递第二个 parentURL
¥Enable experimental import.meta.resolve()
parent URL support, which allows
passing a second parentURL
argument for contextual resolution.
之前对整个 import.meta.resolve
¥Previously gated the entire import.meta.resolve
不鼓励使用此标志,并且可能会在 Node.js 的未来版本中将其删除。请改用
。¥This flag is discouraged and may be removed in a future version of Node.js. Please use
指定包含导出的 模块定制钩子 的 module
可以是接受为 import
说明符 的任何字符串。
¥Specify the module
containing exported module customization hooks.
may be any string accepted as an import
如果与 权限模型 一起使用,此功能需要 --allow-worker
¥This feature requires --allow-worker
if used with the Permission Model.
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental
使用 Chrome DevTools 启用对网络检查的实验性支持。
¥Enable experimental support for the network inspection with Chrome DevTools.
如果 require()
的 ES 模块包含顶层 await
,则此标志允许 Node.js 评估模块,尝试找到顶层等待,并打印它们的位置以帮助用户找到它们。
¥If the ES module being require()
'd contains top-level await
, this flag
allows Node.js to evaluate the module, try to locate the
top-level awaits, and print their location to help users find them.
¥Stability: 1.1 - Active Development
支持在 require()
中加载同步 ES 模块图。
¥Supports loading a synchronous ES module graph in require()
参见 使用 require()
加载 ECMAScript 模块。
¥See Loading ECMAScript modules using require()
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental
使用此标志生成一个 blob,该 blob 可以注入到 Node.js 二进制文件中以生成 单个可执行应用。有关详细信息,请参阅有关 这个配置 的文档。
¥Use this flag to generate a blob that can be injected into the Node.js binary to produce a single executable application. See the documentation about this configuration for details.
使用此标志启用 ShadowRealm 支持。
¥Use this flag to enable ShadowRealm support.
与 node:test
模块结合使用时,会生成代码覆盖率报告作为测试运行器输出的一部分。如果没有运行测试,则不会生成覆盖率报告。有关详细信息,请参阅 从测试中收集代码覆盖率 上的文档。
¥When used in conjunction with the node:test
module, a code coverage report is
generated as part of the test runner output. If no tests are run, a coverage
report is not generated. See the documentation on
collecting code coverage from tests for more details.
¥Stability: 1.0 - Early development
¥Enable module mocking in the test runner.
如果与 权限模型 一起使用,此功能需要 --allow-worker
¥This feature requires --allow-worker
if used with the Permission Model.
¥Stability: 1.1 - Active development
启用将仅 TypeScript 语法转换为 JavaScript 代码。暗示 --enable-source-maps
¥Enables the transformation of TypeScript-only syntax into JavaScript code.
Implies --enable-source-maps
在 node:vm
模块中启用实验性 ES 模块支持。
¥Enable experimental ES Module support in the node:vm
启用实验性 WebAssembly 系统接口 (WASI) 支持。
¥Enable experimental WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) support.
启用实验性 WebAssembly 模块支持。
¥Enable experimental WebAssembly module support.
启用实验性 Web Storage
¥Enable experimental Web Storage
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental. This flag is inherited from V8 and is subject to change upstream.
此标志将公开 V8 的 gc 扩展。
¥This flag will expose the gc extension from V8.
if (globalThis.gc) {
禁止加载非 context-aware 的原生插件。
¥Disable loading native addons that are not context-aware.
在启动时强制执行符合 FIPS 的加密。(不能从脚本代码中禁用。)(与 --enable-fips
¥Force FIPS-compliant crypto on startup. (Cannot be disabled from script code.)
(Same requirements as --enable-fips
在 Node-API 异步回调上强制执行 uncaughtException
¥Enforces uncaughtException
event on Node-API asynchronous callbacks.
¥To prevent from an existing add-on from crashing the process, this flag is not enabled by default. In the future, this flag will be enabled by default to enforce the correct behavior.
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental
启用像 Array
和 Object
¥Enable experimental frozen intrinsics like Array
and Object
仅支持根上下文。不能保证 globalThis.Array
¥Only the root context is supported. There is no guarantee that
is indeed the default intrinsic reference. Code may break
under this flag.
为了允许添加 polyfill,--require
和 --import
¥To allow polyfills to be added,
and --import
both run before freezing intrinsics.
¥Stability: 2 - Stable
在启动时开始 V8 堆分析器,并在退出前将堆分析器写入磁盘。
¥Starts the V8 heap profiler on start up, and writes the heap profile to disk before exit.
如果未指定 --heap-prof-dir
¥If --heap-prof-dir
is not specified, the generated profile is placed
in the current working directory.
如果未指定 --heap-prof-name
,则生成的分析文件名为 Heap.${yyyymmdd}.${hhmmss}.${pid}.${tid}.${seq}.heapprofile
¥If --heap-prof-name
is not specified, the generated profile is
named Heap.${yyyymmdd}.${hhmmss}.${pid}.${tid}.${seq}.heapprofile
$ node --heap-prof index.js
$ ls *.heapprofile
¥Stability: 2 - Stable
指定 --heap-prof
¥Specify the directory where the heap profiles generated by --heap-prof
be placed.
默认值由 --diagnostic-dir
¥The default value is controlled by the
command-line option.
¥Stability: 2 - Stable
指定 --heap-prof
生成的堆分析文件的平均采样间隔(以字节为单位)。默认为 512 * 1024 字节。
¥Specify the average sampling interval in bytes for the heap profiles generated
by --heap-prof
. The default is 512 * 1024 bytes.
¥Stability: 2 - Stable
指定 --heap-prof
¥Specify the file name of the heap profile generated by --heap-prof
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental
当 V8 堆使用量接近堆限制时,将 V8 堆快照写入磁盘。count
应该是非负整数(在这种情况下,Node.js 将不超过 max_count
¥Writes a V8 heap snapshot to disk when the V8 heap usage is approaching the
heap limit. count
should be a non-negative integer (in which case
Node.js will write no more than max_count
snapshots to disk).
当生成快照时,可能会触发垃圾回收并降低堆使用率。因此,在 Node.js 实例最终内存不足之前,可能会将多个快照写入磁盘。可以比较这些堆快照以确定在拍摄连续快照期间正在分配哪些对象。不能保证 Node.js 会准确地将 max_count
个快照写入磁盘,但是当 max_count
大于 0
时,它会尽量在 Node.js 实例耗尽内存之前生成至少一个和最多 max_count
¥When generating snapshots, garbage collection may be triggered and bring
the heap usage down. Therefore multiple snapshots may be written to disk
before the Node.js instance finally runs out of memory. These heap snapshots
can be compared to determine what objects are being allocated during the
time consecutive snapshots are taken. It's not guaranteed that Node.js will
write exactly max_count
snapshots to disk, but it will try
its best to generate at least one and up to max_count
snapshots before the
Node.js instance runs out of memory when max_count
is greater than 0
生成 V8 快照需要时间和内存(由 V8 堆管理的内存和 V8 堆外的原生内存)。堆越大,需要的资源越多。Node.js 会调整 V8 堆以适应额外的 V8 堆内存开销,并尽量避免耗尽进程可用的所有内存。当进程使用的内存超过系统认为合适的内存时,该进程可能会被系统突然终止,具体取决于系统配置。
¥Generating V8 snapshots takes time and memory (both memory managed by the V8 heap and native memory outside the V8 heap). The bigger the heap is, the more resources it needs. Node.js will adjust the V8 heap to accommodate the additional V8 heap memory overhead, and try its best to avoid using up all the memory available to the process. When the process uses more memory than the system deems appropriate, the process may be terminated abruptly by the system, depending on the system configuration.
$ node --max-old-space-size=100 --heapsnapshot-near-heap-limit=3 index.js
Wrote snapshot to Heap.20200430.100036.49580.0.001.heapsnapshot
Wrote snapshot to Heap.20200430.100037.49580.0.002.heapsnapshot
Wrote snapshot to Heap.20200430.100038.49580.0.003.heapsnapshot
<--- Last few GCs --->
[49580:0x110000000] 4826 ms: Mark-sweep 130.6 (147.8) -> 130.5 (147.8) MB, 27.4 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.126, current mu = 0.034) allocation failure scavenge might not succeed
[49580:0x110000000] 4845 ms: Mark-sweep 130.6 (147.8) -> 130.6 (147.8) MB, 18.8 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.088, current mu = 0.031) allocation failure scavenge might not succeed
<--- JS stacktrace --->
FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
启用信号句柄,当接收到指定的信号时,它会导致 Node.js 进程写入堆转储。signal
¥Enables a signal handler that causes the Node.js process to write a heap dump
when the specified signal is received. signal
must be a valid signal name.
Disabled by default.
