Node.js v20.19.0 文档


¥Test runner

稳定性: 2 - 稳定的

¥Stability: 2 - Stable

源代码: lib/test.js

node:test 模块有助于创建 JavaScript 测试。要访问它:

¥The node:test module facilitates the creation of JavaScript tests. To access it:

import test from 'node:test';const test = require('node:test');

此模块仅在 node: 协议下可用。以下将不起作用:

¥This module is only available under the node: scheme. The following will not work:

import test from 'test';const test = require('test');

通过 test 模块创建的测试由单个函数组成,该函数以三种方式之一进行处理:

¥Tests created via the test module consist of a single function that is processed in one of three ways:

  1. 同步的函数,如果抛出异常则认为失败,否则认为通过。

    ¥A synchronous function that is considered failing if it throws an exception, and is considered passing otherwise.

  2. 返回 Promise 的函数,如果 Promise 拒绝,则视为失败;如果 Promise 满足,则视为通过。

    ¥A function that returns a Promise that is considered failing if the Promise rejects, and is considered passing if the Promise fulfills.

  3. 接收回调函数的函数。如果回调接收到任何真值作为其第一个参数,则认为测试失败。如果非真值作为第一个参数传给回调,则认为测试通过。如果测试函数接收到回调函数并且还返回 Promise,则测试将失败。

    ¥A function that receives a callback function. If the callback receives any truthy value as its first argument, the test is considered failing. If a falsy value is passed as the first argument to the callback, the test is considered passing. If the test function receives a callback function and also returns a Promise, the test will fail.

以下示例说明了如何使用 test 模块编写测试。

¥The following example illustrates how tests are written using the test module.

test('synchronous passing test', (t) => {
  // This test passes because it does not throw an exception.
  assert.strictEqual(1, 1);

test('synchronous failing test', (t) => {
  // This test fails because it throws an exception.
  assert.strictEqual(1, 2);

test('asynchronous passing test', async (t) => {
  // This test passes because the Promise returned by the async
  // function is settled and not rejected.
  assert.strictEqual(1, 1);

test('asynchronous failing test', async (t) => {
  // This test fails because the Promise returned by the async
  // function is rejected.
  assert.strictEqual(1, 2);

test('failing test using Promises', (t) => {
  // Promises can be used directly as well.
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setImmediate(() => {
      reject(new Error('this will cause the test to fail'));

test('callback passing test', (t, done) => {
  // done() is the callback function. When the setImmediate() runs, it invokes
  // done() with no arguments.

test('callback failing test', (t, done) => {
  // When the setImmediate() runs, done() is invoked with an Error object and
  // the test fails.
  setImmediate(() => {
    done(new Error('callback failure'));

如果任何测试失败,则进程退出代码设置为 1

¥If any tests fail, the process exit code is set to 1.



测试上下文的 test() 方法允许创建子测试。它允许你以分层方式构建测试,你可以在更大的测试中创建嵌套测试。此方法的行为与顶层 test() 函数相同。以下示例演示了如何创建具有两个子测试的顶层测试。

¥The test context's test() method allows subtests to be created. It allows you to structure your tests in a hierarchical manner, where you can create nested tests within a larger test. This method behaves identically to the top level test() function. The following example demonstrates the creation of a top level test with two subtests.

test('top level test', async (t) => {
  await t.test('subtest 1', (t) => {
    assert.strictEqual(1, 1);

  await t.test('subtest 2', (t) => {
    assert.strictEqual(2, 2);

注意:beforeEachafterEach 钩子在每个子测试执行之间触发。

¥Note: beforeEach and afterEach hooks are triggered between each subtest execution.

在本示例中,await 用于确保两个子测试均已完成。这是必要的,因为测试不会等待其子测试完成,这与套件中创建的测试不同。当父测试完成时仍然未完成的任何子测试将被取消并视为失败。任何子测试失败都会导致父测试失败。

¥In this example, await is used to ensure that both subtests have completed. This is necessary because tests do not wait for their subtests to complete, unlike tests created within suites. Any subtests that are still outstanding when their parent finishes are cancelled and treated as failures. Any subtest failures cause the parent test to fail.


¥Skipping tests

通过将 skip 选项传递给测试,或通过调用测试上下文的 skip() 方法,可以跳过单个测试,如下例所示。

¥Individual tests can be skipped by passing the skip option to the test, or by calling the test context's skip() method as shown in the following example.

// The skip option is used, but no message is provided.
test('skip option', { skip: true }, (t) => {
  // This code is never executed.

// The skip option is used, and a message is provided.
test('skip option with message', { skip: 'this is skipped' }, (t) => {
  // This code is never executed.

test('skip() method', (t) => {
  // Make sure to return here as well if the test contains additional logic.

test('skip() method with message', (t) => {
  // Make sure to return here as well if the test contains additional logic.
  t.skip('this is skipped');

TODO 测试#

¥TODO tests

通过将 todo 选项传递给测试,或通过调用测试上下文的 todo() 方法,可以将单个测试标记为不稳定或不完整,如以下示例所示。这些测试代表需要修复的待实现或错误。TODO 测试会被执行,但不会被视为测试失败,因此不会影响进程退出代码。如果测试被标记为 TODO 并被跳过,则 TODO 选项将被忽略。

¥Individual tests can be marked as flaky or incomplete by passing the todo option to the test, or by calling the test context's todo() method, as shown in the following example. These tests represent a pending implementation or bug that needs to be fixed. TODO tests are executed, but are not treated as test failures, and therefore do not affect the process exit code. If a test is marked as both TODO and skipped, the TODO option is ignored.

// The todo option is used, but no message is provided.
test('todo option', { todo: true }, (t) => {
  // This code is executed, but not treated as a failure.
  throw new Error('this does not fail the test');

// The todo option is used, and a message is provided.
test('todo option with message', { todo: 'this is a todo test' }, (t) => {
  // This code is executed.

test('todo() method', (t) => {

test('todo() method with message', (t) => {
  t.todo('this is a todo test and is not treated as a failure');
  throw new Error('this does not fail the test');

describe()it() 别名#

¥describe() and it() aliases

套件和测试也可以使用 describe()it() 函数编写。describe()suite() 的别名,it()test() 的别名。

¥Suites and tests can also be written using the describe() and it() functions. describe() is an alias for suite(), and it() is an alias for test().

describe('A thing', () => {
  it('should work', () => {
    assert.strictEqual(1, 1);

  it('should be ok', () => {
    assert.strictEqual(2, 2);

  describe('a nested thing', () => {
    it('should work', () => {
      assert.strictEqual(3, 3);

describe()it() 是从 node:test 模块导入的。

¥describe() and it() are imported from the node:test module.

import { describe, it } from 'node:test';const { describe, it } = require('node:test');

only 测试#

¥only tests

如果 Node.js 使用 --test-only 命令行选项启动,则可以通过将 only 选项传给应该运行的测试来跳过除选定子集之外的所有顶层测试。当运行带有 only 选项集的测试时,所有子测试也会运行。测试上下文的 runOnly() 方法可用于在子测试级别实现相同的行为。

¥If Node.js is started with the --test-only command-line option, it is possible to skip all top level tests except for a selected subset by passing the only option to the tests that should be run. When a test with the only option set is run, all subtests are also run. The test context's runOnly() method can be used to implement the same behavior at the subtest level.

// Assume Node.js is run with the --test-only command-line option.
// The 'only' option is set, so this test is run.
test('this test is run', { only: true }, async (t) => {
  // Within this test, all subtests are run by default.
  await t.test('running subtest');

  // The test context can be updated to run subtests with the 'only' option.
  await t.test('this subtest is now skipped');
  await t.test('this subtest is run', { only: true });

  // Switch the context back to execute all tests.
  await t.test('this subtest is now run');

  // Explicitly do not run these tests.
  await t.test('skipped subtest 3', { only: false });
  await t.test('skipped subtest 4', { skip: true });

// The 'only' option is not set, so this test is skipped.
test('this test is not run', () => {
  // This code is not run.
  throw new Error('fail');


¥Filtering tests by name

--test-name-pattern 命令行选项可用于仅运行名称与提供的模式匹配的测试。测试名称模式被解释为 JavaScript 正则表达式。可以多次指定 --test-name-pattern 选项以运行嵌套测试。对于执行的每个测试,也会运行任何相应的测试钩子,例如 beforeEach()

¥The --test-name-pattern command-line option can be used to only run tests whose name matches the provided pattern. Test name patterns are interpreted as JavaScript regular expressions. The --test-name-pattern option can be specified multiple times in order to run nested tests. For each test that is executed, any corresponding test hooks, such as beforeEach(), are also run.

给定以下测试文件,使用 --test-name-pattern="test [1-3]" 选项启动 Node.js 将导致测试运行程序执行 test 1test 2test 3。如果 test 1 不匹配测试名称模式,那么它的子测试将不会执行,尽管匹配模式。同一组测试也可以通过多次传递 --test-name-pattern 来执行(例如 --test-name-pattern="test 1"--test-name-pattern="test 2" 等)。

¥Given the following test file, starting Node.js with the --test-name-pattern="test [1-3]" option would cause the test runner to execute test 1, test 2, and test 3. If test 1 did not match the test name pattern, then its subtests would not execute, despite matching the pattern. The same set of tests could also be executed by passing --test-name-pattern multiple times (e.g. --test-name-pattern="test 1", --test-name-pattern="test 2", etc.).

test('test 1', async (t) => {
  await t.test('test 2');
  await t.test('test 3');

test('Test 4', async (t) => {
  await t.test('Test 5');
  await t.test('test 6');

也可以使用正则表达式字面指定测试名称模式。这允许使用正则表达式标志。在前面的示例中,以 --test-name-pattern="/test [4-5]/i" 开头的 Node.js 将匹配 Test 4Test 5,因为该模式不区分大小写。

¥Test name patterns can also be specified using regular expression literals. This allows regular expression flags to be used. In the previous example, starting Node.js with --test-name-pattern="/test [4-5]/i" would match Test 4 and Test 5 because the pattern is case-insensitive.


¥Test name patterns do not change the set of files that the test runner executes.


¥Extraneous asynchronous activity


¥Once a test function finishes executing, the results are reported as quickly as possible while maintaining the order of the tests. However, it is possible for the test function to generate asynchronous activity that outlives the test itself. The test runner handles this type of activity, but does not delay the reporting of test results in order to accommodate it.

在下面的示例中,测试完成时仍然有两个 setImmediate() 操作未完成。第一个 setImmediate() 尝试创建新的子测试。因为父测试已经完成并输出结果,所以新的子测试立即标记为失败,稍后报告给 <TestsStream>

¥In the following example, a test completes with two setImmediate() operations still outstanding. The first setImmediate() attempts to create a new subtest. Because the parent test has already finished and output its results, the new subtest is immediately marked as failed, and reported later to the <TestsStream>.

第二个 setImmediate() 创建了 uncaughtException 事件。源自已完成测试的 uncaughtExceptionunhandledRejection 事件被 test 模块标记为失败,并由 <TestsStream> 在顶层报告为诊断警告。

¥The second setImmediate() creates an uncaughtException event. uncaughtException and unhandledRejection events originating from a completed test are marked as failed by the test module and reported as diagnostic warnings at the top level by the <TestsStream>.

test('a test that creates asynchronous activity', (t) => {
  setImmediate(() => {
    t.test('subtest that is created too late', (t) => {
      throw new Error('error1');

  setImmediate(() => {
    throw new Error('error2');

  // The test finishes after this line.


¥Watch mode

稳定性: 1 - 实验性的

¥Stability: 1 - Experimental

Node.js 测试运行器支持通过传递 --watch 标志以监视模式运行:

¥The Node.js test runner supports running in watch mode by passing the --watch flag:

node --test --watch 


¥In watch mode, the test runner will watch for changes to test files and their dependencies. When a change is detected, the test runner will rerun the tests affected by the change. The test runner will continue to run until the process is terminated.


¥Running tests from the command line

可以通过传入 --test 标志从命令行调用 Node.js 测试运行程序:

¥The Node.js test runner can be invoked from the command line by passing the --test flag:

node --test 

默认情况下,Node.js 将递归搜索当前目录以查找匹配特定命名约定的 JavaScript 源文件。匹配文件作为测试文件执行。有关预期测试文件命名约定和行为的更多信息,请参见 测试运行器执行模型 部分。

¥By default, Node.js will recursively search the current directory for JavaScript source files matching a specific naming convention. Matching files are executed as test files. More information on the expected test file naming convention and behavior can be found in the test runner execution model section.

或者,可以提供一个或多个路径作为 Node.js 命令的最终参数,如下所示。

¥Alternatively, one or more paths can be provided as the final argument(s) to the Node.js command, as shown below.

node --test test1.js test2.mjs custom_test_dir/ 

在本例中,测试运行程序将执行文件 test1.jstest2.mjs。测试运行器还将递归搜索 custom_test_dir/ 目录以查找要执行的测试文件。

¥In this example, the test runner will execute the files test1.js and test2.mjs. The test runner will also recursively search the custom_test_dir/ directory for test files to execute.


¥Test runner execution model


¥When searching for test files to execute, the test runner behaves as follows:

  • 执行用户显式提供的任何文件。

    ¥Any files explicitly provided by the user are executed.

  • 如果用户没有显式地指定任何路径,则递归搜索当前工作目录中指定的文件,如以下步骤所示。

    ¥If the user did not explicitly specify any paths, the current working directory is recursively searched for files as specified in the following steps.

  • 除非用户显式地提供,否则跳过 node_modules 目录。

    ¥node_modules directories are skipped unless explicitly provided by the user.

