¥Asynchronous flow control
这篇文章中的材料深受 Mixu 的 Node.js 书 的启发。
¥The material in this post is heavily inspired by Mixu's Node.js Book.
从本质上讲,JavaScript 被设计为在 "main" 线程上不阻塞,这是视图渲染的地方。你可以想象这在浏览器中的重要性。当主线程被阻塞时,会导致终端用户害怕的臭名昭著的 "freezing",并且无法分派其他事件,从而导致数据获取丢失。
¥At its core, JavaScript is designed to be non-blocking on the "main" thread, this is where views are rendered. You can imagine the importance of this in the browser. When the main thread becomes blocked it results in the infamous "freezing" that end users dread, and no other events can be dispatched resulting in the loss of data acquisition, for example.
¥This creates some unique constraints that only a functional style of programming can cure. This is where callbacks come in to the picture.
但是,在更复杂的过程中,回调可能很难处理。这通常会导致 "回调地狱",其中带有回调的多个嵌套函数使代码更难阅读、调试、组织等。
¥However, callbacks can become challenging to handle in more complicated procedures. This often results in "callback hell" where multiple nested functions with callbacks make the code more challenging to read, debug, organize, etc.
async1(function (input, result1) {
async2(function (result2) {
async3(function (result3) {
async4(function (result4) {
async5(function (output) {
// do something with output
当然,在现实生活中,很可能会有额外的代码行来处理 result1
¥Of course, in real life there would most likely be additional lines of code to handle result1
, result2
, etc., thus, the length and complexity of this issue usually results in code that looks much more messy than the example above.
¥This is where functions come in to great use. More complex operations are made up of many functions:
¥initiator style / input
"发起者风格/输入" 是序列中的第一个函数。此函数将接受操作的原始输入(如果有)。该操作是一系列可执行的函数,原始输入主要为:
¥The "initiator style / input" is the first function in the sequence. This function will accept the original input, if any, for the operation. The operation is an executable series of functions, and the original input will primarily be:
¥variables in a global environment
¥direct invocation with or without arguments
¥values obtained by file system or network requests
¥Network requests can be incoming requests initiated by a foreign network, by another application on the same network, or by the app itself on the same or foreign network.
中间件函数将返回另一个函数,终止符函数将调用回调。以下说明了网络或文件系统请求的流程。此处延迟为 0,因为所有这些值都在内存中可用。
¥A middleware function will return another function, and a terminator function will invoke the callback. The following illustrates the flow to network or file system requests. Here the latency is 0 because all these values are available in memory.
function final(someInput, callback) {
callback(`${someInput} and terminated by executing callback `);
function middleware(someInput, callback) {
return final(`${someInput} touched by middleware `, callback);
function initiate() {
const someInput = 'hello this is a function ';
middleware(someInput, function (result) {
// requires callback to `return` result
¥State management
¥Functions may or may not be state dependent. State dependency arises when the input or other variable of a function relies on an outside function.
¥In this way there are two primary strategies for state management:
¥passing in variables directly to a function, and
¥acquiring a variable value from a cache, session, file, database, network, or other outside source.
¥Note, I did not mention global variable. Managing state with global variables is often a sloppy anti-pattern that makes it difficult or impossible to guarantee state. Global variables in complex programs should be avoided when possible.
¥Control flow
¥If an object is available in memory, iteration is possible, and there will not be a change to control flow:
function getSong() {
let _song = '';
let i = 100;
for (i; i > 0; i -= 1) {
_song += `${i} beers on the wall, you take one down and pass it around, ${
i - 1
} bottles of beer on the wall\n`;
if (i === 1) {
_song += "Hey let's get some more beer";
return _song;
function singSong(_song) {
if (!_song) throw new Error("song is '' empty, FEED ME A SONG!");
const song = getSong();
// this will work
¥However, if the data exists outside of memory the iteration will no longer work:
function getSong() {
let _song = '';
let i = 100;
for (i; i > 0; i -= 1) {
/* eslint-disable no-loop-func */
setTimeout(function () {
_song += `${i} beers on the wall, you take one down and pass it around, ${
i - 1
} bottles of beer on the wall\n`;
if (i === 1) {
_song += "Hey let's get some more beer";
}, 0);
/* eslint-enable no-loop-func */
return _song;
function singSong(_song) {
if (!_song) throw new Error("song is '' empty, FEED ME A SONG!");
const song = getSong('beer');
// this will not work
// Uncaught Error: song is '' empty, FEED ME A SONG!
