

  • raw <Buffer> DER 编码的 X.509 证书数据。
  • subject <Object> 证书主题,按照国家 (C)、州或省 (ST)、地区 (L)、组织 (O)、组织单位 (OU) 和通用名称 (CN) 进行描述。 CommonName 通常是带有 TLS 证书的 DNS 名称。 示例:{C: 'UK', ST: 'BC', L: 'Metro', O: 'Node Fans', OU: 'Docs', CN: 'example.com'}
  • issuer <Object> 证书颁发者,使用与 subject 相同的术语描述。
  • valid_from <string> 证书有效的开始日期时间。
  • valid_to <string> 证书有效的结束日期时间。
  • serialNumber <string> 证书序列号,以十六进制字符串表示。 示例:'B9B0D332A1AA5635'
  • fingerprint <string> DER 编码证书的 SHA-1 摘要。 它作为 : 分隔的十六进制字符串返回。 示例:'2A:7A:C2:DD:...'
  • fingerprint256 <string> DER 编码证书的 SHA-256 摘要。 它作为 : 分隔的十六进制字符串返回。 示例:'2A:7A:C2:DD:...'
  • fingerprint512 <string> DER 编码证书的 SHA-512 摘要。 它作为 : 分隔的十六进制字符串返回。 示例:'2A:7A:C2:DD:...'
  • ext_key_usage <Array> (可选的)扩展的密钥用法,一组 OID。
  • subjectaltname <string> (可选的)包含主题的连接名称的字符串,subject 名称的替代。
  • infoAccess <Array> (可选的)描述 AuthorityInfoAccess 的数组,与OCSP 一起使用。
  • issuerCertificate <Object> (可选的)颁发者证书对象。 对于自签名证书,这可能是一个循环引用。


对于 RSA 密钥,可以定义以下属性:

  • bits <number> RSA 位大小。 示例:1024
  • exponent <string> RSA 指数,作为十六进制数字表示法的字符串。 示例:'0x010001'
  • modulus <string> RSA 模数,作为十六进制字符串。 示例:'B56CE45CB7...'
  • pubkey <Buffer> 公钥。

对于 EC 密钥,可以定义以下属性:

  • pubkey <Buffer> 公钥。
  • bits <number> 密钥大小(以位为单位)。 示例:256
  • asn1Curve <string> (可选的)椭圆曲线的 OID 的 ASN.1 名称。 知名曲线由 OID 标识。 虽然这很不寻常,但曲线可能是由其数学属性标识的,在这种情况下,它不会有 OID。 示例:'prime256v1'
  • nistCurve <string> (可选的)椭圆曲线的 NIST 名称,如果有的话(并非所有知名曲线都由 NIST 指定名称)。 示例:'P-256'


{ subject:
   { OU: [ 'Domain Control Validated', 'PositiveSSL Wildcard' ],
     CN: '*.nodejs.org' },
   { C: 'GB',
     ST: 'Greater Manchester',
     L: 'Salford',
     O: 'COMODO CA Limited',
     CN: 'COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA' },
  subjectaltname: 'DNS:*.nodejs.org, DNS:nodejs.org',
   { 'CA Issuers - URI':
      [ 'http://crt.comodoca.com/COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt' ],
     'OCSP - URI': [ 'http://ocsp.comodoca.com' ] },
  modulus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
  exponent: '0x10001',
  pubkey: <Buffer ... >,
  valid_from: 'Aug 14 00:00:00 2017 GMT',
  valid_to: 'Nov 20 23:59:59 2019 GMT',
  fingerprint: '01:02:59:D9:C3:D2:0D:08:F7:82:4E:44:A4:B4:53:C5:E2:3A:87:4D',
  fingerprint256: '69:AE:1A:6A:D4:3D:C6:C1:1B:EA:C6:23:DE:BA:2A:14:62:62:93:5C:7A:EA:06:41:9B:0B:BC:87:CE:48:4E:02',
  fingerprint512: '19:2B:3E:C3:B3:5B:32:E8:AE:BB:78:97:27:E4:BA:6C:39:C9:92:79:4F:31:46:39:E2:70:E5:5F:89:42:17:C9:E8:64:CA:FF:BB:72:56:73:6E:28:8A:92:7E:A3:2A:15:8B:C2:E0:45:CA:C3:BC:EA:40:52:EC:CA:A2:68:CB:32',
  ext_key_usage: [ '', '' ],
  serialNumber: '66593D57F20CBC573E433381B5FEC280',
  raw: <Buffer ... > }

A certificate object has properties corresponding to the fields of the certificate.