  • 如果遇到名为 test 的目录,则测试运行程序将递归搜索所有 .js.cjs.mjs 文件。所有这些文件都被视为测试文件,不需要匹配下面详述的特定命名约定。这是为了适应将所有测试放在单个 test 目录中的项目。

    ¥If a directory named test is encountered, the test runner will search it recursively for all all .js, .cjs, and .mjs files. All of these files are treated as test files, and do not need to match the specific naming convention detailed below. This is to accommodate projects that place all of their tests in a single test directory.

  • 在所有其他目录中,匹配以下模式的 .js.cjs.mjs 文件被视为测试文件:

    ¥In all other directories, .js, .cjs, and .mjs files matching the following patterns are treated as test files:

    • ^test$ - 基本名称为字符串 'test' 的文件。示例:test.js, test.cjs, test.mjs.

      ¥^test$ - Files whose basename is the string 'test'. Examples: test.js, test.cjs, test.mjs.

    • ^test-.+ - 基本名称以字符串 'test-' 后跟一个或多个字符开头的文件。示例:test-example.js, test-another-example.mjs.

      ¥^test-.+ - Files whose basename starts with the string 'test-' followed by one or more characters. Examples: test-example.js, test-another-example.mjs.

    • .+[\.\-\_]test$ - 基本名称以 .test-test_test 结尾且前面有一个或多个字符的文件。示例:example.test.js, example-test.cjs, example_test.mjs.

      ¥.+[\.\-\_]test$ - Files whose basename ends with .test, -test, or _test, preceded by one or more characters. Examples: example.test.js, example-test.cjs, example_test.mjs.

    • Node.js 理解的其他文件类型,例如 .node.json,不会由测试运行程序自动执行,但如果在命令行上显式地提供,则支持。

      ¥Other file types understood by Node.js such as .node and .json are not automatically executed by the test runner, but are supported if explicitly provided on the command line.

每个匹配的测试文件都在单独的子进程中执行。任何时候运行的子进程的最大数量由 --test-concurrency 标志控制。如果子进程以退出代码 0 结束,则认为测试通过。否则,认为测试失败。测试文件必须是 Node.js 可执行文件,但不需要在内部使用 node:test 模块。

¥Each matching test file is executed in a separate child process. The maximum number of child processes running at any time is controlled by the --test-concurrency flag. If the child process finishes with an exit code of 0, the test is considered passing. Otherwise, the test is considered to be a failure. Test files must be executable by Node.js, but are not required to use the node:test module internally.

每个测试文件都像常规脚本一样执行。也就是说,如果测试文件本身使用 node:test 来定义测试,则所有这些测试都将在单个应用线程中执行,而不管 test()concurrency 选项的值如何。

¥Each test file is executed as if it was a regular script. That is, if the test file itself uses node:test to define tests, all of those tests will be executed within a single application thread, regardless of the value of the concurrency option of test().


¥Collecting code coverage

稳定性: 1 - 实验性的

¥Stability: 1 - Experimental

当 Node.js 以 --experimental-test-coverage 命令行标志启动时,代码覆盖率将被收集并在所有测试完成后报告统计信息。如果使用 NODE_V8_COVERAGE 环境变量指定代码覆盖目录,则生成的 V8 覆盖文件写入该目录。默认情况下,node_modules/ 目录中的 Node.js 核心模块和文件不包含在覆盖率报告中。但是,它们可以通过 --test-coverage-include 标志明确包含。如果启用覆盖,覆盖报告将通过 'test:coverage' 事件发送到任何 测试报告器

¥When Node.js is started with the --experimental-test-coverage command-line flag, code coverage is collected and statistics are reported once all tests have completed. If the NODE_V8_COVERAGE environment variable is used to specify a code coverage directory, the generated V8 coverage files are written to that directory. Node.js core modules and files within node_modules/ directories are, by default, not included in the coverage report. However, they can be explicity included via the --test-coverage-include flag. If coverage is enabled, the coverage report is sent to any test reporters via the 'test:coverage' event.


¥Coverage can be disabled on a series of lines using the following comment syntax:

/* node:coverage disable */
if (anAlwaysFalseCondition) {
  // Code in this branch will never be executed, but the lines are ignored for
  // coverage purposes. All lines following the 'disable' comment are ignored
  // until a corresponding 'enable' comment is encountered.
  console.log('this is never executed');
/* node:coverage enable */ 


¥Coverage can also be disabled for a specified number of lines. After the specified number of lines, coverage will be automatically reenabled. If the number of lines is not explicitly provided, a single line is ignored.

/* node:coverage ignore next */
if (anAlwaysFalseCondition) { console.log('this is never executed'); }

/* node:coverage ignore next 3 */
if (anAlwaysFalseCondition) {
  console.log('this is never executed');


¥Coverage reporters

Tap 和 Spec 报告器将打印覆盖统计数据的摘要。还有一个 lcov 报告器,它将生成 lcov 文件,可用作深度覆盖报告。

¥The tap and spec reporters will print a summary of the coverage statistics. There is also an lcov reporter that will generate an lcov file which can be used as an in depth coverage report.

node --test --experimental-test-coverage --test-reporter=lcov 
  • 此报告器未报告任何测试结果。

    ¥No test results are reported by this reporter.

  • 此报告器最好与另一个报告器一起使用。

    ¥This reporter should ideally be used alongside another reporter.




¥The test runner's code coverage functionality does not support excluding specific files or directories from the coverage report.



node:test 模块支持通过顶层 mock 对象在测试期间进行模拟。以下示例创建了一个对将两个数字相加的函数的监视。间谍随后被用来断言该函数已按预期调用。

¥The node:test module supports mocking during testing via a top-level mock object. The following example creates a spy on a function that adds two numbers together. The spy is then used to assert that the function was called as expected.

import assert from 'node:assert';
import { mock, test } from 'node:test';

test('spies on a function', () => {
  const sum = mock.fn((a, b) => {
    return a + b;

  assert.strictEqual(sum.mock.callCount(), 0);
  assert.strictEqual(sum(3, 4), 7);
  assert.strictEqual(sum.mock.callCount(), 1);

  const call = sum.mock.calls[0];
  assert.deepStrictEqual(call.arguments, [3, 4]);
  assert.strictEqual(call.result, 7);
  assert.strictEqual(call.error, undefined);

  // Reset the globally tracked mocks.
});'use strict';
const assert = require('node:assert');
const { mock, test } = require('node:test');

test('spies on a function', () => {
  const sum = mock.fn((a, b) => {
    return a + b;

  assert.strictEqual(sum.mock.callCount(), 0);
  assert.strictEqual(sum(3, 4), 7);
  assert.strictEqual(sum.mock.callCount(), 1);

  const call = sum.mock.calls[0];
  assert.deepStrictEqual(call.arguments, [3, 4]);
  assert.strictEqual(call.result, 7);
  assert.strictEqual(call.error, undefined);

  // Reset the globally tracked mocks.

相同的模拟功能也暴露在每个测试的 TestContext 对象上。以下示例使用 TestContext 上公开的 API 创建对象方法的监听器。通过测试上下文进行模拟的好处是,测试运行器将在测试完成后自动恢复所有模拟功能。

¥The same mocking functionality is also exposed on the TestContext object of each test. The following example creates a spy on an object method using the API exposed on the TestContext. The benefit of mocking via the test context is that the test runner will automatically restore all mocked functionality once the test finishes.

test('spies on an object method', (t) => {
  const number = {
    value: 5,
    add(a) {
      return this.value + a;

  t.mock.method(number, 'add');
  assert.strictEqual(number.add.mock.callCount(), 0);
  assert.strictEqual(number.add(3), 8);
  assert.strictEqual(number.add.mock.callCount(), 1);

  const call = number.add.mock.calls[0];

  assert.deepStrictEqual(call.arguments, [3]);
  assert.strictEqual(call.result, 8);
  assert.strictEqual(, undefined);
  assert.strictEqual(call.this, number);



模拟定时器是软件测试中常用的一种技术,用于模拟和控制定时器(例如 setIntervalsetTimeout)的行为,而无需实际等待指定的时间间隔。

¥Mocking timers is a technique commonly used in software testing to simulate and control the behavior of timers, such as setInterval and setTimeout, without actually waiting for the specified time intervals.

有关方法和功能的完整列表,请参阅 MockTimers 类。

¥Refer to the MockTimers class for a full list of methods and features.


¥This allows developers to write more reliable and predictable tests for time-dependent functionality.

下面的示例展示了如何模拟 setTimeout。使用 .enable({ apis: ['setTimeout'] }); 它将模拟 node:timersnode:timers/promises 模块以及 Node.js 全局上下文中的 setTimeout 函数。

¥The example below shows how to mock setTimeout. Using .enable({ apis: ['setTimeout'] }); it will mock the setTimeout functions in the node:timers and node:timers/promises modules, as well as from the Node.js global context.

注意:该 API 目前不支持 import { setTimeout } from 'node:timers' 等解构函数。

¥Note: Destructuring functions such as import { setTimeout } from 'node:timers' is currently not supported by this API.

import assert from 'node:assert';
import { mock, test } from 'node:test';

test('mocks setTimeout to be executed synchronously without having to actually wait for it', () => {
  const fn = mock.fn();

  // Optionally choose what to mock
  mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout'] });
  setTimeout(fn, 9999);
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 0);

  // Advance in time
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 1);

  // Reset the globally tracked mocks.

  // If you call reset mock instance, it will also reset timers instance
});const assert = require('node:assert');
const { mock, test } = require('node:test');

test('mocks setTimeout to be executed synchronously without having to actually wait for it', () => {
  const fn = mock.fn();

  // Optionally choose what to mock
  mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout'] });
  setTimeout(fn, 9999);
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 0);

  // Advance in time
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 1);

  // Reset the globally tracked mocks.

  // If you call reset mock instance, it will also reset timers instance

每个测试的 TestContext 对象的模拟属性中也公开了相同的模拟功能。通过测试上下文进行模拟的好处是,一旦测试完成,测试运行器将自动恢复所有模拟的定时器功能。

¥The same mocking functionality is also exposed in the mock property on the TestContext object of each test. The benefit of mocking via the test context is that the test runner will automatically restore all mocked timers functionality once the test finishes.

import assert from 'node:assert';
import { test } from 'node:test';

test('mocks setTimeout to be executed synchronously without having to actually wait for it', (context) => {
  const fn = context.mock.fn();

  // Optionally choose what to mock
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout'] });
  setTimeout(fn, 9999);
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 0);

  // Advance in time
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 1);
});const assert = require('node:assert');
const { test } = require('node:test');

test('mocks setTimeout to be executed synchronously without having to actually wait for it', (context) => {
  const fn = context.mock.fn();

  // Optionally choose what to mock
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout'] });
  setTimeout(fn, 9999);
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 0);

  // Advance in time
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 1);



模拟定时器 API 还允许模拟 Date 对象。对于测试与时间相关的功能或模拟内部日历功能(例如来说,这是一个有用的功能。

¥The mock timers API also allows the mocking of the Date object. This is a useful feature for testing time-dependent functionality, or to simulate internal calendar functions such as

日期实现也是 MockTimers 类的一部分。请参阅它以获取方法和功能的完整列表。

¥The dates implementation is also part of the MockTimers class. Refer to it for a full list of methods and features.

注意:当一起模拟时,日期和定时器是依赖的。这意味着,如果你同时模拟了 DatesetTimeout,则提前时间也会提前模拟日期,因为它们模拟单个内部时钟。

¥Note: Dates and timers are dependent when mocked together. This means that if you have both the Date and setTimeout mocked, advancing the time will also advance the mocked date as they simulate a single internal clock.

下面的示例展示了如何模拟 Date 对象并获取当前 值。

¥The example below show how to mock the Date object and obtain the current value.

import assert from 'node:assert';
import { test } from 'node:test';

test('mocks the Date object', (context) => {
  // Optionally choose what to mock
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['Date'] });
  // If not specified, the initial date will be based on 0 in the UNIX epoch
  assert.strictEqual(, 0);

  // Advance in time will also advance the date
  assert.strictEqual(, 9999);
});const assert = require('node:assert');
const { test } = require('node:test');

test('mocks the Date object', (context) => {
  // Optionally choose what to mock
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['Date'] });
  // If not specified, the initial date will be based on 0 in the UNIX epoch
  assert.strictEqual(, 0);

  // Advance in time will also advance the date
  assert.strictEqual(, 9999);

如果没有设置初始纪元,则初始日期将以 Unix 纪元中的 0 为基础。这是 1970 年 1 月 1 日 00:00:00 UTC。你可以通过将 now 属性传递给 .enable() 方法来设置初始日期。该值将用作模拟 Date 对象的初始日期。它可以是正整数,也可以是另一个 Date 对象。

¥If there is no initial epoch set, the initial date will be based on 0 in the Unix epoch. This is January 1st, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. You can set an initial date by passing a now property to the .enable() method. This value will be used as the initial date for the mocked Date object. It can either be a positive integer, or another Date object.

import assert from 'node:assert';
import { test } from 'node:test';

test('mocks the Date object with initial time', (context) => {
  // Optionally choose what to mock
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['Date'], now: 100 });
  assert.strictEqual(, 100);

  // Advance in time will also advance the date
  assert.strictEqual(, 300);
});const assert = require('node:assert');
const { test } = require('node:test');

test('mocks the Date object with initial time', (context) => {
  // Optionally choose what to mock
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['Date'], now: 100 });
  assert.strictEqual(, 100);

  // Advance in time will also advance the date
  assert.strictEqual(, 300);

你可以使用 .setTime() 方法手动将模拟日期移动到另一个时间。此方法仅接受正整数。

¥You can use the .setTime() method to manually move the mocked date to another time. This method only accepts a positive integer.


¥Note: This method will execute any mocked timers that are in the past from the new time.


