
  • options <Object>
    • timeout <integer> 指定终止执行前要评估的毫秒数。 如果执行中断,则会抛出Error。 此值必须是严格的正整数。

    • breakOnSigint <boolean>

      如果执行中断,则会抛出Error默认值: false

  • 返回: <Promise>


对应 ECMAScript 规范中循环模块记录Evaluate() 具体方法字段。

  • options <Object>
    • timeout <integer> Specifies the number of milliseconds to evaluate before terminating execution. If execution is interrupted, an Error will be thrown. This value must be a strictly positive integer.
    • breakOnSigint <boolean> If true, the execution will be terminated when SIGINT (Ctrl+C) is received. Existing handlers for the event that have been attached via process.on('SIGINT') will be disabled during script execution, but will continue to work after that. If execution is interrupted, an Error will be thrown. Default: false.
  • Returns: <Promise>

Evaluate the module.

This must be called after the module has been linked; otherwise it will throw an error. It could be called also when the module has already been evaluated, in which case it will do one of the following two things:

  • return undefined if the initial evaluation ended in success (module.status is 'evaluated')
  • rethrow the same exception the initial evaluation threw if the initial evaluation ended in an error (module.status is 'errored')

This method cannot be called while the module is being evaluated (module.status is 'evaluating') to prevent infinite recursion.

Corresponds to the Evaluate() concrete method field of Cyclic Module Records in the ECMAScript specification.