test 测试

稳定性: 1 - 实验

源代码: lib/test.js

node:test 模块有助于创建 JavaScript 测试。 要访问它:

import test from 'node:test';const test = require('node:test');

此模块仅在 node: 协议下可用。 以下将不起作用:

import test from 'test';const test = require('test');

通过 test 模块创建的测试由单个函数组成,该函数以三种方式之一进行处理:

  1. 同步的函数,如果抛出异常则认为失败,否则认为通过。
  2. 返回 Promise 的函数,如果 Promise 拒绝,则认为该函数失败,如果 Promise 解决,则认为该函数通过。
  3. 接收回调函数的函数。 如果回调接收到任何真值作为其第一个参数,则认为测试失败。 如果非真值作为第一个参数传给回调,则认为测试通过。 如果测试函数接收到回调函数并且还返回 Promise,则测试将失败。

以下示例说明了如何使用 test 模块编写测试。

test('synchronous passing test', (t) => {
  // 此测试通过了,因为它没有抛出异常。
  assert.strictEqual(1, 1);

test('synchronous failing test', (t) => {
  // 此测试失败,因为它抛出了异常。
  assert.strictEqual(1, 2);

test('asynchronous passing test', async (t) => {
  // 此测试通过了,
  // 因为异步函数返回的 Promise 没有被拒绝。
  assert.strictEqual(1, 1);

test('asynchronous failing test', async (t) => {
  // 此测试失败,
  // 因为异步函数返回的 Promise 被拒绝。
  assert.strictEqual(1, 2);

test('failing test using Promises', (t) => {
  // Promise 也可以直接使用。
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setImmediate(() => {
      reject(new Error('this will cause the test to fail'));

test('callback passing test', (t, done) => {
  // done() 是回调函数。
  // 当 setImmediate() 运行时,它调用 done() 不带参数。

test('callback failing test', (t, done) => {
  // 当 setImmediate() 运行时,
  // 使用 Error 对象调用 done() 并且测试失败。
  setImmediate(() => {
    done(new Error('callback failure'));

如果任何测试失败,则进程退出代码设置为 1

Stability: 1 - Experimental

Source Code: lib/test.js

The node:test module facilitates the creation of JavaScript tests. To access it:

import test from 'node:test';const test = require('node:test');

This module is only available under the node: scheme. The following will not work:

import test from 'test';const test = require('test');

Tests created via the test module consist of a single function that is processed in one of three ways:

  1. A synchronous function that is considered failing if it throws an exception, and is considered passing otherwise.
  2. A function that returns a Promise that is considered failing if the Promise rejects, and is considered passing if the Promise resolves.
  3. A function that receives a callback function. If the callback receives any truthy value as its first argument, the test is considered failing. If a falsy value is passed as the first argument to the callback, the test is considered passing. If the test function receives a callback function and also returns a Promise, the test will fail.

The following example illustrates how tests are written using the test module.

test('synchronous passing test', (t) => {
  // This test passes because it does not throw an exception.
  assert.strictEqual(1, 1);

test('synchronous failing test', (t) => {
  // This test fails because it throws an exception.
  assert.strictEqual(1, 2);

test('asynchronous passing test', async (t) => {
  // This test passes because the Promise returned by the async
  // function is not rejected.
  assert.strictEqual(1, 1);

test('asynchronous failing test', async (t) => {
  // This test fails because the Promise returned by the async
  // function is rejected.
  assert.strictEqual(1, 2);

test('failing test using Promises', (t) => {
  // Promises can be used directly as well.
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setImmediate(() => {
      reject(new Error('this will cause the test to fail'));

test('callback passing test', (t, done) => {
  // done() is the callback function. When the setImmediate() runs, it invokes
  // done() with no arguments.

test('callback failing test', (t, done) => {
  // When the setImmediate() runs, done() is invoked with an Error object and
  // the test fails.
  setImmediate(() => {
    done(new Error('callback failure'));

If any tests fail, the process exit code is set to 1.