¥In the below example we are setting a new time for the mocked date.

import assert from 'node:assert';
import { test } from 'node:test';

test('sets the time of a date object', (context) => {
  // Optionally choose what to mock
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['Date'], now: 100 });
  assert.strictEqual(, 100);

  // Advance in time will also advance the date
  assert.strictEqual(, 1200);
});const assert = require('node:assert');
const { test } = require('node:test');

test('sets the time of a date object', (context) => {
  // Optionally choose what to mock
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['Date'], now: 100 });
  assert.strictEqual(, 100);

  // Advance in time will also advance the date
  assert.strictEqual(, 1200);

如果你有任何设置为过去运行的定时器,它将像调用 .tick() 方法一样执行。如果你想测试已经过去的时间相关功能,这非常有用。

¥If you have any timer that's set to run in the past, it will be executed as if the .tick() method has been called. This is useful if you want to test time-dependent functionality that's already in the past.

import assert from 'node:assert';
import { test } from 'node:test';

test('runs timers as setTime passes ticks', (context) => {
  // Optionally choose what to mock
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout', 'Date'] });
  const fn = context.mock.fn();
  setTimeout(fn, 1000);

  // Timer is not executed as the time is not yet reached
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 0);
  assert.strictEqual(, 800);

  // Timer is executed as the time is now reached
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 1);
  assert.strictEqual(, 1200);
});const assert = require('node:assert');
const { test } = require('node:test');

test('runs timers as setTime passes ticks', (context) => {
  // Optionally choose what to mock
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout', 'Date'] });
  const fn = context.mock.fn();
  setTimeout(fn, 1000);

  // Timer is not executed as the time is not yet reached
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 0);
  assert.strictEqual(, 800);

  // Timer is executed as the time is now reached
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 1);
  assert.strictEqual(, 1200);

使用 .runAll() 将执行当前队列中的所有定时器。这还将模拟日期提前到最后执行的定时器的时间,就好像时间已经过去一样。

¥Using .runAll() will execute all timers that are currently in the queue. This will also advance the mocked date to the time of the last timer that was executed as if the time has passed.

import assert from 'node:assert';
import { test } from 'node:test';

test('runs timers as setTime passes ticks', (context) => {
  // Optionally choose what to mock
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout', 'Date'] });
  const fn = context.mock.fn();
  setTimeout(fn, 1000);
  setTimeout(fn, 2000);
  setTimeout(fn, 3000);

  // All timers are executed as the time is now reached
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 3);
  assert.strictEqual(, 3000);
});const assert = require('node:assert');
const { test } = require('node:test');

test('runs timers as setTime passes ticks', (context) => {
  // Optionally choose what to mock
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout', 'Date'] });
  const fn = context.mock.fn();
  setTimeout(fn, 1000);
  setTimeout(fn, 2000);
  setTimeout(fn, 3000);

  // All timers are executed as the time is now reached
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 3);
  assert.strictEqual(, 3000);


¥Test reporters

node:test 模块支持传递 --test-reporter 标志,以便测试运行器使用特定的报告程序。

¥The node:test module supports passing --test-reporter flags for the test runner to use a specific reporter.


¥The following built-reporters are supported:

  • tap tap 报告器以 TAP 格式输出测试结果。

    ¥tap The tap reporter outputs the test results in the TAP format.

  • spec spec 报告器以人类可读的格式输出测试结果。

    ¥spec The spec reporter outputs the test results in a human-readable format.

  • dot dot 报告器以紧凑格式输出测试结果,其中每个通过的测试用 . 表示,每个失败的测试用 X 表示。

    ¥dot The dot reporter outputs the test results in a compact format, where each passing test is represented by a ., and each failing test is represented by a X.

  • junit junit 报告器以 jUnit XML 格式输出测试结果

    ¥junit The junit reporter outputs test results in a jUnit XML format

  • lcov--experimental-test-coverage 标志一起使用时,lcov 报告器会输出测试覆盖率。

    ¥lcov The lcov reporter outputs test coverage when used with the --experimental-test-coverage flag.

stdoutTTY 时,默认使用 spec 报告器。否则,默认使用 tap 报告器。

¥When stdout is a TTY, the spec reporter is used by default. Otherwise, the tap reporter is used by default.

这些报告器的确切输出可能会因 Node.js 版本而异,不应以编程方式依赖。如果需要以编程方式访问测试运行程序的输出,请使用 <TestsStream> 触发的事件。

¥The exact output of these reporters is subject to change between versions of Node.js, and should not be relied on programmatically. If programmatic access to the test runner's output is required, use the events emitted by the <TestsStream>.

报告器可通过 node:test/reporters 模块获得:

¥The reporters are available via the node:test/reporters module:

import { tap, spec, dot, junit, lcov } from 'node:test/reporters';const { tap, spec, dot, junit, lcov } = require('node:test/reporters');


¥Custom reporters

--test-reporter 可用于指定自定义报告程序的路径。自定义报告器是一个导出 stream.compose 接受的值的模块。报告者应该转换 <TestsStream> 触发的事件

¥--test-reporter can be used to specify a path to custom reporter. A custom reporter is a module that exports a value accepted by stream.compose. Reporters should transform events emitted by a <TestsStream>

使用 <stream.Transform> 的自定义报告器示例:

¥Example of a custom reporter using <stream.Transform>:

import { Transform } from 'node:stream';

const customReporter = new Transform({
  writableObjectMode: true,
  transform(event, encoding, callback) {
    switch (event.type) {
      case 'test:dequeue':
        callback(null, `test ${} dequeued`);
      case 'test:enqueue':
        callback(null, `test ${} enqueued`);
      case 'test:watch:drained':
        callback(null, 'test watch queue drained');
      case 'test:start':
        callback(null, `test ${} started`);
      case 'test:pass':
        callback(null, `test ${} passed`);
      case 'test:fail':
        callback(null, `test ${} failed`);
      case 'test:plan':
        callback(null, 'test plan');
      case 'test:diagnostic':
      case 'test:stderr':
      case 'test:stdout':
      case 'test:coverage': {
        const { totalLineCount } =;
        callback(null, `total line count: ${totalLineCount}\n`);

export default customReporter;const { Transform } = require('node:stream');

const customReporter = new Transform({
  writableObjectMode: true,
  transform(event, encoding, callback) {
    switch (event.type) {
      case 'test:dequeue':
        callback(null, `test ${} dequeued`);
      case 'test:enqueue':
        callback(null, `test ${} enqueued`);
      case 'test:watch:drained':
        callback(null, 'test watch queue drained');
      case 'test:start':
        callback(null, `test ${} started`);
      case 'test:pass':
        callback(null, `test ${} passed`);
      case 'test:fail':
        callback(null, `test ${} failed`);
      case 'test:plan':
        callback(null, 'test plan');
      case 'test:diagnostic':
      case 'test:stderr':
      case 'test:stdout':
      case 'test:coverage': {
        const { totalLineCount } =;
        callback(null, `total line count: ${totalLineCount}\n`);

module.exports = customReporter;


¥Example of a custom reporter using a generator function:

export default async function * customReporter(source) {
  for await (const event of source) {
    switch (event.type) {
      case 'test:dequeue':
        yield `test ${} dequeued\n`;
      case 'test:enqueue':
        yield `test ${} enqueued\n`;
      case 'test:watch:drained':
        yield 'test watch queue drained\n';
      case 'test:start':
        yield `test ${} started\n`;
      case 'test:pass':
        yield `test ${} passed\n`;
      case 'test:fail':
        yield `test ${} failed\n`;
      case 'test:plan':
        yield 'test plan\n';
      case 'test:diagnostic':
      case 'test:stderr':
      case 'test:stdout':
        yield `${}\n`;
      case 'test:coverage': {
        const { totalLineCount } =;
        yield `total line count: ${totalLineCount}\n`;
}module.exports = async function * customReporter(source) {
  for await (const event of source) {
    switch (event.type) {
      case 'test:dequeue':
        yield `test ${} dequeued\n`;
      case 'test:enqueue':
        yield `test ${} enqueued\n`;
      case 'test:watch:drained':
        yield 'test watch queue drained\n';
      case 'test:start':
        yield `test ${} started\n`;
      case 'test:pass':
        yield `test ${} passed\n`;
      case 'test:fail':
        yield `test ${} failed\n`;
      case 'test:plan':
        yield 'test plan\n';
      case 'test:diagnostic':
      case 'test:stderr':
      case 'test:stdout':
        yield `${}\n`;
      case 'test:coverage': {
        const { totalLineCount } =;
        yield `total line count: ${totalLineCount}\n`;

提供给 --test-reporter 的值应该是一个类似于 JavaScript 代码中的 import() 中使用的字符串,或者提供给 --import 的值。

¥The value provided to --test-reporter should be a string like one used in an import() in JavaScript code, or a value provided for --import.


¥Multiple reporters

可以多次指定 --test-reporter 标志,以多种格式报告测试结果。在这种情况下,需要使用 --test-reporter-destination 为每个报告者指定目标。目标可以是 stdoutstderr 或文件路径。报告器和目标根据指定的顺序配对。

¥The --test-reporter flag can be specified multiple times to report test results in several formats. In this situation it is required to specify a destination for each reporter using --test-reporter-destination. Destination can be stdout, stderr, or a file path. Reporters and destinations are paired according to the order they were specified.

在下面的例子中,spec 报告器将输出到 stdoutdot 报告器将输出到 file.txt

¥In the following example, the spec reporter will output to stdout, and the dot reporter will output to file.txt:

node --test-reporter=spec --test-reporter=dot --test-reporter-destination=stdout --test-reporter-destination=file.txt 

当指定单个报告者时,目标将默认为 stdout,除非明确提供目标。

¥When a single reporter is specified, the destination will default to stdout, unless a destination is explicitly provided.


  • options <Object> 运行测试的配置选项。支持以下属性:

    ¥options <Object> Configuration options for running tests. The following properties are supported:

    • concurrency <number> | <boolean> 如果提供了一个数字,那么许多测试进程将并行运行,其中每个进程对应一个测试文件。如果是 true,它将并行运行 os.availableParallelism() - 1 个测试文件。如果是 false,它一次只会运行一个测试文件。默认值:false

      ¥concurrency <number> | <boolean> If a number is provided, then that many test processes would run in parallel, where each process corresponds to one test file. If true, it would run os.availableParallelism() - 1 test files in parallel. If false, it would only run one test file at a time. Default: false.

    • files<Array> 包含要运行的文件列表的数组。默认值:来自 测试运行器执行模型 的匹配文件。

      ¥files: <Array> An array containing the list of files to run. Default: matching files from test runner execution model.

    • forceExit<boolean> 配置测试运行器在所有已知测试完成执行后退出进程,即使事件循环将保持活动状态。默认值:false

      ¥forceExit: <boolean> Configures the test runner to exit the process once all known tests have finished executing even if the event loop would otherwise remain active. Default: false.

    • inspectPort <number> | <Function> 设置测试子进程的检查器端口。这可以是数字,也可以是不带参数并返回数字的函数。如果提供了一个空值,每个进程都有自己的端口,从主进程的 process.debugPort 递增。默认值:undefined

      ¥inspectPort <number> | <Function> Sets inspector port of test child process. This can be a number, or a function that takes no arguments and returns a number. If a nullish value is provided, each process gets its own port, incremented from the primary's process.debugPort. Default: undefined.

    • only<boolean> 如果为真,测试上下文将仅运行设置了 only 选项的测试

      ¥only: <boolean> If truthy, the test context will only run tests that have the only option set

    • setup <Function> 接受 TestsStream 实例并可用于在运行任何测试之前设置监听器的函数。默认值:undefined

      ¥setup <Function> A function that accepts the TestsStream instance and can be used to setup listeners before any tests are run. Default: undefined.

    • signal <AbortSignal> 允许中止正在进行的测试执行。

      ¥signal <AbortSignal> Allows aborting an in-progress test execution.

    • testNamePatterns <string> | <RegExp> | <Array> 一个字符串、正则表达式或正则表达式数组,可用于仅运行名称与提供的模式匹配的测试。测试名称模式被解释为 JavaScript 正则表达式。对于执行的每个测试,也会运行任何相应的测试钩子,例如 beforeEach()。默认值:undefined

      ¥testNamePatterns <string> | <RegExp> | <Array> A String, RegExp or a RegExp Array, that can be used to only run tests whose name matches the provided pattern. Test name patterns are interpreted as JavaScript regular expressions. For each test that is executed, any corresponding test hooks, such as beforeEach(), are also run. Default: undefined.

    • testSkipPatterns <string> | <RegExp> | <Array> 字符串、RegExp 或 RegExp 数组,可用于排除名称与提供的模式匹配的正在运行的测试。测试名称模式被解释为 JavaScript 正则表达式。对于执行的每个测试,也会运行任何相应的测试钩子,例如 beforeEach()。默认值:undefined

      ¥testSkipPatterns <string> | <RegExp> | <Array> A String, RegExp or a RegExp Array, that can be used to exclude running tests whose name matches the provided pattern. Test name patterns are interpreted as JavaScript regular expressions. For each test that is executed, any corresponding test hooks, such as beforeEach(), are also run. Default: undefined.

    • timeout <number> 测试执行将在几毫秒后失败。如果未指定,则子测试从其父测试继承此值。默认值:Infinity

      ¥timeout <number> A number of milliseconds the test execution will fail after. If unspecified, subtests inherit this value from their parent. Default: Infinity.

    • watch <boolean> 是否以监视模式运行。默认值:false

      ¥watch <boolean> Whether to run in watch mode or not. Default: false.

    • shard <Object> 在特定分片中运行测试。默认值:undefined

      ¥shard <Object> Running tests in a specific shard. Default: undefined.

      • index <number> 是 1 到 <total> 之间的正整数,指定要运行的分片的索引。此选项是必需的。

        ¥index <number> is a positive integer between 1 and <total> that specifies the index of the shard to run. This option is required.