$ node --heapsnapshot-signal=SIGUSR2 index.js &
$ ps aux
node 1 5.5 6.1 787252 247004 ? Ssl 16:43 0:02 node --heapsnapshot-signal=SIGUSR2 index.js
$ kill -USR2 1
$ ls
, --help
打印 node 命令行选项。此选项的输出不如本文档详细。
¥Print node command-line options. The output of this option is less detailed than this document.
指定 ICU 数据加载路径。(覆盖 NODE_ICU_DATA
¥Specify ICU data load path. (Overrides NODE_ICU_DATA
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental
在启动时预加载指定的模块。如果多次提供该标志,则每个模块将按照它们出现的顺序依次执行,从 NODE_OPTIONS
¥Preload the specified module at startup. If the flag is provided several times,
each module will be executed sequentially in the order they appear, starting
with the ones provided in NODE_OPTIONS
遵循 ECMAScript 模块 解析规则。使用 --require
加载 CommonJS 模块。预加载 --require
的模块将在预加载 --import
¥Follows ECMAScript module resolution rules.
Use --require
to load a CommonJS module.
Modules preloaded with --require
will run before modules preloaded with --import
¥Modules are preloaded into the main thread as well as any worker threads, forked processes, or clustered processes.
这将 Node.js 配置为将 --eval
输入解释为 CommonJS 或 ES 模块。有效值为 "commonjs"
和 "commonjs-typescript"
值不适用于标志 --no-experimental-strip-types
。默认为 "commonjs"
¥This configures Node.js to interpret --eval
input as CommonJS or
as an ES module. Valid values are "commonjs"
, "module"
, "module-typescript"
and "commonjs-typescript"
The "-typescript"
values are not available with the flag --no-experimental-strip-types
The default is "commonjs"
如果未提供 --input-type
,Node.js 将尝试通过以下步骤检测语法:
¥If --input-type
is not provided,
Node.js will try to detect the syntax with the following steps:
将输入作为 CommonJS 运行。
¥Run the input as CommonJS.
如果步骤 1 失败,则将输入作为 ES 模块运行。
¥If step 1 fails, run the input as an ES module.
如果步骤 2 因 SyntaxError 而失败,则删除类型。
¥If step 2 fails with a SyntaxError, strip the types.
如果步骤 3 失败并出现错误代码
,则抛出步骤 2 中的错误,包括消息中的 TypeScript 错误,否则以 CommonJS 形式运行。¥If step 3 fails with an error code
, throw the error from step 2, including the TypeScript error in the message, else run as CommonJS. -
如果步骤 4 失败,则将输入作为 ES 模块运行。
¥If step 4 fails, run the input as an ES module.
为了避免多次语法检测延迟,可以使用 --input-type=type
标志来指定应如何解释 --eval
¥To avoid the delay of multiple syntax detection passes, the --input-type=type
flag can be used to specify
how the --eval
input should be interpreted.
REPL 不支持此选项。将 --input-type=module
与 --print
一起使用会引发错误,因为 --print
不支持 ES 模块语法。
¥The REPL does not support this option. Usage of --input-type=module
will throw an error, as --print
does not support ES module
在 HTTP 解析器上启用宽大标志。这可能允许与不一致的 HTTP 实现的互操作性。
¥Enable leniency flags on the HTTP parser. This may allow interoperability with non-conformant HTTP implementations.
¥When enabled, the parser will accept the following:
HTTP 标头值无效。
¥Invalid HTTP headers values.
无效的 HTTP 版本。
¥Invalid HTTP versions.
标头的消息。¥Allow message containing both
headers. -
Connection: close
存在时,允许在消息后添加额外数据。¥Allow extra data after message when
Connection: close
is present. -
后允许额外的传输编码。¥Allow extra transfer encodings after
has been provided. -
to be used as token separator instead of\r\n
. -
not to be provided after a chunk. -
之前存在空格。¥Allow spaces to be present after a chunk size and before
¥All the above will expose your application to request smuggling or poisoning attack. Avoid using this option.
警告:将检查器绑定到公共 IP:端口组合不安全#
¥Warning: binding inspector to a public IP:port combination is insecure
将检查器绑定到具有开放端口的公共 IP(包括
)是不安全的,因为它允许外部主机连接到检查器并执行 远程代码执行 攻击。
¥Binding the inspector to a public IP (including
) with an open port is
insecure, as it allows external hosts to connect to the inspector and perform
a remote code execution attack.
¥If specifying a host, make sure that either:
¥The host is not accessible from public networks.
¥A firewall disallows unwanted connections on the port.
更具体地说,如果端口(默认为 9229
)未受防火墙保护,则 --inspect=
¥More specifically, --inspect=
is insecure if the port (9229
default) is not firewall-protected.
有关详细信息,请参阅 调试安全隐患 部分。
¥See the debugging security implications section for more information.
在 host:port
上激活检查器并在用户脚本开始时中断。默认 host:port
。如果指定了端口 0
¥Activate inspector on host:port
and break at start of user script.
Default host:port
. If port 0
is specified,
a random available port will be used.
有关 Node.js 调试器的进一步说明,请参阅 Node.js 的 V8 Inspector 集成。
¥See V8 Inspector integration for Node.js for further explanation on Node.js debugger.
设置检查器激活时使用的 host:port
。在通过发送 SIGUSR1
信号激活检查器时很有用。除非传递了 --disable-sigusr1
¥Set the host:port
to be used when the inspector is activated.
Useful when activating the inspector by sending the SIGUSR1
Except when --disable-sigusr1
is passed.
。如果指定了端口 0
¥Default host is
. If port 0
is specified,
a random available port will be used.
有关 host
参数用法,请参见下面的 安全警告。
¥See the security warning below regarding the host
parameter usage.
¥Specify ways of the inspector web socket url exposure.
默认情况下,检查器网络套接字网址在标准错误和 http://host:port/json/list
上的 /json/list
¥By default inspector websocket url is available in stderr and under /json/list
endpoint on http://host:port/json/list
激活 host:port
上的检查器并等待附加调试器。默认 host:port
。如果指定了端口 0
¥Activate inspector on host:port
and wait for debugger to be attached.
Default host:port
. If port 0
is specified,
a random available port will be used.
有关 Node.js 调试器的进一步说明,请参阅 Node.js 的 V8 Inspector 集成。
¥See V8 Inspector integration for Node.js for further explanation on Node.js debugger.
在 host:port
。如果指定了端口 0
¥Activate inspector on host:port
. Default is
. If port 0
specified, a random available port will be used.
V8 检查器集成允许 Chrome 开发者工具和 IDE 等工具调试和分析 Node.js 实例。这些工具通过 tcp 端口连接到 Node.js 实例,并使用 Chrome DevTools 协议 进行通信。有关 Node.js 调试器的进一步说明,请参阅 Node.js 的 V8 Inspector 集成。
¥V8 inspector integration allows tools such as Chrome DevTools and IDEs to debug and profile Node.js instances. The tools attach to Node.js instances via a tcp port and communicate using the Chrome DevTools Protocol. See V8 Inspector integration for Node.js for further explanation on Node.js debugger.
, --interactive
¥Opens the REPL even if stdin does not appear to be a terminal.
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental. This flag is inherited from V8 and is subject to change upstream.
禁用 可执行内存的运行时分配。出于安全原因,某些平台可能需要这样做。在其他平台上也可以减少攻击面,但性能影响可能比较严重。
¥Disable runtime allocation of executable memory. This may be required on some platforms for security reasons. It can also reduce attack surface on other platforms, but the performance impact may be severe.
用于存储 localStorage
数据的文件。如果文件不存在,则在第一次访问 localStorage
时创建它。同一个文件可以同时在多个 Node.js 进程之间共享。除非 Node.js 使用 --experimental-webstorage
¥The file used to store localStorage
data. If the file does not exist, it is
created the first time localStorage
is accessed. The same file may be shared
between multiple Node.js processes concurrently. This flag is a no-op unless
Node.js is started with the --experimental-webstorage
指定 HTTP 标头的最大大小(以字节为单位)。默认为 16 KiB。
¥Specify the maximum size, in bytes, of HTTP headers. Defaults to 16 KiB.
¥This option is a no-op. It is kept for compatibility.
设置网络系列自动选择尝试超时的默认值。有关详细信息,请参阅 net.getDefaultAutoSelectFamilyAttemptTimeout()
¥Sets the default value for the network family autoselection attempt timeout.
For more information, see net.getDefaultAutoSelectFamilyAttemptTimeout()
禁用 node-addons
导出条件以及禁用加载原生插件。当指定 --no-addons
时,调用 process.dlopen
或加载原生 C++ 插件将失败并抛出异常。
¥Disable the node-addons
exports condition as well as disable loading
native addons. When --no-addons
is specified, calling process.dlopen
requiring a native C++ addon will fail and throw an exception.
¥Silence deprecation warnings.
禁用使用 语法检测 来确定模块类型。
¥Disable using syntax detection to determine module type.