指示 CPU 将指令存储在总线上的其他位置,并指示数据计划在稍后时间拾取。在函数在 0 毫秒标记处再次命中之前,经过数千个 CPU 周期,CPU 从总线获取指令并执行它们。唯一的问题是歌曲 ('') 在数千个周期之前被返回。
¥Why did this happen? setTimeout
instructs the CPU to store the instructions elsewhere on the bus, and instructs that the data is scheduled for pickup at a later time. Thousands of CPU cycles pass before the function hits again at the 0 millisecond mark, the CPU fetches the instructions from the bus and executes them. The only problem is that song ('') was returned thousands of cycles prior.
在处理文件系统和网络请求时也会出现同样的情况。主线程根本无法在一段不确定的时间内被阻止 - 因此,我们使用回调以受控的方式及时安排代码的执行。
¥The same situation arises in dealing with file systems and network requests. The main thread simply cannot be blocked for an indeterminate period of time-- therefore, we use callbacks to schedule the execution of code in time in a controlled manner.
你将能够使用以下 3 种模式执行几乎所有操作:
¥You will be able to perform almost all of your operations with the following 3 patterns:
循环最相似。¥In series: functions will be executed in a strict sequential order, this one is most similar to
// operations defined elsewhere and ready to execute
const operations = [
{ func: function1, args: args1 },
{ func: function2, args: args2 },
{ func: function3, args: args3 },
function executeFunctionWithArgs(operation, callback) {
// executes function
const { args, func } = operation;
func(args, callback);
function serialProcedure(operation) {
if (!operation) process.exit(0); // finished
executeFunctionWithArgs(operation, function (result) {
// continue AFTER callback
¥Limited in series: functions will be executed in a strict sequential order, but with a limit on the number of executions. Useful when you need to process a large list but with a cap on the number of items successfully processed.
let successCount = 0;
function final() {
console.log(`dispatched ${successCount} emails`);
function dispatch(recipient, callback) {
// `sendEmail` is a hypothetical SMTP client
subject: 'Dinner tonight',
message: 'We have lots of cabbage on the plate. You coming?',
smtp: recipient.email,
function sendOneMillionEmailsOnly() {
getListOfTenMillionGreatEmails(function (err, bigList) {
if (err) throw err;
function serial(recipient) {
if (!recipient || successCount >= 1000000) return final();
dispatch(recipient, function (_err) {
if (!_err) successCount += 1;
完全并行:当排序不是问题时,例如向 1,000,000 个电子邮件收件人列表发送电子邮件。
¥Full parallel: when ordering is not an issue, such as emailing a list of 1,000,000 email recipients.
let count = 0;
let success = 0;
const failed = [];
const recipients = [
{ name: 'Bart', email: 'bart@tld' },
{ name: 'Marge', email: 'marge@tld' },
{ name: 'Homer', email: 'homer@tld' },
{ name: 'Lisa', email: 'lisa@tld' },
{ name: 'Maggie', email: 'maggie@tld' },
function dispatch(recipient, callback) {
// `sendEmail` is a hypothetical SMTP client
subject: 'Dinner tonight',
message: 'We have lots of cabbage on the plate. You coming?',
smtp: recipient.email,
function final(result) {
console.log(`Result: ${result.count} attempts \
& ${result.success} succeeded emails`);
if (result.failed.length)
console.log(`Failed to send to: \
recipients.forEach(function (recipient) {
dispatch(recipient, function (err) {
if (!err) {
success += 1;
} else {
count += 1;
if (count === recipients.length) {
¥Each has its own use cases, benefits, and issues you can experiment and read about in more detail. Most importantly, remember to modularize your operations and use callbacks! If you feel any doubt, treat everything as if it were middleware!