      • total <number> 是一个正整数,指定将测试文件拆分为的分片总数。此选项是必需的。

        ¥total <number> is a positive integer that specifies the total number of shards to split the test files to. This option is required.

  • 返回:<TestsStream>

    ¥Returns: <TestsStream>

注意:shard 用于跨机器或进程水平并行测试运行,非常适合跨不同环境的大规模执行。它与 watch 模式不兼容,该模式是通过自动重新运行文件更改测试来实现快速代码迭代而定制的。

¥Note: shard is used to horizontally parallelize test running across machines or processes, ideal for large-scale executions across varied environments. It's incompatible with watch mode, tailored for rapid code iteration by automatically rerunning tests on file changes.

import { tap } from 'node:test/reporters';
import { run } from 'node:test';
import process from 'node:process';
import path from 'node:path';

run({ files: [path.resolve('./tests/test.js')] })
 .on('test:fail', () => {
   process.exitCode = 1;
 .pipe(process.stdout);const { tap } = require('node:test/reporters');
const { run } = require('node:test');
const path = require('node:path');

run({ files: [path.resolve('./tests/test.js')] })
 .on('test:fail', () => {
   process.exitCode = 1;

suite([name][, options][, fn])#

  • name <string> 套件名称,报告测试结果时显示。默认值:fnname 属性,如果 fn 没有名称,则为 '<anonymous>'

    ¥name <string> The name of the suite, which is displayed when reporting test results. Default: The name property of fn, or '<anonymous>' if fn does not have a name.

  • options <Object> 套件的可选配置选项。这支持与 test([name][, options][, fn]) 相同的选项。

    ¥options <Object> Optional configuration options for the suite. This supports the same options as test([name][, options][, fn]).

  • fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> suite 函数声明嵌套测试和套件。此函数的第一个参数是 SuiteContext 对象。默认值:空操作函数。

    ¥fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> The suite function declaring nested tests and suites. The first argument to this function is a SuiteContext object. Default: A no-op function.

  • 返回:<Promise> 立即满足 undefined

    ¥Returns: <Promise> Immediately fulfilled with undefined.

suite() 函数是从 node:test 模块导入的。

¥The suite() function is imported from the node:test module.

suite.skip([name][, options][, fn])#

跳过套件的简写。这与 suite([name], { skip: true }[, fn]) 相同。

¥Shorthand for skipping a suite. This is the same as suite([name], { skip: true }[, fn]).

suite.todo([name][, options][, fn])#

将套件标记为 TODO 的简写。这与 suite([name], { todo: true }[, fn]) 相同。

¥Shorthand for marking a suite as TODO. This is the same as suite([name], { todo: true }[, fn]).

suite.only([name][, options][, fn])#

将套件标记为 only 的简写。这与 suite([name], { only: true }[, fn]) 相同。

¥Shorthand for marking a suite as only. This is the same as suite([name], { only: true }[, fn]).

test([name][, options][, fn])#

  • name <string> 测试的名称,报告测试结果时显示。默认值:fnname 属性,如果 fn 没有名称,则为 '<anonymous>'

    ¥name <string> The name of the test, which is displayed when reporting test results. Default: The name property of fn, or '<anonymous>' if fn does not have a name.

  • options <Object> 测试的配置选项。支持以下属性:

    ¥options <Object> Configuration options for the test. The following properties are supported:

    • concurrency <number> | <boolean> 如果提供了一个数字,那么许多测试将在应用线程中并行运行。如果为 true,则所有计划的异步测试在线程内同时运行。如果是 false,一次只运行一个测试。如果未指定,则子测试从其父测试继承此值。默认值:false

      ¥concurrency <number> | <boolean> If a number is provided, then that many tests would run in parallel within the application thread. If true, all scheduled asynchronous tests run concurrently within the thread. If false, only one test runs at a time. If unspecified, subtests inherit this value from their parent. Default: false.

    • only <boolean> 如果为真,并且测试上下文配置为运行 only 测试,则将运行此测试。否则跳过测试。默认值:false

      ¥only <boolean> If truthy, and the test context is configured to run only tests, then this test will be run. Otherwise, the test is skipped. Default: false.

    • signal <AbortSignal> 允许中止正在进行的测试。

      ¥signal <AbortSignal> Allows aborting an in-progress test.

    • skip <boolean> | <string> 如果为真,则跳过测试。如果提供了字符串,则该字符串将作为跳过测试的原因显示在测试结果中。默认值:false

      ¥skip <boolean> | <string> If truthy, the test is skipped. If a string is provided, that string is displayed in the test results as the reason for skipping the test. Default: false.

    • todo <boolean> | <string> 如果为真,则测试标记为 TODO。如果提供了字符串,则该字符串会显示在测试结果中作为测试为 TODO 的原因。默认值:false

      ¥todo <boolean> | <string> If truthy, the test marked as TODO. If a string is provided, that string is displayed in the test results as the reason why the test is TODO. Default: false.

    • timeout <number> 测试失败的毫秒数。如果未指定,则子测试从其父测试继承此值。默认值:Infinity

      ¥timeout <number> A number of milliseconds the test will fail after. If unspecified, subtests inherit this value from their parent. Default: Infinity.

    • plan <number> 预期在测试中运行的断言和子测试的数量。如果测试中运行的断言数量与计划中指定的数量不匹配,则测试将失败。默认值:undefined

      ¥plan <number> The number of assertions and subtests expected to be run in the test. If the number of assertions run in the test does not match the number specified in the plan, the test will fail. Default: undefined.

  • fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> 被测试的函数。此函数的第一个参数是 TestContext 对象。如果测试使用回调,则回调函数作为第二个参数传入。默认值:空操作函数。

    ¥fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> The function under test. The first argument to this function is a TestContext object. If the test uses callbacks, the callback function is passed as the second argument. Default: A no-op function.

  • 返回:<Promise> 一旦测试完成,或者如果测试在套件中运行,则立即满足 undefined

    ¥Returns: <Promise> Fulfilled with undefined once the test completes, or immediately if the test runs within a suite.

test() 函数是从 test 模块导入的值。每次调用此函数都会向 <TestsStream> 报告测试。

¥The test() function is the value imported from the test module. Each invocation of this function results in reporting the test to the <TestsStream>.

传给 fn 参数的 TestContext 对象可用于执行与当前测试相关的操作。示例包括跳过测试、添加额外的诊断信息或创建子测试。

¥The TestContext object passed to the fn argument can be used to perform actions related to the current test. Examples include skipping the test, adding additional diagnostic information, or creating subtests.

test() 返回测试完成后满足的 Promise。如果 test() 在套件内被调用,它会立即执行。返回值通常可以被顶层测试丢弃。但是,应该使用子测试的返回值来防止父测试先完成并取消子测试,如下例所示。

¥test() returns a Promise that fulfills once the test completes. if test() is called within a suite, it fulfills immediately. The return value can usually be discarded for top level tests. However, the return value from subtests should be used to prevent the parent test from finishing first and cancelling the subtest as shown in the following example.

test('top level test', async (t) => {
  // The setTimeout() in the following subtest would cause it to outlive its
  // parent test if 'await' is removed on the next line. Once the parent test
  // completes, it will cancel any outstanding subtests.
  await t.test('longer running subtest', async (t) => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(resolve, 1000);

如果完成时间超过 timeout 毫秒,则可以使用 timeout 选项使测试失败。但是,它不是取消测试的可靠机制,因为正在运行的测试可能会阻塞应用线程,从而阻止预定的取消。

¥The timeout option can be used to fail the test if it takes longer than timeout milliseconds to complete. However, it is not a reliable mechanism for canceling tests because a running test might block the application thread and thus prevent the scheduled cancellation.

test.skip([name][, options][, fn])#

跳过测试的简写,与 test([name], { skip: true }[, fn]) 相同。

¥Shorthand for skipping a test, same as test([name], { skip: true }[, fn]).

test.todo([name][, options][, fn])#

将测试标记为 TODO 的简写,与 test([name], { todo: true }[, fn]) 相同。

¥Shorthand for marking a test as TODO, same as test([name], { todo: true }[, fn]).

test.only([name][, options][, fn])#

将测试标记为 only 的简写,与 test([name], { only: true }[, fn]) 相同。

¥Shorthand for marking a test as only, same as test([name], { only: true }[, fn]).

describe([name][, options][, fn])#

suite() 的别名。

¥Alias for suite().

describe() 函数是从 node:test 模块导入的。

¥The describe() function is imported from the node:test module.

describe.skip([name][, options][, fn])#

跳过套件的简写。这与 describe([name], { skip: true }[, fn]) 相同。

¥Shorthand for skipping a suite. This is the same as describe([name], { skip: true }[, fn]).

describe.todo([name][, options][, fn])#

将套件标记为 TODO 的简写。这与 describe([name], { todo: true }[, fn]) 相同。

¥Shorthand for marking a suite as TODO. This is the same as describe([name], { todo: true }[, fn]).

describe.only([name][, options][, fn])#

将套件标记为 only 的简写。这与 describe([name], { only: true }[, fn]) 相同。

¥Shorthand for marking a suite as only. This is the same as describe([name], { only: true }[, fn]).

it([name][, options][, fn])#

test() 的别名。

¥Alias for test().

it() 函数是从 node:test 模块导入的。

¥The it() function is imported from the node:test module.

it.skip([name][, options][, fn])#

跳过测试的简写,与 it([name], { skip: true }[, fn]) 相同。

¥Shorthand for skipping a test, same as it([name], { skip: true }[, fn]).

it.todo([name][, options][, fn])#

将测试标记为 TODO 的简写,与 it([name], { todo: true }[, fn]) 相同。

¥Shorthand for marking a test as TODO, same as it([name], { todo: true }[, fn]).

it.only([name][, options][, fn])#

将测试标记为 only 的简写,与 it([name], { only: true }[, fn]) 相同。

¥Shorthand for marking a test as only, same as it([name], { only: true }[, fn]).

before([fn][, options])#

  • fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> 钩子函数。如果钩子使用回调,则回调函数作为第二个参数传入。默认值:空操作函数。

    ¥fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> The hook function. If the hook uses callbacks, the callback function is passed as the second argument. Default: A no-op function.

  • options <Object> 钩子的配置选项。支持以下属性:

    ¥options <Object> Configuration options for the hook. The following properties are supported:

    • signal <AbortSignal> 允许中止正在进行的钩子。

      ¥signal <AbortSignal> Allows aborting an in-progress hook.

    • timeout <number> 钩子会在几毫秒后失败。如果未指定,则子测试从其父测试继承此值。默认值:Infinity

      ¥timeout <number> A number of milliseconds the hook will fail after. If unspecified, subtests inherit this value from their parent. Default: Infinity.


¥This function creates a hook that runs before executing a suite.

describe('tests', async () => {
  before(() => console.log('about to run some test'));
  it('is a subtest', () => {
    assert.ok('some relevant assertion here');

after([fn][, options])#

  • fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> 钩子函数。如果钩子使用回调,则回调函数作为第二个参数传入。默认值:空操作函数。

    ¥fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> The hook function. If the hook uses callbacks, the callback function is passed as the second argument. Default: A no-op function.

  • options <Object> 钩子的配置选项。支持以下属性:

    ¥options <Object> Configuration options for the hook. The following properties are supported:

    • signal <AbortSignal> 允许中止正在进行的钩子。

      ¥signal <AbortSignal> Allows aborting an in-progress hook.

    • timeout <number> 钩子会在几毫秒后失败。如果未指定,则子测试从其父测试继承此值。默认值:Infinity

      ¥timeout <number> A number of milliseconds the hook will fail after. If unspecified, subtests inherit this value from their parent. Default: Infinity.


¥This function creates a hook that runs after executing a suite.

describe('tests', async () => {
  after(() => console.log('finished running tests'));
  it('is a subtest', () => {
    assert.ok('some relevant assertion here');

注意:即使套件内的测试失败,after 钩子也能保证运行。

¥Note: The after hook is guaranteed to run, even if tests within the suite fail.

beforeEach([fn][, options])#

  • fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> 钩子函数。如果钩子使用回调,则回调函数作为第二个参数传入。默认值:空操作函数。

    ¥fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> The hook function. If the hook uses callbacks, the callback function is passed as the second argument. Default: A no-op function.

  • options <Object> 钩子的配置选项。支持以下属性:

    ¥options <Object> Configuration options for the hook. The following properties are supported:

    • signal <AbortSignal> 允许中止正在进行的钩子。

      ¥signal <AbortSignal> Allows aborting an in-progress hook.

    • timeout <number> 钩子会在几毫秒后失败。如果未指定,则子测试从其父测试继承此值。默认值:Infinity

      ¥timeout <number> A number of milliseconds the hook will fail after. If unspecified, subtests inherit this value from their parent. Default: Infinity.


¥This function creates a hook that runs before each test in the current suite.

describe('tests', async () => {
  beforeEach(() => console.log('about to run a test'));
  it('is a subtest', () => {
    assert.ok('some relevant assertion here');

afterEach([fn][, options])#

  • fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> 钩子函数。如果钩子使用回调,则回调函数作为第二个参数传入。默认值:空操作函数。

    ¥fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> The hook function. If the hook uses callbacks, the callback function is passed as the second argument. Default: A no-op function.

  • options <Object> 钩子的配置选项。支持以下属性:

    ¥options <Object> Configuration options for the hook. The following properties are supported:

    • signal <AbortSignal> 允许中止正在进行的钩子。

      ¥signal <AbortSignal> Allows aborting an in-progress hook.

    • timeout <number> 钩子会在几毫秒后失败。如果未指定,则子测试从其父测试继承此值。默认值:Infinity

      ¥timeout <number> A number of milliseconds the hook will fail after. If unspecified, subtests inherit this value from their parent. Default: Infinity.