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental
在全局作用域内禁用 导航器 API 的说明。
¥Disable exposition of Navigator API on the global scope.
¥Use this flag to disable top-level await in REPL.
¥Stability: 1.1 - Active Development
禁用对在 require()
中加载同步 ES 模块图的支持。
¥Disable support for loading a synchronous ES module graph in require()
参见 使用 require()
加载 ECMAScript 模块。
¥See Loading ECMAScript modules using require()
禁用实验性的 node:sqlite
¥Disable the experimental node:sqlite
¥Stability: 1.1 - Active development
禁用 TypeScript 文件的实验性类型剥离。有关更多信息,请参阅 TypeScript 类型剥离 文档。
¥Disable experimental type-stripping for TypeScript files. For more information, see the TypeScript type-stripping documentation.
在全局作用域内禁用 WebSocket
¥Disable exposition of WebSocket
on the global scope.
¥Hide extra information on fatal exception that causes exit.
禁用 async_hooks
的运行时检查。当启用 async_hooks
¥Disables runtime checks for async_hooks
. These will still be enabled
dynamically when async_hooks
is enabled.
不从全局路径(如 $HOME/.node_modules
¥Do not search modules from global paths like $HOME/.node_modules
¥Disables the family autoselection algorithm unless connection options explicitly enables it.
¥Silence all process warnings (including deprecations).
为 Node.js 内部的内存泄漏启用额外的调试检查。这通常只用于开发者调试 Node.js 本身。
¥Enable extra debug checks for memory leaks in Node.js internals. This is usually only useful for developers debugging Node.js itself.
在启动时加载 OpenSSL 配置文件。除其他用途外,如果 Node.js 是针对支持 FIPS 的 OpenSSL 构建的,则可用于启用符合 FIPS 的加密。
¥Load an OpenSSL configuration file on startup. Among other uses, this can be used to enable FIPS-compliant crypto if Node.js is built against FIPS-enabled OpenSSL.
启用 OpenSSL 3.0 旧版提供程序。有关详细信息,请参阅 OSSL_PROVIDER-legacy。
¥Enable OpenSSL 3.0 legacy provider. For more information please see OSSL_PROVIDER-legacy.
启用 OpenSSL 默认配置部分,从 OpenSSL 配置文件中读取 openssl_conf
。默认配置文件名为 openssl.cnf
,但可以使用环境变量 OPENSSL_CONF
或使用命令行选项 --openssl-config
进行更改。默认 OpenSSL 配置文件的位置取决于 OpenSSL 如何链接到 Node.js。共享 OpenSSL 配置可能会产生不必要的影响,建议使用特定于 Node.js 的配置部分,它是 nodejs_conf
¥Enable OpenSSL default configuration section, openssl_conf
to be read from
the OpenSSL configuration file. The default configuration file is named
but this can be changed using the environment variable
, or by using the command line option --openssl-config
The location of the default OpenSSL configuration file depends on how OpenSSL
is being linked to Node.js. Sharing the OpenSSL configuration may have unwanted
implications and it is recommended to use a configuration section specific to
Node.js which is nodejs_conf
and is default when this option is not used.
¥Emit pending deprecation warnings.
待处理弃用通常与运行时弃用相同,但值得注意的例外是它们在默认情况下处于关闭状态,除非设置 --pending-deprecation
环境变量,否则不会触发。待弃用用于提供一种选择性的 "预先警告" 机制,开发者可以利用该机制来检测已弃用的 API 使用情况。
¥Pending deprecations are generally identical to a runtime deprecation with the
notable exception that they are turned off by default and will not be emitted
unless either the --pending-deprecation
command-line flag, or the
environment variable, is set. Pending deprecations
are used to provide a kind of selective "early warning" mechanism that
developers may leverage to detect deprecated API usage.
¥Stability: 2 - Stable.
¥Enable the Permission Model for current process. When enabled, the following permissions are restricted:
文件系统 - 可通过
标志进行管理¥File System - manageable through
flags -
子进程 - 可通过
标志进行管理¥Child Process - manageable through
flag -
工作线程 - 可通过
标志进行管理¥Worker Threads - manageable through
flag -
WASI - 可通过
标志进行管理¥WASI - manageable through
flag -
插件 - 可通过
标志进行管理¥Addons - manageable through
¥Instructs the module loader to preserve symbolic links when resolving and caching modules.
默认情况下,当 Node.js 从符号链接到不同磁盘位置的路径加载模块时,Node.js 将取消引用该链接并使用模块的实际磁盘 "真实路径" 作为标识符和 定位其他依赖模块的根路径。在大多数情况下,这种默认行为是可以接受的。但是,当使用符号链接的对等依赖时,如下例所示,如果 moduleA
尝试要求 moduleB
¥By default, when Node.js loads a module from a path that is symbolically linked
to a different on-disk location, Node.js will dereference the link and use the
actual on-disk "real path" of the module as both an identifier and as a root
path to locate other dependency modules. In most cases, this default behavior
is acceptable. However, when using symbolically linked peer dependencies, as
illustrated in the example below, the default behavior causes an exception to
be thrown if moduleA
attempts to require moduleB
as a peer dependency:
├── app
│ ├── index.js
│ └── node_modules
│ ├── moduleA -> {appDir}/moduleA
│ └── moduleB
│ ├── index.js
│ └── package.json
└── moduleA
├── index.js
└── package.json
命令行标志指示 Node.js 使用模块的符号链接路径而不是实际路径,从而允许找到符号链接的对等依赖。
¥The --preserve-symlinks
command-line flag instructs Node.js to use the
symlink path for modules as opposed to the real path, allowing symbolically
linked peer dependencies to be found.
但是请注意,使用 --preserve-symlinks
会产生其他副作用。具体来说,如果从依赖树中的多个位置链接到符号链接的原生模块,则它们可能无法加载(Node.js 会将它们视为两个单独的模块,并会尝试多次加载该模块,从而导致抛出异常 ).
¥Note, however, that using --preserve-symlinks
can have other side effects.
Specifically, symbolically linked native modules can fail to load if those
are linked from more than one location in the dependency tree (Node.js would
see those as two separate modules and would attempt to load the module multiple
times, causing an exception to be thrown).
标志不适用于允许 node --preserve-symlinks node_module/.bin/<foo>
工作的主模块。要对主模块应用相同的行为,也请使用 --preserve-symlinks-main
¥The --preserve-symlinks
flag does not apply to the main module, which allows
node --preserve-symlinks node_module/.bin/<foo>
to work. To apply the same
behavior for the main module, also use --preserve-symlinks-main
指示模块加载器在解析和缓存主模块 (require.main
) 时保留符号链接。
¥Instructs the module loader to preserve symbolic links when resolving and
caching the main module (require.main
这个标志的存在是为了让主模块可以选择加入 --preserve-symlinks
赋予所有其他导入的相同行为;但是,它们是单独的标志,用于向后兼容旧的 Node.js 版本。
¥This flag exists so that the main module can be opted-in to the same behavior
that --preserve-symlinks
gives to all other imports; they are separate flags,
however, for backward compatibility with older Node.js versions.
并不意味着 --preserve-symlinks
;当在解析相对路径之前不希望遵循符号链接时,除了 --preserve-symlinks
之外还使用 --preserve-symlinks-main
does not imply --preserve-symlinks
; use
in addition to
when it is not desirable to follow symlinks before
resolving relative paths.
有关详细信息,请参阅 --preserve-symlinks
¥See --preserve-symlinks
for more information.
, --print "script"
与 -e
¥Identical to -e
but prints the result.
生成 V8 分析器输出。
¥Generate V8 profiler output.
处理使用 V8 选项 --prof
生成的 V8 分析器输出。
¥Process V8 profiler output generated using the V8 option --prof
¥Write process warnings to the given file instead of printing to stderr. The file will be created if it does not exist, and will be appended to if it does. If an error occurs while attempting to write the warning to the file, the warning will be written to stderr instead.
名称可以是绝对路径。如果不是,则它将被写入的默认目录由 --diagnostic-dir
¥The file
name may be an absolute path. If it is not, the default directory it
will be written to is controlled by the
command-line option.
以紧凑的单行 JSON 格式编写报告,与专为人类使用而设计的默认多行格式相比,日志处理系统更易于使用。
¥Write reports in a compact format, single-line JSON, more easily consumable by log processing systems than the default multi-line format designed for human consumption.
, report-directory=directory
¥Location at which the report will be generated.
当 --report-exclude-env
通过时,生成的诊断报告将不包含 environmentVariables
¥When --report-exclude-env
is passed the diagnostic report generated will not
contain the environmentVariables
从诊断报告中排除 header.networkInterfaces
¥Exclude header.networkInterfaces
from the diagnostic report. By default
this is not set and the network interfaces are included.
¥Name of the file to which the report will be written.