  • raw <Buffer> The DER encoded X.509 certificate data.
  • subject <Object> The certificate subject, described in terms of Country (C), StateOrProvince (ST), Locality (L), Organization (O), OrganizationalUnit (OU), and CommonName (CN). The CommonName is typically a DNS name with TLS certificates. Example: {C: 'UK', ST: 'BC', L: 'Metro', O: 'Node Fans', OU: 'Docs', CN: 'example.com'}.
  • issuer <Object> The certificate issuer, described in the same terms as the subject.
  • valid_from <string> The date-time the certificate is valid from.
  • valid_to <string> The date-time the certificate is valid to.
  • serialNumber <string> The certificate serial number, as a hex string. Example: 'B9B0D332A1AA5635'.
  • fingerprint <string> The SHA-1 digest of the DER encoded certificate. It is returned as a : separated hexadecimal string. Example: '2A:7A:C2:DD:...'.
  • fingerprint256 <string> The SHA-256 digest of the DER encoded certificate. It is returned as a : separated hexadecimal string. Example: '2A:7A:C2:DD:...'.
  • fingerprint512 <string> The SHA-512 digest of the DER encoded certificate. It is returned as a : separated hexadecimal string. Example: '2A:7A:C2:DD:...'.
  • ext_key_usage <Array> (Optional) The extended key usage, a set of OIDs.
  • subjectaltname <string> (Optional) A string containing concatenated names for the subject, an alternative to the subject names.
  • infoAccess <Array> (Optional) An array describing the AuthorityInfoAccess, used with OCSP.
  • issuerCertificate <Object> (Optional) The issuer certificate object. For self-signed certificates, this may be a circular reference.

The certificate may contain information about the public key, depending on the key type.

For RSA keys, the following properties may be defined:

  • bits <number> The RSA bit size. Example: 1024.
  • exponent <string> The RSA exponent, as a string in hexadecimal number notation. Example: '0x010001'.
  • modulus <string> The RSA modulus, as a hexadecimal string. Example: 'B56CE45CB7...'.
  • pubkey <Buffer> The public key.

For EC keys, the following properties may be defined:

  • pubkey <Buffer> The public key.
  • bits <number> The key size in bits. Example: 256.
  • asn1Curve <string> (Optional) The ASN.1 name of the OID of the elliptic curve. Well-known curves are identified by an OID. While it is unusual, it is possible that the curve is identified by its mathematical properties, in which case it will not have an OID. Example: 'prime256v1'.
  • nistCurve <string> (Optional) The NIST name for the elliptic curve, if it has one (not all well-known curves have been assigned names by NIST). Example: 'P-256'.

Example certificate:

{ subject:
   { OU: [ 'Domain Control Validated', 'PositiveSSL Wildcard' ],
     CN: '*.nodejs.org' },
   { C: 'GB',
     ST: 'Greater Manchester',
     L: 'Salford',
     O: 'COMODO CA Limited',
     CN: 'COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA' },
  subjectaltname: 'DNS:*.nodejs.org, DNS:nodejs.org',
   { 'CA Issuers - URI':
      [ 'http://crt.comodoca.com/COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt' ],
     'OCSP - URI': [ 'http://ocsp.comodoca.com' ] },
  modulus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
  exponent: '0x10001',
  pubkey: <Buffer ... >,
  valid_from: 'Aug 14 00:00:00 2017 GMT',
  valid_to: 'Nov 20 23:59:59 2019 GMT',
  fingerprint: '01:02:59:D9:C3:D2:0D:08:F7:82:4E:44:A4:B4:53:C5:E2:3A:87:4D',
  fingerprint256: '69:AE:1A:6A:D4:3D:C6:C1:1B:EA:C6:23:DE:BA:2A:14:62:62:93:5C:7A:EA:06:41:9B:0B:BC:87:CE:48:4E:02',
  fingerprint512: '19:2B:3E:C3:B3:5B:32:E8:AE:BB:78:97:27:E4:BA:6C:39:C9:92:79:4F:31:46:39:E2:70:E5:5F:89:42:17:C9:E8:64:CA:FF:BB:72:56:73:6E:28:8A:92:7E:A3:2A:15:8B:C2:E0:45:CA:C3:BC:EA:40:52:EC:CA:A2:68:CB:32',
  ext_key_usage: [ '', '' ],
  serialNumber: '66593D57F20CBC573E433381B5FEC280',
  raw: <Buffer ... > }