该函数创建一个钩子,在当前套件中的每个测试之后运行。即使测试失败,afterEach() 钩子也会运行。

¥This function creates a hook that runs after each test in the current suite. The afterEach() hook is run even if the test fails.

describe('tests', async () => {
  afterEach(() => console.log('finished running a test'));
  it('is a subtest', () => {
    assert.ok('some relevant assertion here');


¥Class: MockFunctionContext

MockFunctionContext 类用于检查或操纵通过 MockTracker API 创建的模拟的行为。

¥The MockFunctionContext class is used to inspect or manipulate the behavior of mocks created via the MockTracker APIs.



¥A getter that returns a copy of the internal array used to track calls to the mock. Each entry in the array is an object with the following properties.

  • arguments <Array> 传递给模拟函数的参数数组。

    ¥arguments <Array> An array of the arguments passed to the mock function.

  • error <any> 如果模拟函数抛出,则此属性包含抛出的值。默认值:undefined

    ¥error <any> If the mocked function threw then this property contains the thrown value. Default: undefined.

  • result <any> 模拟函数返回的值。

    ¥result <any> The value returned by the mocked function.

  • stack <Error> 一个 Error 对象,其堆栈可用于确定模拟函数调用的调用点。

    ¥stack <Error> An Error object whose stack can be used to determine the callsite of the mocked function invocation.

  • target <Function> | <undefined> 如果模拟函数是构造函数,则此字段包含正在构造的类。否则这将是 undefined

    ¥target <Function> | <undefined> If the mocked function is a constructor, this field contains the class being constructed. Otherwise this will be undefined.

  • this <any> 模拟函数的 this 值。

    ¥this <any> The mocked function's this value.


  • 返回:<integer> 这个模拟被调用的次数。

    ¥Returns: <integer> The number of times that this mock has been invoked.

此函数返回此模拟已被调用的次数。此函数比检查 ctx.calls.length 更有效,因为 ctx.calls 是创建内部调用跟踪数组副本的获取器。

¥This function returns the number of times that this mock has been invoked. This function is more efficient than checking ctx.calls.length because ctx.calls is a getter that creates a copy of the internal call tracking array.



¥This function is used to change the behavior of an existing mock.

以下示例使用 t.mock.fn() 创建模拟函数,调用模拟函数,然后将模拟实现更改为不同的函数。

¥The following example creates a mock function using t.mock.fn(), calls the mock function, and then changes the mock implementation to a different function.

test('changes a mock behavior', (t) => {
  let cnt = 0;

  function addOne() {
    return cnt;

  function addTwo() {
    cnt += 2;
    return cnt;

  const fn = t.mock.fn(addOne);

  assert.strictEqual(fn(), 1);
  assert.strictEqual(fn(), 3);
  assert.strictEqual(fn(), 5);

ctx.mockImplementationOnce(implementation[, onCall])#

  • implementation <Function> | <AsyncFunction> 要用作 onCall 指定的调用编号的模拟实现的函数。

    ¥implementation <Function> | <AsyncFunction> The function to be used as the mock's implementation for the invocation number specified by onCall.

  • onCall <integer> 将使用 implementation 的调用编号。如果指定的调用已经发生,则抛出异常。默认值:下一次调用的次数。

    ¥onCall <integer> The invocation number that will use implementation. If the specified invocation has already occurred then an exception is thrown. Default: The number of the next invocation.

此函数用于更改单个调用的现有模拟的行为。一旦调用 onCall 发生,模拟将恢复到没有调用 mockImplementationOnce() 时它会使用的任何行为。

¥This function is used to change the behavior of an existing mock for a single invocation. Once invocation onCall has occurred, the mock will revert to whatever behavior it would have used had mockImplementationOnce() not been called.

以下示例使用 t.mock.fn() 创建模拟函数,调用模拟函数,将模拟实现更改为下一次调用的不同函数,然后恢复其先前的行为。

¥The following example creates a mock function using t.mock.fn(), calls the mock function, changes the mock implementation to a different function for the next invocation, and then resumes its previous behavior.

test('changes a mock behavior once', (t) => {
  let cnt = 0;

  function addOne() {
    return cnt;

  function addTwo() {
    cnt += 2;
    return cnt;

  const fn = t.mock.fn(addOne);

  assert.strictEqual(fn(), 1);
  assert.strictEqual(fn(), 3);
  assert.strictEqual(fn(), 4);



¥Resets the call history of the mock function.



¥Resets the implementation of the mock function to its original behavior. The mock can still be used after calling this function.


¥Class: MockModuleContext

稳定性: 1.0 - 早期开发

¥Stability: 1.0 - Early development

MockModuleContext 类用于操纵通过 MockTracker API 创建的模块模拟​​的行为。

¥The MockModuleContext class is used to manipulate the behavior of module mocks created via the MockTracker APIs.



¥Resets the implementation of the mock module.


¥Class: MockTracker

MockTracker 类用于管理模拟功能。测试运行器模块提供了一个顶层 mock 导出,它是一个 MockTracker 实例。每个测试还通过测试上下文的 mock 属性提供自己的 MockTracker 实例。

¥The MockTracker class is used to manage mocking functionality. The test runner module provides a top level mock export which is a MockTracker instance. Each test also provides its own MockTracker instance via the test context's mock property.

mock.fn([original[, implementation]][, options])#

  • original <Function> | <AsyncFunction> 创建模拟的可选函数。默认值:空操作函数。

    ¥original <Function> | <AsyncFunction> An optional function to create a mock on. Default: A no-op function.

  • implementation <Function> | <AsyncFunction> 用作 original 的模拟实现的可选函数。这对于创建针对指定次数的调用表现出一种行为然后恢复 original 的行为的模拟非常有用。默认值:original 指定的函数。

    ¥implementation <Function> | <AsyncFunction> An optional function used as the mock implementation for original. This is useful for creating mocks that exhibit one behavior for a specified number of calls and then restore the behavior of original. Default: The function specified by original.

  • options <Object> 模拟功能的可选配置选项。支持以下属性:

    ¥options <Object> Optional configuration options for the mock function. The following properties are supported:

    • times <integer> 模拟将使用 implementation 的行为的次数。一旦模拟函数被调用了 times 次,它会自动恢复 original 的行为。此值必须是大于零的整数。默认值:Infinity

      ¥times <integer> The number of times that the mock will use the behavior of implementation. Once the mock function has been called times times, it will automatically restore the behavior of original. This value must be an integer greater than zero. Default: Infinity.

  • 返回:<Proxy> 模拟函数。模拟函数包含一个特殊的 mock 属性,它是 MockFunctionContext 的一个实例,可用于检查和更改模拟函数的行为。

    ¥Returns: <Proxy> The mocked function. The mocked function contains a special mock property, which is an instance of MockFunctionContext, and can be used for inspecting and changing the behavior of the mocked function.


¥This function is used to create a mock function.

以下示例创建了一个模拟函数,每次调用时计数器都会递增 1。times 选项用于修改模拟行为,以便前两次调用将两个而不是一个添加到计数器。

¥The following example creates a mock function that increments a counter by one on each invocation. The times option is used to modify the mock behavior such that the first two invocations add two to the counter instead of one.

test('mocks a counting function', (t) => {
  let cnt = 0;

  function addOne() {
    return cnt;

  function addTwo() {
    cnt += 2;
    return cnt;

  const fn = t.mock.fn(addOne, addTwo, { times: 2 });

  assert.strictEqual(fn(), 2);
  assert.strictEqual(fn(), 4);
  assert.strictEqual(fn(), 5);
  assert.strictEqual(fn(), 6);

mock.getter(object, methodName[, implementation][, options])#

此函数是 MockTracker.method 的语法糖,options.getter 设置为 true

¥This function is syntax sugar for MockTracker.method with options.getter set to true.

mock.method(object, methodName[, implementation][, options])#

  • object <Object> 其方法被模拟的对象。

    ¥object <Object> The object whose method is being mocked.

  • methodName <string> | <symbol> 要模拟的 object 上的方法的标识符。如果 object[methodName] 不是函数,则会抛出错误。

    ¥methodName <string> | <symbol> The identifier of the method on object to mock. If object[methodName] is not a function, an error is thrown.

  • implementation <Function> | <AsyncFunction> 用作 object[methodName] 的模拟实现的可选函数。默认值:object[methodName] 指定的原始方法。

    ¥implementation <Function> | <AsyncFunction> An optional function used as the mock implementation for object[methodName]. Default: The original method specified by object[methodName].

  • options <Object> 模拟方法的可选配置选项。支持以下属性:

    ¥options <Object> Optional configuration options for the mock method. The following properties are supported:

    • getter <boolean> 如果为 trueobject[methodName] 被当作获取器。此选项不能与 setter 选项一起使用。默认值:false。

      ¥getter <boolean> If true, object[methodName] is treated as a getter. This option cannot be used with the setter option. Default: false.

    • setter <boolean> 如果为 trueobject[methodName] 被视为设置器。此选项不能与 getter 选项一起使用。默认值:false。

      ¥setter <boolean> If true, object[methodName] is treated as a setter. This option cannot be used with the getter option. Default: false.

    • times <integer> 模拟将使用 implementation 的行为的次数。一旦被模拟的方法被调用了 times 次,它会自动恢复原来的行为。此值必须是大于零的整数。默认值:Infinity

      ¥times <integer> The number of times that the mock will use the behavior of implementation. Once the mocked method has been called times times, it will automatically restore the original behavior. This value must be an integer greater than zero. Default: Infinity.

  • 返回:<Proxy> 被模拟的方法。模拟方法包含一个特殊的 mock 属性,它是 MockFunctionContext 的实例,可用于检查和更改模拟方法的行为。

    ¥Returns: <Proxy> The mocked method. The mocked method contains a special mock property, which is an instance of MockFunctionContext, and can be used for inspecting and changing the behavior of the mocked method.


¥This function is used to create a mock on an existing object method. The following example demonstrates how a mock is created on an existing object method.

test('spies on an object method', (t) => {
  const number = {
    value: 5,
    subtract(a) {
      return this.value - a;

  t.mock.method(number, 'subtract');
  assert.strictEqual(number.subtract.mock.callCount(), 0);
  assert.strictEqual(number.subtract(3), 2);
  assert.strictEqual(number.subtract.mock.callCount(), 1);

  const call = number.subtract.mock.calls[0];

  assert.deepStrictEqual(call.arguments, [3]);
  assert.strictEqual(call.result, 2);
  assert.strictEqual(call.error, undefined);
  assert.strictEqual(, undefined);
  assert.strictEqual(call.this, number);

mock.module(specifier[, options])#

稳定性: 1.0 - 早期开发

¥Stability: 1.0 - Early development

  • specifier <string> 用于标识要模拟的模块的字符串。

    ¥specifier <string> A string identifying the module to mock.

  • options <Object> 模拟模块的可选配置选项。支持以下属性:

    ¥options <Object> Optional configuration options for the mock module. The following properties are supported:

    • cache <boolean> 如果 false,则每次调用 require()import() 都会生成一个新的模拟模块。如果是 true,后续调用将返回相同的模块模拟​​,并且模拟模块将插入到 CommonJS 缓存中。默认值:false。

      ¥cache <boolean> If false, each call to require() or import() generates a new mock module. If true, subsequent calls will return the same module mock, and the mock module is inserted into the CommonJS cache. Default: false.

    • defaultExport <any> 用作模拟模块默认导出的可选值。如果未提供此值,则 ESM 模拟不包含默认导出。如果模拟是 CommonJS 或内置模块,则此设置用作 module.exports 的值。如果没有提供此值,CJS 和内置模拟将使用空对象作为 module.exports 的值。

      ¥defaultExport <any> An optional value used as the mocked module's default export. If this value is not provided, ESM mocks do not include a default export. If the mock is a CommonJS or builtin module, this setting is used as the value of module.exports. If this value is not provided, CJS and builtin mocks use an empty object as the value of module.exports.

    • namedExports <Object> 可选对象,其键和值用于创建模拟模块的命名导出。如果模拟是 CommonJS 或内置模块,则这些值将复制到 module.exports 上。因此,如果使用命名导出和非对象默认导出创建模拟,则模拟在用作 CJS 或内置模块时将引发异常。

      ¥namedExports <Object> An optional object whose keys and values are used to create the named exports of the mock module. If the mock is a CommonJS or builtin module, these values are copied onto module.exports. Therefore, if a mock is created with both named exports and a non-object default export, the mock will throw an exception when used as a CJS or builtin module.

  • 返回:<MockModuleContext> 可用于操作模拟的对象。

    ¥Returns: <MockModuleContext> An object that can be used to manipulate the mock.

此函数用于模拟 ECMAScript 模块、CommonJS 模块和 Node.js 内置模块的导出。模拟之前对原始模块的任何引用均不受影响。以下示例演示了如何为模块创建模拟。

¥This function is used to mock the exports of ECMAScript modules, CommonJS modules, and Node.js builtin modules. Any references to the original module prior to mocking are not impacted. The following example demonstrates how a mock is created for a module.

test('mocks a builtin module in both module systems', async (t) => {
  // Create a mock of 'node:readline' with a named export named 'fn', which
  // does not exist in the original 'node:readline' module.
  const mock = t.mock.module('node:readline', {
    namedExports: { fn() { return 42; } },

  let esmImpl = await import('node:readline');
  let cjsImpl = require('node:readline');

  // cursorTo() is an export of the original 'node:readline' module.
  assert.strictEqual(esmImpl.cursorTo, undefined);
  assert.strictEqual(cjsImpl.cursorTo, undefined);
  assert.strictEqual(esmImpl.fn(), 42);
  assert.strictEqual(cjsImpl.fn(), 42);


  // The mock is restored, so the original builtin module is returned.
  esmImpl = await import('node:readline');
  cjsImpl = require('node:readline');

  assert.strictEqual(typeof esmImpl.cursorTo, 'function');
  assert.strictEqual(typeof cjsImpl.cursorTo, 'function');
  assert.strictEqual(esmImpl.fn, undefined);
  assert.strictEqual(cjsImpl.fn, undefined);


此函数恢复了此 MockTracker 之前创建的所有模拟的默认行为,并解除了模拟与 MockTracker 实例的关联。一旦解除关联,模拟仍然可以使用,但 MockTracker 实例不能再用于重置它们的行为或以其他方式与它们交互。

¥This function restores the default behavior of all mocks that were previously created by this MockTracker and disassociates the mocks from the MockTracker instance. Once disassociated, the mocks can still be used, but the MockTracker instance can no longer be used to reset their behavior or otherwise interact with them.