如果文件名设置为 'stdout'
或 'stderr'
,则报告分别写入进程的 stdout 或 stderr。
¥If the filename is set to 'stdout'
or 'stderr'
, the report is written to
the stdout or stderr of the process respectively.
使报告能够在导致应用终止的致命错误(Node.js 运行时中的内部错误,例如内存不足)时触发。有助于检查各种诊断数据元素,如堆、堆栈、事件循环状态、资源消耗等,以推断致命错误。
¥Enables the report to be triggered on fatal errors (internal errors within the Node.js runtime such as out of memory) that lead to termination of the application. Useful to inspect various diagnostic data elements such as heap, stack, event loop state, resource consumption etc. to reason about the fatal error.
在接收到正在运行的 Node.js 进程的指定(或预定义)信号时生成报告。触发报告的信号通过 --report-signal
¥Enables report to be generated upon receiving the specified (or predefined)
signal to the running Node.js process. The signal to trigger the report is
specified through --report-signal
设置或重置报告生成信号(Windows 不支持)。默认信号为 SIGUSR2
¥Sets or resets the signal for report generation (not supported on Windows).
Default signal is SIGUSR2
允许在进程由于未捕获的异常而退出时生成报告。在结合原生堆栈和其他运行时环境数据检查 JavaScript 堆栈时很有用。
¥Enables report to be generated when the process exits due to an uncaught exception. Useful when inspecting the JavaScript stack in conjunction with native stack and other runtime environment data.
, --require module
¥Preload the specified module at startup.
遵循 require()
可以是文件路径,也可以是 node 模块名称。
¥Follows require()
's module resolution
rules. module
may be either a path to a file, or a node module name.
仅支持 CommonJS 模块。使用 --import
预加载 ECMAScript 模块。预加载 --require
的模块将在预加载 --import
¥Only CommonJS modules are supported.
Use --import
to preload an ECMAScript module.
Modules preloaded with --require
will run before modules preloaded with --import
¥Modules are preloaded into the main thread as well as any worker threads, forked processes, or clustered processes.
¥Stability: 2 - Stable
这将从 package.json 的 "scripts"
对象运行指定的命令。如果缺少 "command"
¥This runs a specified command from a package.json's "scripts"
If a missing "command"
is provided, it will list the available scripts.
将遍历到根目录并找到一个 package.json
will traverse up to the root directory and finds a package.json
file to run the command from.
如果 ancestor-folder/node_modules/.bin
将当前目录的每个祖级的 ./node_modules/.bin
添加到 PATH
之前,以便从存在多个 node_modules
prepends ./node_modules/.bin
for each ancestor of
the current directory, to the PATH
in order to execute the binaries from
different folders where multiple node_modules
directories are present, if
is a directory.
在包含相关 package.json
executes the command in the directory containing the related package.json
例如,以下命令将运行当前文件夹中 package.json
的 test
¥For example, the following command will run the test
script of
the package.json
in the current folder:
$ node --run test
¥You can also pass arguments to the command. Any argument after --
be appended to the script:
$ node --run test -- --verbose
¥Intentional limitations
node --run
并不意味着与其他包管理器的 npm run
或 run
命令的行为相匹配。Node.js 的实现有意受到更多限制,以便专注于最常见用例的最佳性能。故意排除的其他 run
¥node --run
is not meant to match the behaviors of npm run
or of the run
commands of other package managers. The Node.js implementation is intentionally
more limited, in order to focus on top performance for the most common use
Some features of other run
implementations that are intentionally excluded
scripts in addition to the specified script. -
¥Defining package manager-specific environment variables.
¥Environment variables
使用 --run
¥The following environment variables are set when running a script with --run
: The name of the script being run. For example, if--run
is used to runtest
, the value of this variable will betest
. -
: The path to thepackage.json
that is being processed.
当使用 --secure-heap
标志指定安全堆的最小分配。最小值为 2
。最大值是 --secure-heap
或 2147483647
中的较小者。给定的值必须是 2 的幂。
¥When using --secure-heap
, the --secure-heap-min
flag specifies the
minimum allocation from the secure heap. The minimum value is 2
The maximum value is the lesser of --secure-heap
or 2147483647
The value given must be a power of two.
初始化 n
个字节的 OpenSSL 安全堆。当初始化时,安全堆用于密钥生成和其他操作期间 OpenSSL 中选定类型的分配。这很有用,例如,防止敏感信息因指针溢出或不足而泄漏。
¥Initializes an OpenSSL secure heap of n
bytes. When initialized, the
secure heap is used for selected types of allocations within OpenSSL
during key generation and other operations. This is useful, for instance,
to prevent sensitive information from leaking due to pointer overruns
or underruns.
¥The secure heap is a fixed size and cannot be resized at runtime so, if used, it is important to select a large enough heap to cover all application uses.
给定的堆大小必须是 2 的幂。任何小于 2 的值都将禁用安全堆。
¥The heap size given must be a power of two. Any value less than 2 will disable the secure heap.
¥The secure heap is disabled by default.
安全堆在 Windows 上不可用。
¥The secure heap is not available on Windows.
有关详细信息,请参阅 CRYPTO_secure_malloc_init
¥See CRYPTO_secure_malloc_init
for more details.
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental
与 --build-snapshot
指定写入生成的快照 blob 的路径。如果不指定,生成的 blob 会写入当前工作目录下的 snapshot.blob
¥When used with --build-snapshot
, --snapshot-blob
specifies the path
where the generated snapshot blob is written to. If not specified, the
generated blob is written to snapshot.blob
in the current working directory.
在没有 --build-snapshot
指定用于恢复应用状态的 blob 的路径。
¥When used without --build-snapshot
, --snapshot-blob
specifies the
path to the blob that is used to restore the application state.
加载快照时,Node.js 检查:
¥When loading a snapshot, Node.js checks that:
正在运行的 Node.js 二进制文件的版本、体系结构和平台与生成快照的二进制文件完全相同。
¥The version, architecture, and platform of the running Node.js binary are exactly the same as that of the binary that generates the snapshot.
V8 标志和 CPU 功能与生成快照的二进制文件兼容。
¥The V8 flags and CPU features are compatible with that of the binary that generates the snapshot.
如果它们不匹配,Node.js 拒绝加载快照并以状态码 1 退出。
¥If they don't match, Node.js refuses to load the snapshot and exits with status code 1.
启动 Node.js 命令行测试运行器。此标志不能与 --watch-path
或检查器结合使用。有关详细信息,请参阅 从命令行运行测试 上的文档。
¥Starts the Node.js command line test runner. This flag cannot be combined with
, --check
, --eval
, --interactive
, or the inspector.
See the documentation on running tests from the command line
for more details.
测试运行器 CLI 将同时执行的测试文件的最大数量。如果 --test-isolation
设置为 'none'
,则忽略此标志,并发性为 1。否则,并发默认为 os.availableParallelism() - 1
¥The maximum number of test files that the test runner CLI will execute
concurrently. If --test-isolation
is set to 'none'
, this flag is ignored and
concurrency is one. Otherwise, concurrency defaults to
os.availableParallelism() - 1
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental
要求覆盖分支的最小百分比。如果代码覆盖率未达到指定的阈值,则该过程将以代码 1
¥Require a minimum percent of covered branches. If code coverage does not reach
the threshold specified, the process will exit with code 1
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental
使用 glob 模式从代码覆盖范围中排除特定文件,该模式可以匹配绝对和相对文件路径。
¥Excludes specific files from code coverage using a glob pattern, which can match both absolute and relative file paths.
可以多次指定此选项以排除多个 glob 模式。
¥This option may be specified multiple times to exclude multiple glob patterns.
如果同时提供了 --test-coverage-exclude
和 --test-coverage-include
¥If both --test-coverage-exclude
and --test-coverage-include
are provided,
files must meet both criteria to be included in the coverage report.
¥By default all the matching test files are excluded from the coverage report. Specifying this option will override the default behavior.
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental
要求覆盖函数的最小百分比。如果代码覆盖率未达到指定的阈值,则该过程将以代码 1
¥Require a minimum percent of covered functions. If code coverage does not reach
the threshold specified, the process will exit with code 1
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental
使用 glob 模式在代码覆盖范围内包含特定文件,该模式可以匹配绝对和相对文件路径。
¥Includes specific files in code coverage using a glob pattern, which can match both absolute and relative file paths.
可以多次指定此选项以包含多个 glob 模式。
¥This option may be specified multiple times to include multiple glob patterns.
如果同时提供了 --test-coverage-exclude
和 --test-coverage-include
¥If both --test-coverage-exclude
and --test-coverage-include
are provided,
files must meet both criteria to be included in the coverage report.
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental
要求覆盖行的最小百分比。如果代码覆盖率未达到指定的阈值,则该过程将以代码 1
¥Require a minimum percent of covered lines. If code coverage does not reach
the threshold specified, the process will exit with code 1
¥Configures the test runner to exit the process once all known tests have finished executing even if the event loop would otherwise remain active.