每次测试完成后,都会在测试上下文的 MockTracker 上调用此函数。如果广泛使用全局 MockTracker,建议手动调用该函数。

¥After each test completes, this function is called on the test context's MockTracker. If the global MockTracker is used extensively, calling this function manually is recommended.


此函数恢复此 MockTracker 之前创建的所有模拟的默认行为。与 mock.reset() 不同,mock.restoreAll() 不会取消模拟与 MockTracker 实例的关联。

¥This function restores the default behavior of all mocks that were previously created by this MockTracker. Unlike mock.reset(), mock.restoreAll() does not disassociate the mocks from the MockTracker instance.

mock.setter(object, methodName[, implementation][, options])#

此函数是 MockTracker.method 的语法糖,options.setter 设置为 true

¥This function is syntax sugar for MockTracker.method with options.setter set to true.


¥Class: MockTimers

稳定性: 1 - 实验性的

¥Stability: 1 - Experimental

模拟定时器是软件测试中常用的一种技术,用于模拟和控制定时器(例如 setIntervalsetTimeout)的行为,而无需实际等待指定的时间间隔。

¥Mocking timers is a technique commonly used in software testing to simulate and control the behavior of timers, such as setInterval and setTimeout, without actually waiting for the specified time intervals.

MockTimers 还能够模拟 Date 对象。

¥MockTimers is also able to mock the Date object.

MockTracker 提供顶层 timers 导出,它是 MockTimers 实例。

¥The MockTracker provides a top-level timers export which is a MockTimers instance.



¥Enables timer mocking for the specified timers.

  • enableOptions <Object> 用于启用定时器模拟的可选配置选项。支持以下属性:

    ¥enableOptions <Object> Optional configuration options for enabling timer mocking. The following properties are supported:

    • apis <Array> 包含要模拟的定时器的可选数组。当前支持的定时器值为 'setInterval''setTimeout''setImmediate''Date'。默认值:['setInterval', 'setTimeout', 'setImmediate', 'Date']。如果没有提供数组,则默认模拟所有时间相关的 API('setInterval''clearInterval''setTimeout''clearTimeout''setImmediate''clearImmediate''Date')。

      ¥apis <Array> An optional array containing the timers to mock. The currently supported timer values are 'setInterval', 'setTimeout', 'setImmediate', and 'Date'. Default: ['setInterval', 'setTimeout', 'setImmediate', 'Date']. If no array is provided, all time related APIs ('setInterval', 'clearInterval', 'setTimeout', 'clearTimeout', 'setImmediate', 'clearImmediate', and 'Date') will be mocked by default.

    • now <number> | <Date> 表示用作 值的初始时间(以毫秒为单位)的可选数字或日期对象。默认值:0

      ¥now <number> | <Date> An optional number or Date object representing the initial time (in milliseconds) to use as the value for Default: 0.


¥Note: When you enable mocking for a specific timer, its associated clear function will also be implicitly mocked.

注意:模拟 Date 将影响模拟定时器的行为,因为它们使用相同的内部时钟。

¥Note: Mocking Date will affect the behavior of the mocked timers as they use the same internal clock.


¥Example usage without setting initial time:

import { mock } from 'node:test';
mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setInterval'] });const { mock } = require('node:test');
mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setInterval'] });

上面的示例启用了对 setInterval 定时器的模拟,并隐式模拟了 clearInterval 函数。仅 node:timersnode:timers/promisesglobalThis 中的 setIntervalclearInterval 函数将被模拟。

¥The above example enables mocking for the setInterval timer and implicitly mocks the clearInterval function. Only the setInterval and clearInterval functions from node:timers, node:timers/promises, and globalThis will be mocked.


¥Example usage with initial time set

import { mock } from 'node:test';
mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['Date'], now: 1000 });const { mock } = require('node:test');
mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['Date'], now: 1000 });

将初始 Date 对象设置为时间的示例用法

¥Example usage with initial Date object as time set

import { mock } from 'node:test';
mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['Date'], now: new Date() });const { mock } = require('node:test');
mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['Date'], now: new Date() });

或者,如果你调用 mock.timers.enable() 时不带任何参数:

¥Alternatively, if you call mock.timers.enable() without any parameters:

所有计时器('setInterval''clearInterval''setTimeout''clearTimeout''setImmediate''clearImmediate')都将被模拟。node:timersnode:timers/promisesglobalThis 中的 setIntervalclearIntervalsetTimeoutclearTimeoutsetImmediateclearImmediate 函数将被模拟。以及全局 Date 对象。

¥All timers ('setInterval', 'clearInterval', 'setTimeout', 'clearTimeout', 'setImmediate', and 'clearImmediate') will be mocked. The setInterval, clearInterval, setTimeout, clearTimeout, setImmediate, and clearImmediate functions from node:timers, node:timers/promises, and globalThis will be mocked. As well as the global Date object.


此函数恢复此 MockTimers 实例之前创建的所有模拟的默认行为,并取消这些模拟与 MockTracker 实例的关联。

¥This function restores the default behavior of all mocks that were previously created by this MockTimers instance and disassociates the mocks from the MockTracker instance.

注意:每次测试完成后,都会在测试上下文的 MockTracker 上调用此函数。

¥Note: After each test completes, this function is called on the test context's MockTracker.

import { mock } from 'node:test';
mock.timers.reset();const { mock } = require('node:test');


调用 timers.reset()

¥Calls timers.reset().



¥Advances time for all mocked timers.

  • milliseconds <number> 定时器提前的时间量(以毫秒为单位)。默认值:1

    ¥milliseconds <number> The amount of time, in milliseconds, to advance the timers. Default: 1.

注意:这与 Node.js 中 setTimeout 的行为不同,它只接受正数。在 Node.js 中,仅出于 Web 兼容性原因才支持带有负数的 setTimeout

¥Note: This diverges from how setTimeout in Node.js behaves and accepts only positive numbers. In Node.js, setTimeout with negative numbers is only supported for web compatibility reasons.

以下示例模拟 setTimeout 函数,并通过使用 .tick 时间提前来触发所有挂起的定时器。

¥The following example mocks a setTimeout function and by using .tick advances in time triggering all pending timers.

import assert from 'node:assert';
import { test } from 'node:test';

test('mocks setTimeout to be executed synchronously without having to actually wait for it', (context) => {
  const fn = context.mock.fn();

  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout'] });

  setTimeout(fn, 9999);

  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 0);

  // Advance in time

  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 1);
});const assert = require('node:assert');
const { test } = require('node:test');

test('mocks setTimeout to be executed synchronously without having to actually wait for it', (context) => {
  const fn = context.mock.fn();
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout'] });

  setTimeout(fn, 9999);
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 0);

  // Advance in time

  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 1);

或者,可以多次调用 .tick 函数

¥Alternatively, the .tick function can be called many times

import assert from 'node:assert';
import { test } from 'node:test';

test('mocks setTimeout to be executed synchronously without having to actually wait for it', (context) => {
  const fn = context.mock.fn();
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout'] });
  const nineSecs = 9000;
  setTimeout(fn, nineSecs);

  const threeSeconds = 3000;

  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 1);
});const assert = require('node:assert');
const { test } = require('node:test');

test('mocks setTimeout to be executed synchronously without having to actually wait for it', (context) => {
  const fn = context.mock.fn();
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout'] });
  const nineSecs = 9000;
  setTimeout(fn, nineSecs);

  const threeSeconds = 3000;

  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 1);

使用 .tick 提前时间也会提前启用模拟后创建的任何 Date 对象的时间(如果 Date 也设置为模拟)。

¥Advancing time using .tick will also advance the time for any Date object created after the mock was enabled (if Date was also set to be mocked).

import assert from 'node:assert';
import { test } from 'node:test';

test('mocks setTimeout to be executed synchronously without having to actually wait for it', (context) => {
  const fn = context.mock.fn();

  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout', 'Date'] });
  setTimeout(fn, 9999);

  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 0);
  assert.strictEqual(, 0);

  // Advance in time
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 1);
  assert.strictEqual(, 9999);
});const assert = require('node:assert');
const { test } = require('node:test');

test('mocks setTimeout to be executed synchronously without having to actually wait for it', (context) => {
  const fn = context.mock.fn();
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout', 'Date'] });

  setTimeout(fn, 9999);
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 0);
  assert.strictEqual(, 0);

  // Advance in time
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 1);
  assert.strictEqual(, 9999);


¥Using clear functions

如上所述,计时器(clearTimeoutclearIntervalclearImmediate)的所有清除函数均被隐式模拟。看一下使用 setTimeout 的示例:

¥As mentioned, all clear functions from timers (clearTimeout, clearInterval,and clearImmediate) are implicitly mocked. Take a look at this example using setTimeout:

import assert from 'node:assert';
import { test } from 'node:test';

test('mocks setTimeout to be executed synchronously without having to actually wait for it', (context) => {
  const fn = context.mock.fn();

  // Optionally choose what to mock
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout'] });
  const id = setTimeout(fn, 9999);

  // Implicitly mocked as well

  // As that setTimeout was cleared the mock function will never be called
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 0);
});const assert = require('node:assert');
const { test } = require('node:test');

test('mocks setTimeout to be executed synchronously without having to actually wait for it', (context) => {
  const fn = context.mock.fn();

  // Optionally choose what to mock
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout'] });
  const id = setTimeout(fn, 9999);

  // Implicitly mocked as well

  // As that setTimeout was cleared the mock function will never be called
  assert.strictEqual(fn.mock.callCount(), 0);

使用 Node.js 定时器模块#

¥Working with Node.js timers modules

启用模拟定时器后,就会启用 Node.js 全局上下文中的 node:timersnode:timers/promises 模块和定时器:

¥Once you enable mocking timers, node:timers, node:timers/promises modules, and timers from the Node.js global context are enabled:

注意:该 API 目前不支持 import { setTimeout } from 'node:timers' 等解构函数。

¥Note: Destructuring functions such as import { setTimeout } from 'node:timers' is currently not supported by this API.

import assert from 'node:assert';
import { test } from 'node:test';
import nodeTimers from 'node:timers';
import nodeTimersPromises from 'node:timers/promises';

test('mocks setTimeout to be executed synchronously without having to actually wait for it', async (context) => {
  const globalTimeoutObjectSpy = context.mock.fn();
  const nodeTimerSpy = context.mock.fn();
  const nodeTimerPromiseSpy = context.mock.fn();

  // Optionally choose what to mock
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout'] });
  setTimeout(globalTimeoutObjectSpy, 9999);
  nodeTimers.setTimeout(nodeTimerSpy, 9999);

  const promise = nodeTimersPromises.setTimeout(9999).then(nodeTimerPromiseSpy);

  // Advance in time
  assert.strictEqual(globalTimeoutObjectSpy.mock.callCount(), 1);
  assert.strictEqual(nodeTimerSpy.mock.callCount(), 1);
  await promise;
  assert.strictEqual(nodeTimerPromiseSpy.mock.callCount(), 1);
});const assert = require('node:assert');
const { test } = require('node:test');
const nodeTimers = require('node:timers');
const nodeTimersPromises = require('node:timers/promises');

test('mocks setTimeout to be executed synchronously without having to actually wait for it', async (context) => {
  const globalTimeoutObjectSpy = context.mock.fn();
  const nodeTimerSpy = context.mock.fn();
  const nodeTimerPromiseSpy = context.mock.fn();

  // Optionally choose what to mock
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout'] });
  setTimeout(globalTimeoutObjectSpy, 9999);
  nodeTimers.setTimeout(nodeTimerSpy, 9999);

  const promise = nodeTimersPromises.setTimeout(9999).then(nodeTimerPromiseSpy);

  // Advance in time
  assert.strictEqual(globalTimeoutObjectSpy.mock.callCount(), 1);
  assert.strictEqual(nodeTimerSpy.mock.callCount(), 1);
  await promise;
  assert.strictEqual(nodeTimerPromiseSpy.mock.callCount(), 1);

在 Node.js 中,node:timers/promises 中的 setIntervalAsyncGenerator,并且也受此 API 支持:

¥In Node.js, setInterval from node:timers/promises is an AsyncGenerator and is also supported by this API:

import assert from 'node:assert';
import { test } from 'node:test';
import nodeTimersPromises from 'node:timers/promises';
test('should tick five times testing a real use case', async (context) => {
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setInterval'] });

  const expectedIterations = 3;
  const interval = 1000;
  const startedAt =;
  async function run() {
    const times = [];
    for await (const time of nodeTimersPromises.setInterval(interval, startedAt)) {
      if (times.length === expectedIterations) break;
    return times;

  const r = run();

  const timeResults = await r;
  assert.strictEqual(timeResults.length, expectedIterations);
  for (let it = 1; it < expectedIterations; it++) {
    assert.strictEqual(timeResults[it - 1], startedAt + (interval * it));
});const assert = require('node:assert');
const { test } = require('node:test');
const nodeTimersPromises = require('node:timers/promises');
test('should tick five times testing a real use case', async (context) => {
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setInterval'] });

  const expectedIterations = 3;
  const interval = 1000;
  const startedAt =;
  async function run() {
    const times = [];
    for await (const time of nodeTimersPromises.setInterval(interval, startedAt)) {
      if (times.length === expectedIterations) break;
    return times;

  const r = run();

  const timeResults = await r;
  assert.strictEqual(timeResults.length, expectedIterations);
  for (let it = 1; it < expectedIterations; it++) {
    assert.strictEqual(timeResults[it - 1], startedAt + (interval * it));


立即触发所有待处理的模拟定时器。如果 Date 对象也被模拟,它也会将 Date 对象提前到最远的定时器时间。

¥Triggers all pending mocked timers immediately. If the Date object is also mocked, it will also advance the Date object to the furthest timer's time.


¥The example below triggers all pending timers immediately, causing them to execute without any delay.

import assert from 'node:assert';
import { test } from 'node:test';

test('runAll functions following the given order', (context) => {
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout', 'Date'] });
  const results = [];
  setTimeout(() => results.push(1), 9999);

  // Notice that if both timers have the same timeout,
  // the order of execution is guaranteed
  setTimeout(() => results.push(3), 8888);
  setTimeout(() => results.push(2), 8888);

  assert.deepStrictEqual(results, []);

  assert.deepStrictEqual(results, [3, 2, 1]);
  // The Date object is also advanced to the furthest timer's time
  assert.strictEqual(, 9999);
});const assert = require('node:assert');
const { test } = require('node:test');

test('runAll functions following the given order', (context) => {
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout', 'Date'] });
  const results = [];
  setTimeout(() => results.push(1), 9999);

  // Notice that if both timers have the same timeout,
  // the order of execution is guaranteed
  setTimeout(() => results.push(3), 8888);
  setTimeout(() => results.push(2), 8888);

  assert.deepStrictEqual(results, []);

  assert.deepStrictEqual(results, [3, 2, 1]);
  // The Date object is also advanced to the furthest timer's time
  assert.strictEqual(, 9999);

注意:runAll() 函数是专门为在定时器模拟上下文中触发定时器而设计的。它对模拟环境之外的实时系统时钟或实际定时器没有任何影响。

¥Note: The runAll() function is specifically designed for triggering timers in the context of timer mocking. It does not have any effect on real-time system clocks or actual timers outside of the mocking environment.


设置当前 Unix 时间戳,该时间戳将用作任何模拟 Date 对象的参考。

¥Sets the current Unix timestamp that will be used as reference for any mocked Date objects.

import assert from 'node:assert';
import { test } from 'node:test';

test('runAll functions following the given order', (context) => {
  const now =;
  const setTime = 1000;
  // is not mocked
  assert.deepStrictEqual(, now);

  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['Date'] });
  // is now 1000
  assert.strictEqual(, setTime);
});const assert = require('node:assert');
const { test } = require('node:test');

test('setTime replaces current time', (context) => {
  const now =;
  const setTime = 1000;
  // is not mocked
  assert.deepStrictEqual(, now);

  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['Date'] });
  // is now 1000
  assert.strictEqual(, setTime);


¥Dates and Timers working together

日期和定时器对象相互依赖。如果使用 setTime() 将当前时间传递给模拟的 Date 对象,则使用 setTimeoutsetInterval 设置的定时器不会受到影响。

¥Dates and timer objects are dependent on each other. If you use setTime() to pass the current time to the mocked Date object, the set timers with setTimeout and setInterval will not be affected.

但是,tick 方法将推进模拟的 Date 对象。

¥However, the tick method will advanced the mocked Date object.

import assert from 'node:assert';
import { test } from 'node:test';

test('runAll functions following the given order', (context) => {
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout', 'Date'] });
  const results = [];
  setTimeout(() => results.push(1), 9999);

  assert.deepStrictEqual(results, []);
  assert.deepStrictEqual(results, []);
  // The date is advanced but the timers don't tick
  assert.strictEqual(, 12000);
});const assert = require('node:assert');
const { test } = require('node:test');

test('runAll functions following the given order', (context) => {
  context.mock.timers.enable({ apis: ['setTimeout', 'Date'] });
  const results = [];
  setTimeout(() => results.push(1), 9999);

  assert.deepStrictEqual(results, []);
  assert.deepStrictEqual(results, []);
  // The date is advanced but the timers don't tick
  assert.strictEqual(, 12000);


¥Class: TestsStream

成功调用 run() 方法将返回一个新的 <TestsStream> 对象,流式传输代表测试执行的一系列事件。TestsStream 将按照测试定义的顺序触发事件

¥A successful call to run() method will return a new <TestsStream> object, streaming a series of events representing the execution of the tests. TestsStream will emit events, in the order of the tests definition


¥Some of the events are guaranteed to be emitted in the same order as the tests are defined, while others are emitted in the order that the tests execute.


¥Event: 'test:coverage'

  • data <Object>

    • summary <Object> 包含覆盖率报告的对象。

      ¥summary <Object> An object containing the coverage report.

      • files <Array> 单个文件的一系列覆盖率报告。每个报告都是具有以下架构的对象:

        ¥files <Array> An array of coverage reports for individual files. Each report is an object with the following schema:

        • path <string> 文件的绝对路径。

          ¥path <string> The absolute path of the file.

        • totalLineCount <number> 总行数。

          ¥totalLineCount <number> The total number of lines.

        • totalBranchCount <number> 分支总数。

          ¥totalBranchCount <number> The total number of branches.

        • totalFunctionCount <number> 函数总数。

          ¥totalFunctionCount <number> The total number of functions.

        • coveredLineCount <number> 被覆盖的行数。

          ¥coveredLineCount <number> The number of covered lines.

        • coveredBranchCount <number> 覆盖的分支数。

          ¥coveredBranchCount <number> The number of covered branches.

        • coveredFunctionCount <number> 覆盖函数的个数。

          ¥coveredFunctionCount <number> The number of covered functions.

        • coveredLinePercent <number> 覆盖行的百分比。

          ¥coveredLinePercent <number> The percentage of lines covered.

        • coveredBranchPercent <number> 覆盖的分支百分比。

          ¥coveredBranchPercent <number> The percentage of branches covered.

        • coveredFunctionPercent <number> 覆盖的函数百分比。

          ¥coveredFunctionPercent <number> The percentage of functions covered.

        • functions <Array> 表示函数覆盖率的函数数组。

          ¥functions <Array> An array of functions representing function coverage.

          • name <string> 函数的名称。

            ¥name <string> The name of the function.

          • line <number> 定义函数的行号。

            ¥line <number> The line number where the function is defined.

          • count <number> 调用该函数的次数。

            ¥count <number> The number of times the function was called.

        • branches <Array> 代表分支覆盖范围的分支数组。

          ¥branches <Array> An array of branches representing branch coverage.

          • line <number> 定义分支的行号。

            ¥line <number> The line number where the branch is defined.

          • count <number> 分支被占用的次数。

            ¥count <number> The number of times the branch was taken.

        • lines <Array> 表示行号及其被覆盖次数的行数组。

          ¥lines <Array> An array of lines representing line numbers and the number of times they were covered.

          • line <number> 行号。

            ¥line <number> The line number.

          • count <number> 线路被覆盖的次数。

            ¥count <number> The number of times the line was covered.

      • totals <Object> 包含所有文件覆盖率摘要的对象。

        ¥totals <Object> An object containing a summary of coverage for all files.

        • totalLineCount <number> 总行数。

          ¥totalLineCount <number> The total number of lines.

        • totalBranchCount <number> 分支总数。

          ¥totalBranchCount <number> The total number of branches.

        • totalFunctionCount <number> 函数总数。

          ¥totalFunctionCount <number> The total number of functions.

        • coveredLineCount <number> 被覆盖的行数。

          ¥coveredLineCount <number> The number of covered lines.

        • coveredBranchCount <number> 覆盖的分支数。

          ¥coveredBranchCount <number> The number of covered branches.

        • coveredFunctionCount <number> 覆盖函数的个数。

          ¥coveredFunctionCount <number> The number of covered functions.

        • coveredLinePercent <number> 覆盖行的百分比。

          ¥coveredLinePercent <number> The percentage of lines covered.

        • coveredBranchPercent <number> 覆盖的分支百分比。

          ¥coveredBranchPercent <number> The percentage of branches covered.

        • coveredFunctionPercent <number> 覆盖的函数百分比。

          ¥coveredFunctionPercent <number> The percentage of functions covered.

      • workingDirectory <string> 代码覆盖开始时的工作目录。这对于显示相对路径名很有用,以防测试更改了 Node.js 进程的工作目录。

        ¥workingDirectory <string> The working directory when code coverage began. This is useful for displaying relative path names in case the tests changed the working directory of the Node.js process.

    • nesting <number> 测试的嵌套级别。

      ¥nesting <number> The nesting level of the test.


¥Emitted when code coverage is enabled and all tests have completed.


¥Event: 'test:complete'

当测试完成执行时触发。此事件的触发顺序与测试定义的顺序不同。对应的声明有序事件是 'test:pass''test:fail'

¥Emitted when a test completes its execution. This event is not emitted in the same order as the tests are defined. The corresponding declaration ordered events are 'test:pass' and 'test:fail'.


¥Event: 'test:dequeue'

  • data <Object>

    • column <number> | <undefined> 定义测试的列号,如果测试是通过 REPL 运行的,则为 undefined

      ¥column <number> | <undefined> The column number where the test is defined, or undefined if the test was run through the REPL.

    • file <string> | <undefined> 测试文件的路径,如果测试是通过 REPL 运行的,则为 undefined

      ¥file <string> | <undefined> The path of the test file, undefined if test was run through the REPL.

    • line <number> | <undefined> 定义测试的行号,如果测试是通过 REPL 运行的,则为 undefined

      ¥line <number> | <undefined> The line number where the test is defined, or undefined if the test was run through the REPL.

    • name <string> 测试名称。

      ¥name <string> The test name.

    • nesting <number> 测试的嵌套级别。

      ¥nesting <number> The nesting level of the test.

当测试出列时(在执行之前)触发。不保证此事件按照测试定义的顺序触发。对应的声明顺序事件为 'test:start'

¥Emitted when a test is dequeued, right before it is executed. This event is not guaranteed to be emitted in the same order as the tests are defined. The corresponding declaration ordered event is 'test:start'.


¥Event: 'test:diagnostic'

  • data <Object>

    • column <number> | <undefined> 定义测试的列号,如果测试是通过 REPL 运行的,则为 undefined

      ¥column <number> | <undefined> The column number where the test is defined, or undefined if the test was run through the REPL.

    • file <string> | <undefined> 测试文件的路径,如果测试是通过 REPL 运行的,则为 undefined

      ¥file <string> | <undefined> The path of the test file, undefined if test was run through the REPL.

    • line <number> | <undefined> 定义测试的行号,如果测试是通过 REPL 运行的,则为 undefined

      ¥line <number> | <undefined> The line number where the test is defined, or undefined if the test was run through the REPL.

    • message <string> 诊断消息。

      ¥message <string> The diagnostic message.

    • nesting <number> 测试的嵌套级别。

      ¥nesting <number> The nesting level of the test.

调用 context.diagnostic 时触发。该事件保证按照测试定义的顺序触发。

¥Emitted when context.diagnostic is called. This event is guaranteed to be emitted in the same order as the tests are defined.


¥Event: 'test:enqueue'

  • data <Object>

    • column <number> | <undefined> 定义测试的列号,如果测试是通过 REPL 运行的,则为 undefined

      ¥column <number> | <undefined> The column number where the test is defined, or undefined if the test was run through the REPL.

    • file <string> | <undefined> 测试文件的路径,如果测试是通过 REPL 运行的,则为 undefined

      ¥file <string> | <undefined> The path of the test file, undefined if test was run through the REPL.

    • line <number> | <undefined> 定义测试的行号,如果测试是通过 REPL 运行的,则为 undefined

      ¥line <number> | <undefined> The line number where the test is defined, or undefined if the test was run through the REPL.

    • name <string> 测试名称。

      ¥name <string> The test name.

    • nesting <number> 测试的嵌套级别。

      ¥nesting <number> The nesting level of the test.


¥Emitted when a test is enqueued for execution.


¥Event: 'test:fail'

测试失败时触发。该事件保证按照测试定义的顺序触发。对应的执行命令事件为 'test:complete'

¥Emitted when a test fails. This event is guaranteed to be emitted in the same order as the tests are defined. The corresponding execution ordered event is 'test:complete'.


¥Event: 'test:pass'

测试通过时触发。该事件保证按照测试定义的顺序触发。对应的执行命令事件为 'test:complete'

¥Emitted when a test passes. This event is guaranteed to be emitted in the same order as the tests are defined. The corresponding execution ordered event is 'test:complete'.


¥Event: 'test:plan'

  • data <Object>

    • column <number> | <undefined> 定义测试的列号,如果测试是通过 REPL 运行的,则为 undefined

      ¥column <number> | <undefined> The column number where the test is defined, or undefined if the test was run through the REPL.

    • file <string> | <undefined> 测试文件的路径,如果测试是通过 REPL 运行的,则为 undefined

      ¥file <string> | <undefined> The path of the test file, undefined if test was run through the REPL.

    • line <number> | <undefined> 定义测试的行号,如果测试是通过 REPL 运行的,则为 undefined

      ¥line <number> | <undefined> The line number where the test is defined, or undefined if the test was run through the REPL.

    • nesting <number> 测试的嵌套级别。

      ¥nesting <number> The nesting level of the test.

    • count <number> 已运行的子测试数。

      ¥count <number> The number of subtests that have ran.


¥Emitted when all subtests have completed for a given test. This event is guaranteed to be emitted in the same order as the tests are defined.


¥Event: 'test:start'

  • data <Object>

    • column <number> | <undefined> 定义测试的列号,如果测试是通过 REPL 运行的,则为 undefined

      ¥column <number> | <undefined> The column number where the test is defined, or undefined if the test was run through the REPL.