配置测试运行器中使用的测试隔离类型。当 mode
为 'process'
时,每个测试文件都在单独的子进程中运行。当 mode
为 'none'
时,所有测试文件都与测试运行器在同一个进程中运行。默认隔离模式为 'process'
。如果不存在 --test
标志,则忽略此标志。有关详细信息,请参阅 测试运行器执行模型 部分。
¥Configures the type of test isolation used in the test runner. When mode
, each test file is run in a separate child process. When mode
, all test files run in the same process as the test runner. The default
isolation mode is 'process'
. This flag is ignored if the --test
flag is not
present. See the test runner execution model section for more information.
一个正则表达式,将测试运行器配置为仅执行名称与提供的模式匹配的测试。有关详细信息,请参阅 按名称过滤测试 上的文档。
¥A regular expression that configures the test runner to only execute tests whose name matches the provided pattern. See the documentation on filtering tests by name for more details.
如果同时提供了 --test-name-pattern
和 --test-skip-pattern
¥If both --test-name-pattern
and --test-skip-pattern
are supplied,
tests must satisfy both requirements in order to be executed.
将测试运行器配置为仅执行设置了 only
¥Configures the test runner to only execute top level tests that have the only
option set. This flag is not necessary when test isolation is disabled.
运行测试时使用的测试报告器。有关详细信息,请参阅 测试报告器 上的文档。
¥A test reporter to use when running tests. See the documentation on test reporters for more details.
相应测试报告者的目标。有关详细信息,请参阅 测试报告器 上的文档。
¥The destination for the corresponding test reporter. See the documentation on test reporters for more details.
以 <index>/<total>
¥Test suite shard to execute in a format of <index>/<total>
, where
是一个正整数,划分部分的索引 total
是一个正整数,划分部分的总数 该命令将所有测试文件划分为 total
个相等的部分,并且仅运行那些恰好位于 index
is a positive integer, index of divided parts
is a positive integer, total of divided part
This command will divide all tests files into total
equal parts,
and will run only those that happen to be in an index
¥For example, to split your tests suite into three parts, use this:
node --test --test-shard=1/3
node --test --test-shard=2/3
node --test --test-shard=3/3
正则表达式,将测试运行器配置为跳过名称与提供的模式匹配的测试。有关详细信息,请参阅 按名称过滤测试 上的文档。
¥A regular expression that configures the test runner to skip tests whose name matches the provided pattern. See the documentation on filtering tests by name for more details.
如果同时提供了 --test-name-pattern
和 --test-skip-pattern
¥If both --test-name-pattern
and --test-skip-pattern
are supplied,
tests must satisfy both requirements in order to be executed.
测试执行将在几毫秒后失败。如果未指定,则子测试从其父测试继承此值。默认值为 Infinity
¥A number of milliseconds the test execution will fail after. If unspecified,
subtests inherit this value from their parent. The default value is Infinity
重新生成测试运行器为 快照测试 使用的快照文件。
¥Regenerates the snapshot files used by the test runner for snapshot testing.
¥Throw errors for deprecations.
在启动时设置 process.title
¥Set process.title
on startup.
指定替代的默认 TLS 密码列表。需要使用加密支持构建 Node.js(默认)。
¥Specify an alternative default TLS cipher list. Requires Node.js to be built with crypto support (default).
将 TLS 密钥材料记录到文件中。密钥材料为 NSS SSLKEYLOGFILE
格式,可被软件(如 Wireshark)用于解密 TLS 流量。
¥Log TLS key material to a file. The key material is in NSS SSLKEYLOGFILE
format and can be used by software (such as Wireshark) to decrypt the TLS
设置为 'TLSv1.2'。用于禁用对 TLSv1.3 的支持。
to 'TLSv1.2'. Use to disable support for
设置为 'TLSv1.3'。用于启用对 TLSv1.3 的支持。
¥Set default tls.DEFAULT_MAX_VERSION
to 'TLSv1.3'. Use to enable support
for TLSv1.3.
设置为 'TLSv1'。用于与旧的 TLS 客户端或服务器兼容。
¥Set default tls.DEFAULT_MIN_VERSION
to 'TLSv1'. Use for compatibility with
old TLS clients or servers.
设置为 'TLSv1.1'。用于与旧的 TLS 客户端或服务器兼容。
¥Set default tls.DEFAULT_MIN_VERSION
to 'TLSv1.1'. Use for compatibility
with old TLS clients or servers.
设置为 'TLSv1.2'。这是 12.x 及更高版本的默认设置,但支持该选项是为了与较旧的 Node.js 版本兼容。
¥Set default tls.DEFAULT_MIN_VERSION
to 'TLSv1.2'. This is the default for
12.x and later, but the option is supported for compatibility with older Node.js
设置为 'TLSv1.3'。用于禁用对 TLSv1.2 的支持,它不如 TLSv1.3 安全。
¥Set default tls.DEFAULT_MIN_VERSION
to 'TLSv1.3'. Use to disable support
for TLSv1.2, which is not as secure as TLSv1.3.
¥Print stack traces for deprecations.
将有关在当前 Node.js 实例中对环境变量的任何访问的信息打印到 stderr,包括:
¥Print information about any access to environment variables done in the current Node.js instance to stderr, including:
环境变量读取 Node.js 在内部执行的操作。
¥The environment variable reads that Node.js does internally.
process.env.KEY = "SOME VALUE"
的形式写入。¥Writes in the form of
process.env.KEY = "SOME VALUE"
. -
的形式读取。¥Reads in the form of
. -
Object.defineProperty(process.env, 'KEY', {...})
形式的定义。¥Definitions in the form of
Object.defineProperty(process.env, 'KEY', {...})
. -
Object.hasOwn(process.env, 'KEY')
或'KEY' in process.env
的形式进行查询。¥Queries in the form of
Object.hasOwn(process.env, 'KEY')
or'KEY' in process.env
. -
delete process.env.KEY
形式的删除。¥Deletions in the form of
delete process.env.KEY
. -
枚举 inf 的形式为
。¥Enumerations inf the form of
¥Only the names of the environment variables being accessed are printed. The values are not printed.
要打印访问的堆栈跟踪,请使用 --trace-env-js-stack
和/或 --trace-env-native-stack
¥To print the stack trace of the access, use --trace-env-js-stack
除了 --trace-env
所做的之外,这还会打印访问的 JavaScript 堆栈跟踪。
¥In addition to what --trace-env
does, this prints the JavaScript stack trace of the access.
除了 --trace-env
¥In addition to what --trace-env
does, this prints the native stack trace of the access.
使用 --trace-events-enabled
¥A comma separated list of categories that should be traced when trace event
tracing is enabled using --trace-events-enabled
指定跟踪事件数据文件路径的模板字符串,它支持 ${rotation}
和 ${pid}
¥Template string specifying the filepath for the trace event data, it
supports ${rotation}
and ${pid}
¥Enables the collection of trace event tracing information.
每当主动退出环境时打印堆栈跟踪,即调用 process.exit()
¥Prints a stack trace whenever an environment is exited proactively,
i.e. invoking process.exit()
打印有关 使用 require()
加载 ECMAScript 模块 使用情况的信息。
¥Prints information about usage of Loading ECMAScript modules using require()
当 mode
为 all
时,将打印所有使用情况。当 mode
为 no-node-modules
时,将排除来自 node_modules
¥When mode
is all
, all usage is printed. When mode
is no-node-modules
, usage
from the node_modules
folder is excluded.
在 SIGINT 上打印堆栈跟踪。
¥Prints a stack trace on SIGINT.
在第一轮事件循环后检测到同步 I/O 时打印堆栈跟踪。
¥Prints a stack trace whenever synchronous I/O is detected after the first turn of the event loop.
将 TLS 数据包跟踪信息打印到 stderr
。这可用于调试 TLS 连接问题。
¥Prints TLS packet trace information to stderr
. This can be used to debug TLS
connection problems.
打印未捕获异常的堆栈跟踪;通常,与创建 Error
相关联的堆栈跟踪会被打印出来,而这使得 Node.js 也打印与抛出值(不需要是 Error
¥Print stack traces for uncaught exceptions; usually, the stack trace associated
with the creation of an Error
is printed, whereas this makes Node.js also
print the stack trace associated with throwing the value (which does not need
to be an Error
¥Enabling this option may affect garbage collection behavior negatively.
¥Print stack traces for process warnings (including deprecations).
¥Track heap object allocations for heap snapshots.
¥Using this flag allows to change what should happen when an unhandled rejection occurs. One of the following modes can be chosen:
: EmitunhandledRejection
. If this hook is not set, raise the unhandled rejection as an uncaught exception. This is the default. -
: Raise the unhandled rejection as an uncaught exception. If the exception is handled,unhandledRejection
is emitted. -
: Always trigger a warning, no matter if theunhandledRejection
hook is set or not but do not print the deprecation warning. -
。如果未设置此钩子,则触发警告,并将进程退出码设置为 1。¥
: EmitunhandledRejection
. If this hook is not set, trigger a warning, and set the process exit code to 1. -
: Silence all warnings.
如果在命令行入口点的 ES 模块静态加载阶段发生拒绝,则它将始终将其作为未捕获的异常引发。
¥If a rejection happens during the command line entry point's ES module static loading phase, it will always raise it as an uncaught exception.
, --use-openssl-ca
使用当前 Node.js 版本提供的打包 Mozilla CA 存储或使用 OpenSSL 的默认 CA 存储。在构建时可以选择默认存储。
¥Use bundled Mozilla CA store as supplied by current Node.js version or use OpenSSL's default CA store. The default store is selectable at build-time.
Node.js 提供的打包 CA 存储是 Mozilla CA 存储的快照,在发布时已修复。它在所有支持的平台上都是相同的。
¥The bundled CA store, as supplied by Node.js, is a snapshot of Mozilla CA store that is fixed at release time. It is identical on all supported platforms.
使用 OpenSSL 存储允许对存储进行外部修改。对于大多数 Linux 和 BSD 发行版,这个存储是由发行版维护者和系统管理员维护的。OpenSSL CA 存储位置取决于 OpenSSL 库的配置,但这可以在运行时使用环境变量进行更改。
¥Using OpenSSL store allows for external modifications of the store. For most Linux and BSD distributions, this store is maintained by the distribution maintainers and system administrators. OpenSSL CA store location is dependent on configuration of the OpenSSL library but this can be altered at runtime using environment variables.
在启动时将 Node.js 静态代码重新映射到大内存页面。如果目标系统支持,则将导致 Node.js 静态代码移动到 2 MiB 页而不是 4 KiB 页。
¥Re-map the Node.js static code to large memory pages at startup. If supported on the target system, this will cause the Node.js static code to be moved onto 2 MiB pages instead of 4 KiB pages.
以下值对 mode
¥The following values are valid for mode
: No mapping will be attempted. This is the default. -
: If supported by the OS, mapping will be attempted. Failure to map will be ignored and a message will be printed to standard error. -
: If supported by the OS, mapping will be attempted. Failure to map will be ignored and will not be reported.
Node.js 使用系统存储中存在的受信任 CA 证书以及 --use-bundled-ca
环境变量。在 Windows 和 macOS 以外的平台上,这会从 OpenSSL 信任的目录和文件加载证书,类似于 --use-openssl-ca
¥Node.js uses the trusted CA certificates present in the system store along with
the --use-bundled-ca
option and the NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS
environment variable.
On platforms other than Windows and macOS, this loads certificates from the directory
and file trusted by OpenSSL, similar to --use-openssl-ca
, with the difference being
that it caches the certificates after first load.
在 Windows 和 macOS 上,证书信任策略计划遵循 Chromium 的本地受信任证书策略:
¥On Windows and macOS, the certificate trust policy is planned to follow Chromium's policy for locally trusted certificates:
在 macOS 上,遵循以下设置:
¥On macOS, the following settings are respected:
¥Default and System Keychains
¥Any certificate where the “When using this certificate” flag is set to “Always Trust” or
任何将“安全套接字层 (SSL)”标志设置为“始终信任”的证书。
¥Any certificate where the “Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)” flag is set to “Always Trust.”
¥Any certificate where the “When using this certificate” flag is set to “Never Trust” or
任何将“安全套接字层 (SSL)”标志设置为“永不信任”的证书。
¥Any certificate where the “Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)” flag is set to “Never Trust.”
在 Windows 上,遵循以下设置(与 Chromium 的策略不同,目前不支持不信任和中间 CA):
¥On Windows, the following settings are respected (unlike Chromium's policy, distrust and intermediate CA are not currently supported):
访问)¥Local Machine (accessed via
¥Trusted Root Certification Authorities
¥Trusted People
企业信任 -> 企业 -> 受信任的根证书颁发机构
¥Enterprise Trust -> Enterprise -> Trusted Root Certification Authorities
企业信任 -> 企业 -> 受信任人员
¥Enterprise Trust -> Enterprise -> Trusted People
企业信任 -> 组策略 -> 受信任的根证书颁发机构
¥Enterprise Trust -> Group Policy -> Trusted Root Certification Authorities
企业信任 -> 组策略 -> 受信任人员
¥Enterprise Trust -> Group Policy -> Trusted People
访问)¥Current User (accessed via
¥Trusted Root Certification Authorities
企业信任 -> 组策略 -> 受信任的根证书颁发机构
¥Enterprise Trust -> Group Policy -> Trusted Root Certification Authorities
在 Windows 和 macOS 上,Node.js 会在使用证书之前检查用户证书设置是否禁止它们进行 TLS 服务器身份验证。
¥On Windows and macOS, Node.js would check that the user settings for the certificates do not forbid them for TLS server authentication before using them.
在其他系统上,Node.js 从默认证书文件(通常为 /etc/ssl/cert.pem
)和默认证书目录(通常为 /etc/ssl/certs
)加载证书,Node.js 链接到的 OpenSSL 版本会遵循这些证书。这通常与主要 Linux 发行版和其他类 Unix 系统上的约定一起使用。如果设置了覆盖的 OpenSSL 环境变量(通常是 SSL_CERT_FILE
,取决于 Node.js 链接到的 OpenSSL 的配置),则将使用指定的路径来加载证书。如果 OpenSSL Node.js 版本使用的常规路径链接到与用户的系统配置由于某种原因不一致,则可以使用这些环境变量作为解决方法。
¥On other systems, Node.js loads certificates from the default certificate file
(typically /etc/ssl/cert.pem
) and default certificate directory (typically
) that the version of OpenSSL that Node.js links to respects.
This typically works with the convention on major Linux distributions and other
Unix-like systems. If the overriding OpenSSL environment variables
(typically SSL_CERT_FILE
, depending on the configuration
of the OpenSSL that Node.js links to) are set, the specified paths will be used to load
certificates instead. These environment variables can be used as workarounds
if the conventional paths used by the version of OpenSSL Node.js links to are
not consistent with the system configuration that the users have for some reason.
打印 V8 命令行选项。
¥Print V8 command-line options.
设置 V8 的线程池大小,用于分配后台作业。
¥Set V8's thread pool size which will be used to allocate background jobs.
如果设置为 0
,则 Node.js 将根据对并行度的估计来选择合适大小的线程池。
¥If set to 0
then Node.js will choose an appropriate size of the thread pool
based on an estimate of the amount of parallelism.
并行度是指在给定的机器上可以同时进行的计算的数量。一般情况下,它与 CPU 数量相同,但在 VM 或容器等环境中可能会有所不同。
¥The amount of parallelism refers to the number of computations that can be carried out simultaneously in a given machine. In general, it's the same as the amount of CPUs, but it may diverge in environments such as VMs or containers.
, --version
打印 node 的版本。
¥Print node's version.
¥Stability: 2 - Stable
以监视模式启动 Node.js。在监视模式下,监视文件中的更改会导致 Node.js 进程重新启动。默认情况下,监视模式将监视入口点和任何必需或导入的模块。使用 --watch-path
¥Starts Node.js in watch mode.
When in watch mode, changes in the watched files cause the Node.js process to
By default, watch mode will watch the entry point
and any required or imported module.
Use --watch-path
to specify what paths to watch.
此标志不能与 --check
或 REPL 组合。
¥This flag cannot be combined with
, --eval
, --interactive
, or the REPL.
node --watch index.js
¥Stability: 2 - Stable
以监视模式启动 Node.js 并指定要监视的路径。在监视模式下,监视路径的更改会导致 Node.js 进程重新启动。这将关闭对所需或导入模块的监视,即使与 --watch
¥Starts Node.js in watch mode and specifies what paths to watch.
When in watch mode, changes in the watched paths cause the Node.js process to
This will turn off watching of required or imported modules, even when used in
combination with --watch
此标志不能与 --check
或 REPL 结合使用。
¥This flag cannot be combined with
, --eval
, --interactive
, --test
, or the REPL.
node --watch-path=./src --watch-path=./tests index.js
此选项仅在 macOS 和 Windows 上受支持。当在不支持它的平台上使用该选项时,将抛出 ERR_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE_ON_PLATFORM
¥This option is only supported on macOS and Windows.
exception will be thrown
when the option is used on a platform that does not support it.