    • file <string> | <undefined> 测试文件的路径,如果测试是通过 REPL 运行的,则为 undefined

      ¥file <string> | <undefined> The path of the test file, undefined if test was run through the REPL.

    • line <number> | <undefined> 定义测试的行号,如果测试是通过 REPL 运行的,则为 undefined

      ¥line <number> | <undefined> The line number where the test is defined, or undefined if the test was run through the REPL.

    • name <string> 测试名称。

      ¥name <string> The test name.

    • nesting <number> 测试的嵌套级别。

      ¥nesting <number> The nesting level of the test.

当测试开始报告其自身及其子测试状态时触发。该事件保证按照测试定义的顺序触发。对应的执行命令事件为 'test:dequeue'

¥Emitted when a test starts reporting its own and its subtests status. This event is guaranteed to be emitted in the same order as the tests are defined. The corresponding execution ordered event is 'test:dequeue'.


¥Event: 'test:stderr'

当正在运行的测试写入 stderr 时触发。只有在传递 --test 标志时才会触发此事件。不保证此事件按照测试定义的顺序触发。

¥Emitted when a running test writes to stderr. This event is only emitted if --test flag is passed. This event is not guaranteed to be emitted in the same order as the tests are defined.


¥Event: 'test:stdout'

当正在运行的测试写入 stdout 时触发。只有在传递 --test 标志时才会触发此事件。不保证此事件按照测试定义的顺序触发。

¥Emitted when a running test writes to stdout. This event is only emitted if --test flag is passed. This event is not guaranteed to be emitted in the same order as the tests are defined.


¥Event: 'test:watch:drained'


¥Emitted when no more tests are queued for execution in watch mode.


¥Class: TestContext

TestContext 的实例被传给每个测试函数,以便与测试运行器交互。但是,TestContext 构造函数没有作为 API 的一部分公开。

¥An instance of TestContext is passed to each test function in order to interact with the test runner. However, the TestContext constructor is not exposed as part of the API.

context.before([fn][, options])#

  • fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> 钩子函数。此函数的第一个参数是 TestContext 对象。如果钩子使用回调,则回调函数作为第二个参数传入。默认值:空操作函数。

    ¥fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> The hook function. The first argument to this function is a TestContext object. If the hook uses callbacks, the callback function is passed as the second argument. Default: A no-op function.

  • options <Object> 钩子的配置选项。支持以下属性:

    ¥options <Object> Configuration options for the hook. The following properties are supported:

    • signal <AbortSignal> 允许中止正在进行的钩子。

      ¥signal <AbortSignal> Allows aborting an in-progress hook.

    • timeout <number> 钩子会在几毫秒后失败。如果未指定,则子测试从其父测试继承此值。默认值:Infinity

      ¥timeout <number> A number of milliseconds the hook will fail after. If unspecified, subtests inherit this value from their parent. Default: Infinity.


¥This function is used to create a hook running before subtest of the current test.

context.beforeEach([fn][, options])#

  • fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> 钩子函数。此函数的第一个参数是 TestContext 对象。如果钩子使用回调,则回调函数作为第二个参数传入。默认值:空操作函数。

    ¥fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> The hook function. The first argument to this function is a TestContext object. If the hook uses callbacks, the callback function is passed as the second argument. Default: A no-op function.

  • options <Object> 钩子的配置选项。支持以下属性:

    ¥options <Object> Configuration options for the hook. The following properties are supported:

    • signal <AbortSignal> 允许中止正在进行的钩子。

      ¥signal <AbortSignal> Allows aborting an in-progress hook.

    • timeout <number> 钩子会在几毫秒后失败。如果未指定,则子测试从其父测试继承此值。默认值:Infinity

      ¥timeout <number> A number of milliseconds the hook will fail after. If unspecified, subtests inherit this value from their parent. Default: Infinity.


¥This function is used to create a hook running before each subtest of the current test.

test('top level test', async (t) => {
  t.beforeEach((t) => t.diagnostic(`about to run ${}`));
  await t.test(
    'This is a subtest',
    (t) => {
      assert.ok('some relevant assertion here');

context.after([fn][, options])#

  • fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> 钩子函数。此函数的第一个参数是 TestContext 对象。如果钩子使用回调,则回调函数作为第二个参数传入。默认值:空操作函数。

    ¥fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> The hook function. The first argument to this function is a TestContext object. If the hook uses callbacks, the callback function is passed as the second argument. Default: A no-op function.

  • options <Object> 钩子的配置选项。支持以下属性:

    ¥options <Object> Configuration options for the hook. The following properties are supported:

    • signal <AbortSignal> 允许中止正在进行的钩子。

      ¥signal <AbortSignal> Allows aborting an in-progress hook.

    • timeout <number> 钩子会在几毫秒后失败。如果未指定,则子测试从其父测试继承此值。默认值:Infinity

      ¥timeout <number> A number of milliseconds the hook will fail after. If unspecified, subtests inherit this value from their parent. Default: Infinity.


¥This function is used to create a hook that runs after the current test finishes.

test('top level test', async (t) => {
  t.after((t) => t.diagnostic(`finished running ${}`));
  assert.ok('some relevant assertion here');

context.afterEach([fn][, options])#

  • fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> 钩子函数。此函数的第一个参数是 TestContext 对象。如果钩子使用回调,则回调函数作为第二个参数传入。默认值:空操作函数。

    ¥fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> The hook function. The first argument to this function is a TestContext object. If the hook uses callbacks, the callback function is passed as the second argument. Default: A no-op function.

  • options <Object> 钩子的配置选项。支持以下属性:

    ¥options <Object> Configuration options for the hook. The following properties are supported:

    • signal <AbortSignal> 允许中止正在进行的钩子。

      ¥signal <AbortSignal> Allows aborting an in-progress hook.

    • timeout <number> 钩子会在几毫秒后失败。如果未指定,则子测试从其父测试继承此值。默认值:Infinity

      ¥timeout <number> A number of milliseconds the hook will fail after. If unspecified, subtests inherit this value from their parent. Default: Infinity.


¥This function is used to create a hook running after each subtest of the current test.

test('top level test', async (t) => {
  t.afterEach((t) => t.diagnostic(`finished running ${}`));
  await t.test(
    'This is a subtest',
    (t) => {
      assert.ok('some relevant assertion here');


包含绑定到 context 的断言方法的对象。这里公开了 node:assert 模块的顶层函数,用于创建测试计划。

¥An object containing assertion methods bound to context. The top-level functions from the node:assert module are exposed here for the purpose of creating test plans.

test('test', (t) => {
  t.assert.strictEqual(true, true);


  • message <string> 要报告的消息。

    ¥message <string> Message to be reported.


¥This function is used to write diagnostics to the output. Any diagnostic information is included at the end of the test's results. This function does not return a value.

test('top level test', (t) => {
  t.diagnostic('A diagnostic message');


测试的名称及其每个祖级,以 > 分隔。

¥The name of the test and each of its ancestors, separated by >.


¥The name of the test.


稳定性: 1 - 实验性的

¥Stability: 1 - Experimental

  • count <number> 预期运行的断言和子测试的数量。

    ¥count <number> The number of assertions and subtests that are expected to run.


¥This function is used to set the number of assertions and subtests that are expected to run within the test. If the number of assertions and subtests that run does not match the expected count, the test will fail.

注意:为了确保跟踪断言,必须直接使用 t.assert 而不是 assert

¥Note: To make sure assertions are tracked, t.assert must be used instead of assert directly.

test('top level test', (t) => {
  t.assert.ok('some relevant assertion here');
  t.test('subtest', () => {});

使用异步代码时,可以使用 plan 函数来确保运行正确数量的断言:

¥When working with asynchronous code, the plan function can be used to ensure that the correct number of assertions are run:

test('planning with streams', (t, done) => {
  function* generate() {
    yield 'a';
    yield 'b';
    yield 'c';
  const expected = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
  const stream = Readable.from(generate());
  stream.on('data', (chunk) => {
    t.assert.strictEqual(chunk, expected.shift());

  stream.on('end', () => {


  • shouldRunOnlyTests <boolean> 是否运行 only 测试。

    ¥shouldRunOnlyTests <boolean> Whether or not to run only tests.

如果 shouldRunOnlyTests 为真,则测试上下文将只运行设置了 only 选项的测试。否则,将运行所有测试。如果 Node.js 不是使用 --test-only 命令行选项启动的,则此函数是无操作的。

¥If shouldRunOnlyTests is truthy, the test context will only run tests that have the only option set. Otherwise, all tests are run. If Node.js was not started with the --test-only command-line option, this function is a no-op.

test('top level test', (t) => {
  // The test context can be set to run subtests with the 'only' option.
  return Promise.all([
    t.test('this subtest is now skipped'),
    t.test('this subtest is run', { only: true }),



¥Can be used to abort test subtasks when the test has been aborted.

test('top level test', async (t) => {
  await fetch('some/uri', { signal: t.signal });


  • message <string> 可选的跳过消息。

    ¥message <string> Optional skip message.

此函数使测试的输出指示测试已跳过。如果提供了 message,它会包含在输出中。调用 skip() 不会终止测试函数的执行。此函数不返回值。

¥This function causes the test's output to indicate the test as skipped. If message is provided, it is included in the output. Calling skip() does not terminate execution of the test function. This function does not return a value.

test('top level test', (t) => {
  // Make sure to return here as well if the test contains additional logic.
  t.skip('this is skipped');


  • message <string> 可选的 TODO 消息。

    ¥message <string> Optional TODO message.

此函数将 TODO 指令添加到测试的输出中。如果提供了 message,它会包含在输出中。调用 todo() 不会终止测试函数的执行。此函数不返回值。

¥This function adds a TODO directive to the test's output. If message is provided, it is included in the output. Calling todo() does not terminate execution of the test function. This function does not return a value.

test('top level test', (t) => {
  // This test is marked as `TODO`
  t.todo('this is a todo');

context.test([name][, options][, fn])#

  • name <string> 子测试的名称,在报告测试结果时显示。默认值:fnname 属性,如果 fn 没有名称,则为 '<anonymous>'

    ¥name <string> The name of the subtest, which is displayed when reporting test results. Default: The name property of fn, or '<anonymous>' if fn does not have a name.

  • options <Object> 子测试的配置选项。支持以下属性:

    ¥options <Object> Configuration options for the subtest. The following properties are supported:

    • concurrency <number> | <boolean> | <null> 如果提供了一个数字,那么许多测试将在应用线程中并行运行。如果是 true,它将并行运行所有子测试。如果是 false,它一次只会运行一个测试。如果未指定,则子测试从其父测试继承此值。默认值:null

      ¥concurrency <number> | <boolean> | <null> If a number is provided, then that many tests would run in parallel within the application thread. If true, it would run all subtests in parallel. If false, it would only run one test at a time. If unspecified, subtests inherit this value from their parent. Default: null.

    • only <boolean> 如果为真,并且测试上下文配置为运行 only 测试,则将运行此测试。否则跳过测试。默认值:false

      ¥only <boolean> If truthy, and the test context is configured to run only tests, then this test will be run. Otherwise, the test is skipped. Default: false.

    • signal <AbortSignal> 允许中止正在进行的测试。

      ¥signal <AbortSignal> Allows aborting an in-progress test.

    • skip <boolean> | <string> 如果为真,则跳过测试。如果提供了字符串,则该字符串将作为跳过测试的原因显示在测试结果中。默认值:false

      ¥skip <boolean> | <string> If truthy, the test is skipped. If a string is provided, that string is displayed in the test results as the reason for skipping the test. Default: false.

    • todo <boolean> | <string> 如果为真,则测试标记为 TODO。如果提供了字符串,则该字符串会显示在测试结果中作为测试为 TODO 的原因。默认值:false

      ¥todo <boolean> | <string> If truthy, the test marked as TODO. If a string is provided, that string is displayed in the test results as the reason why the test is TODO. Default: false.

    • timeout <number> 测试失败的毫秒数。如果未指定,则子测试从其父测试继承此值。默认值:Infinity

      ¥timeout <number> A number of milliseconds the test will fail after. If unspecified, subtests inherit this value from their parent. Default: Infinity.

    • plan <number> 预期在测试中运行的断言和子测试的数量。如果测试中运行的断言数量与计划中指定的数量不匹配,则测试将失败。默认值:undefined

      ¥plan <number> The number of assertions and subtests expected to be run in the test. If the number of assertions run in the test does not match the number specified in the plan, the test will fail. Default: undefined.

  • fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> 被测试的函数。此函数的第一个参数是 TestContext 对象。如果测试使用回调,则回调函数作为第二个参数传入。默认值:空操作函数。

    ¥fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> The function under test. The first argument to this function is a TestContext object. If the test uses callbacks, the callback function is passed as the second argument. Default: A no-op function.

  • 返回:<Promise> 测试完成后,满足 undefined

    ¥Returns: <Promise> Fulfilled with undefined once the test completes.

此函数用于在当前测试下创建子测试。此函数的行为方式与顶层的 test() 函数相同。

¥This function is used to create subtests under the current test. This function behaves in the same fashion as the top level test() function.

test('top level test', async (t) => {
  await t.test(
    'This is a subtest',
    { only: false, skip: false, concurrency: 1, todo: false, plan: 1 },
    (t) => {
      t.assert.ok('some relevant assertion here');


¥Class: SuiteContext

SuiteContext 的实例被传给每个套件函数,以便与测试运行器进行交互。但是,SuiteContext 构造函数没有作为 API 的一部分公开。

¥An instance of SuiteContext is passed to each suite function in order to interact with the test runner. However, the SuiteContext constructor is not exposed as part of the API.


¥The name of the suite.



¥Can be used to abort test subtasks when the test has been aborted.

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