¥Disable the clearing of the console when watch mode restarts the process.
node --watch --watch-preserve-output test.js
自动零填充所有新分配的 Buffer
和 SlowBuffer
¥Automatically zero-fills all newly allocated Buffer
and SlowBuffer
¥Environment variables
FORCE_COLOR=[1, 2, 3]
环境变量用于启用 ANSI 彩色输出。值可能是:
environment variable is used to
enable ANSI colorized output. The value may be:
表示支持 16 色,¥
, or the empty string''
indicate 16-color support, -
表示支持 256 色,或¥
to indicate 256-color support, or -
表示支持 1600 万色。¥
to indicate 16 million-color support.
is used and set to a supported value, both the NO_COLOR
environment variables are ignored.
¥Any other value will result in colorized output being disabled.
¥Stability: 1.1 - Active Development
为 Node.js 实例启用 模块编译缓存。有关详细信息,请参阅 模块编译缓存 的文档。
¥Enable the module compile cache for the Node.js instance. See the documentation of module compile cache for details.
-separated list of core modules that should print debug information.
分隔的应打印调试信息的核心 C++ 模块的列表。
-separated list of core C++ modules that should print debug information.
¥When set, colors will not be used in the REPL.
¥Stability: 1.1 - Active Development
为 Node.js 实例禁用 模块编译缓存。有关详细信息,请参阅 模块编译缓存 的文档。
¥Disable the module compile cache for the Node.js instance. See the documentation of module compile cache for details.
设置后,众所周知的 "root" CA(如 VeriSign)将使用 file
中的额外证书进行扩展。该文件应包含一个或多个 PEM 格式的可信证书。如果文件丢失或格式不正确,则将使用 process.emitWarning()
¥When set, the well known "root" CAs (like VeriSign) will be extended with the
extra certificates in file
. The file should consist of one or more trusted
certificates in PEM format. A message will be emitted (once) with
if the file is missing or
malformed, but any errors are otherwise ignored.
当为 TLS 或 HTTPS 客户端或服务器显式指定 ca
¥Neither the well known nor extra certificates are used when the ca
options property is explicitly specified for a TLS or HTTPS client or server.
当 node
作为 setuid root 运行或设置了 Linux 文件功能时,则将忽略此环境变量。
¥This environment variable is ignored when node
runs as setuid root or
has Linux file capabilities set.
环境变量仅在 Node.js 进程第一次启动时读取。在运行时使用 process.env.NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS
environment variable is only read when the Node.js
process is first launched. Changing the value at runtime using
has no effect on the current process.
ICU (Intl
对象) 数据的数据路径。在使用 small-icu 支持编译时将扩展链接数据。
¥Data path for ICU (Intl
object) data. Will extend linked-in data when compiled
with small-icu support.
当设置为 1
¥When set to 1
, process warnings are silenced.
在命令行选项之前被解释,因此命令行选项将覆盖或复合在 options...
中的任何内容之后。如果使用环境中不允许的选项(例如 -p
或脚本文件),Node.js 将退出并出错。
¥A space-separated list of command-line options. options...
are interpreted
before command-line options, so command-line options will override or
compound after anything in options...
. Node.js will exit with an error if
an option that is not allowed in the environment is used, such as -p
or a
script file.
¥If an option value contains a space, it can be escaped using double quotes:
NODE_OPTIONS='--require "./my path/file.js"'
作为命令行选项传入的单例标志将覆盖传给 NODE_OPTIONS
¥A singleton flag passed as a command-line option will override the same flag
passed into NODE_OPTIONS
# The inspector will be available on port 5555
NODE_OPTIONS='--inspect=localhost:4444' node --inspect=localhost:5555
可以多次传入的标志将被视为首先传入其 NODE_OPTIONS
¥A flag that can be passed multiple times will be treated as if its
instances were passed first, and then its command-line
instances afterwards:
NODE_OPTIONS='--require "./a.js"' node --require "./b.js"
# is equivalent to:
node --require "./a.js" --require "./b.js"
允许的 Node.js 选项位于以下列表中。如果一个选项同时支持 --XX 和 --no-XX 变体,则它们都受支持,但下面的列表中仅包含一个。
¥Node.js options that are allowed are in the following list. If an option supports both --XX and --no-XX variants, they are both supported but only one is included in the list below.
允许的 V8 选项是:
¥V8 options that are allowed are:
和 --perf-prof
仅在 Linux 上可用。
, --perf-basic-prof
, and --perf-prof
are only available on Linux.
仅适用于 Windows。
is only available on Windows.
-separated list of directories prefixed to the module search path.
在 Windows 上,这是 ';'
¥On Windows, this is a ';'
-separated list instead.
当设置为 1
¥When set to 1
, emit pending deprecation warnings.
待处理弃用通常与运行时弃用相同,但值得注意的例外是它们在默认情况下处于关闭状态,除非设置 --pending-deprecation
环境变量,否则不会触发。待弃用用于提供一种选择性的 "预先警告" 机制,开发者可以利用该机制来检测已弃用的 API 使用情况。
¥Pending deprecations are generally identical to a runtime deprecation with the
notable exception that they are turned off by default and will not be emitted
unless either the --pending-deprecation
command-line flag, or the
environment variable, is set. Pending deprecations
are used to provide a kind of selective "early warning" mechanism that
developers may leverage to detect deprecated API usage.
设置管道服务器等待连接时挂起的管道实例句柄数。此设置仅适用于 Windows。
¥Set the number of pending pipe instance handles when the pipe server is waiting for connections. This setting applies to Windows only.
当设置为 1
¥When set to 1
, instructs the module loader to preserve symbolic links when
resolving and caching modules.
当设置时,进程警告将触发到给定文件而不是打印到标准错误如果文件不存在则创建,如果存在则追加。如果在尝试将警告写入文件时发生错误,则警告将改为写入标准错误。这相当于使用 --redirect-warnings=file
¥When set, process warnings will be emitted to the given file instead of
printing to stderr. The file will be created if it does not exist, and will be
appended to if it does. If an error occurs while attempting to write the
warning to the file, the warning will be written to stderr instead. This is
equivalent to using the --redirect-warnings=file
command-line flag.
Node.js 模块的路径,该模块将代替内置交互式解释器加载。将此值覆盖为空字符串 (''
) ,则将使用内置的交互式解释器。
¥Path to a Node.js module which will be loaded in place of the built-in REPL.
Overriding this value to an empty string (''
) will use the built-in REPL.
用于存储持久的交互式解释器历史的文件路径。默认路径是 ~/.node_repl_history
或 ' '
¥Path to the file used to store the persistent REPL history. The default path is
, which is overridden by this variable. Setting the value
to an empty string (''
or ' '
) disables persistent REPL history.
如果 value
等于 '1'
,则在 Node.js 启动期间跳过对支持平台的检查。Node.js 可能无法正确地执行。在不受支持的平台上遇到的任何问题都不会得到修复。
¥If value
equals '1'
, the check for a supported platform is skipped during
Node.js startup. Node.js might not execute correctly. Any issues encountered
on unsupported platforms will not be fixed.
如果 value
等于 'child'
,测试报告选项将被覆盖,测试输出将以 TAP 格式发送到标准输出。如果提供任何其他值,Node.js 不保证所使用的报告格式或其稳定性。
¥If value
equals 'child'
, test reporter options will be overridden and test
output will be sent to stdout in the TAP format. If any other value is provided,
Node.js makes no guarantees about the reporter format used or its stability.
如果 value
等于 '0'
,则对 TLS 连接禁用证书验证。这使得 TLS 和 HTTPS 不安全。强烈建议不要使用此环境变量。
¥If value
equals '0'
, certificate validation is disabled for TLS connections.
This makes TLS, and HTTPS by extension, insecure. The use of this environment
variable is strongly discouraged.
设置后,Node.js 将开始将 V8 JavaScript 代码覆盖率 和 源映射 数据输出到作为参数提供的目录(覆盖信息以 JSON 格式写入具有 coverage
¥When set, Node.js will begin outputting V8 JavaScript code coverage and
Source Map data to the directory provided as an argument (coverage
information is written as JSON to files with a coverage
将自动传播到子进程,从而更容易检测调用 child_process.spawn()
will automatically propagate to subprocesses, making it
easier to instrument applications that call the child_process.spawn()
of functions. NODE_V8_COVERAGE
can be set to an empty string, to prevent
¥Coverage output
覆盖率作为顶层键 result
上的 ScriptCoverage 对象数组输出:
¥Coverage is output as an array of ScriptCoverage objects on the top-level
key result
"result": [
"scriptId": "67",
"url": "internal/tty.js",
"functions": []
¥Source map cache
¥Stability: 1 - Experimental
如果找到,则源映射数据将附加到 JSON 覆盖对象上的顶层键 source-map-cache
¥If found, source map data is appended to the top-level key source-map-cache
on the JSON coverage object.
是一个对象,其中的键代表从中提取源映射的文件,其值包括原始源映射网址(在键 url
中)、解析的 Source Map v3 信息(在键 data
中)和行长度源文件(在键 lineLengths
is an object with keys representing the files source maps
were extracted from, and values which include the raw source-map URL
(in the key url
), the parsed Source Map v3 information (in the key data
and the line lengths of the source file (in the key lineLengths
"result": [
"scriptId": "68",
"url": "file:///absolute/path/to/source.js",
"functions": []
"source-map-cache": {
"file:///absolute/path/to/source.js": {
"url": "./path-to-map.json",
"data": {
"version": 3,
"sources": [
"names": [
"mappings": "MAAMA,IACJC,YAAaC",
"sourceRoot": "./"
"lineLengths": [
is an alias for NODE_DISABLE_COLORS
. The value of the
environment variable is arbitrary.
在启动时加载 OpenSSL 配置文件。除其他用途外,如果 Node.js 是使用 ./configure --openssl-fips
构建的,则可用于启用符合 FIPS 的加密。
¥Load an OpenSSL configuration file on startup. Among other uses, this can be
used to enable FIPS-compliant crypto if Node.js is built with
./configure --openssl-fips
如果使用 --openssl-config
¥If the --openssl-config
command-line option is used, the environment
variable is ignored.
如果启用了 --use-openssl-ca
,或者在 macOS 和 Windows 以外的平台上启用了 --use-system-ca
,这将覆盖并设置包含受信任证书的 OpenSSL 目录。
¥If --use-openssl-ca
is enabled, or if --use-system-ca
is enabled on
platforms other than macOS and Windows, this overrides and sets OpenSSL's directory
containing trusted certificates.
注意,除非显式设置子环境,否则任何子进程都会继承此环境变量,如果它们使用 OpenSSL,可能会导致它们信任与节点相同的 CA。
¥Be aware that unless the child environment is explicitly set, this environment variable will be inherited by any child processes, and if they use OpenSSL, it may cause them to trust the same CAs as node.
如果启用了 --use-openssl-ca
,或者在 macOS 和 Windows 以外的平台上启用了 --use-system-ca
,这将覆盖并设置包含受信任证书的 OpenSSL 文件。
¥If --use-openssl-ca
is enabled, or if --use-system-ca
is enabled on
platforms other than macOS and Windows, this overrides and sets OpenSSL's file
containing trusted certificates.
注意,除非显式设置子环境,否则任何子进程都会继承此环境变量,如果它们使用 OpenSSL,可能会导致它们信任与节点相同的 CA。
¥Be aware that unless the child environment is explicitly set, this environment variable will be inherited by any child processes, and if they use OpenSSL, it may cause them to trust the same CAs as node.
¥The TZ
environment variable is used to specify the timezone configuration.
虽然 Node.js 不支持所有各种 TZ
在其他环境中的处理方式,但它支持基本的 时区 ID(例如 'Etc/UTC'
或 'America/New_York'
¥While Node.js does not support all of the various ways that TZ
is handled in
other environments, it does support basic timezone IDs (such as
, 'Europe/Paris'
, or 'America/New_York'
It may support a few other abbreviations or aliases, but these are strongly
discouraged and not guaranteed.
$ TZ=Europe/Dublin node -pe "new Date().toString()"
Wed May 12 2021 20:30:48 GMT+0100 (Irish Standard Time)
将 libuv 的线程池中使用的线程数设置为 size
¥Set the number of threads used in libuv's threadpool to size
Node.js 尽可能使用异步的系统 API,但在它们不存在的情况下,libuv 的线程池用于基于同步的系统 API 创建异步的 node API。使用线程池的 Node.js API 有:
¥Asynchronous system APIs are used by Node.js whenever possible, but where they do not exist, libuv's threadpool is used to create asynchronous node APIs based on synchronous system APIs. Node.js APIs that use the threadpool are:
API,除了文件监视器 API 和那些显式同步的¥all
APIs, other than the file watcher APIs and those that are explicitly synchronous -
异步加密 API,例如
¥asynchronous crypto APIs such as
APIs, other than those that are explicitly synchronous
因为 libuv 的线程池有固定的大小,这意味着如果这些 API 中的任何一个由于某种原因需要很长时间,则在 libuv 的线程池中运行的其他(看似无关的)API 的性能将会下降。为了缓解此问题,潜在的解决方案是通过将 'UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE'
环境变量设置为大于 4
(其当前默认值)的值来增加 libuv 线程池的大小。但是,使用 process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE=size
从进程内部设置此项并不能保证有效,因为线程池将在运行用户代码之前作为运行时初始化的一部分创建。有关详细信息,请参阅 libuv 线程池文档。
¥Because libuv's threadpool has a fixed size, it means that if for whatever
reason any of these APIs takes a long time, other (seemingly unrelated) APIs
that run in libuv's threadpool will experience degraded performance. In order to
mitigate this issue, one potential solution is to increase the size of libuv's
threadpool by setting the 'UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE'
environment variable to a value
greater than 4
(its current default value). However, setting this from inside
the process using process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE=size
is not guranteed to work
as the threadpool would have been created as part of the runtime initialisation
much before user code is run. For more information, see the libuv threadpool documentation.
有用的 V8 选项#
¥Useful V8 options
V8 有自己的一组命令行选项。任何提供给 node
的 V8 命令行选项都将传给 V8 来处理。V8 的选项没有稳定性保证。V8 团队本身并不认为它们是其正式 API 的一部分,并保留随时更改它们的权利。同样,它们也不在 Node.js 稳定性保证范围内。许多 V8 选项只对 V8 开发者有用。尽管如此,有一小组 V8 选项广泛适用于 Node.js,它们记录在此处:
¥V8 has its own set of CLI options. Any V8 CLI option that is provided to node
will be passed on to V8 to handle. V8's options have no stability guarantee.
The V8 team themselves don't consider them to be part of their formal API,
and reserve the right to change them at any time. Likewise, they are not
covered by the Node.js stability guarantees. Many of the V8
options are of interest only to V8 developers. Despite this, there is a small
set of V8 options that are widely applicable to Node.js, and they are
documented here:
(以 MiB 为单位)#
(in MiB)
设置 V8 旧内存部分的最大内存大小。随着内存消耗接近极限,V8 会花更多的时间在垃圾回收上,以释放未使用的内存。
¥Sets the max memory size of V8's old memory section. As memory consumption approaches the limit, V8 will spend more time on garbage collection in an effort to free unused memory.
在具有 2 GiB 内存的机器上,考虑将其设置为 1536 (1.5 GiB) 以留出一些内存用于其他用途并避免交换。
¥On a machine with 2 GiB of memory, consider setting this to 1536 (1.5 GiB) to leave some memory for other uses and avoid swapping.
node --max-old-space-size=1536 index.js
(以 MiB 为单位)#
(in MiB)
以 MiB(兆字节)为单位设置 V8 的 清除垃圾收集器 的最大 semi-space 大小。增加半空间的最大尺寸可能会提高 Node.js 的吞吐量,但会消耗更多内存。
¥Sets the maximum semi-space size for V8's scavenge garbage collector in MiB (mebibytes). Increasing the max size of a semi-space may improve throughput for Node.js at the cost of more memory consumption.
由于 V8 堆的年轻代大小是半空间大小的三倍(参见 V8 中的 YoungGenerationSizeFromSemiSpaceSize
),因此半空间增加 1 MiB 适用于三个单独的半空间中的每一个,并导致堆大小增加 3 MiB。吞吐量的提高取决于你的工作负载(请参阅 #42511)。
¥Since the young generation size of the V8 heap is three times (see
in V8) the size of the semi-space,
an increase of 1 MiB to semi-space applies to each of the three individual
semi-spaces and causes the heap size to increase by 3 MiB. The throughput
improvement depends on your workload (see #42511).
默认值取决于内存限制。例如,在内存限制为 512 MiB 的 64 位系统上,半空间的最大大小默认为 1 MiB。对于高达 2GiB 的内存限制,在 64 位系统上,半空间的默认最大大小将小于 16 MiB。
¥The default value depends on the memory limit. For example, on 64-bit systems with a memory limit of 512 MiB, the max size of a semi-space defaults to 1 MiB. For memory limits up to and including 2GiB, the default max size of a semi-space will be less than 16 MiB on 64-bit systems.
要为你的应用获得最佳配置,你应该在为你的应用运行基准测试时尝试不同的 max-semi-space-size 值。
¥To get the best configuration for your application, you should try different max-semi-space-size values when running benchmarks for your application.
例如,在 64 位系统上进行基准测试:
¥For example, benchmark on a 64-bit systems:
for MiB in 16 32 64 128; do
node --max-semi-space-size=$MiB index.js
在错误堆栈跟踪中收集的堆栈帧的最大数量。将其设置为 0 将禁用堆栈跟踪收集。默认值为 10。
¥The maximum number of stack frames to collect in an error's stack trace. Setting it to 0 disables stack trace collection. The default value is 10.
node --stack-trace-limit=12 -p -e "Error.stackTraceLimit" # prints 12