querystring.parse(str[, sep[, eq[, options]]])

  • str <string> 要解析的网址查询字符串
  • sep <string> 用于在查询字符串中分隔键值对的子字符串。 默认值: '&'
  • eq <string>用于在查询字符串中分隔键和值的子字符串。 默认值: '='
  • options <Object>
    • decodeURIComponent <Function> 当对查询字符串中的百分比编码字符进行解码时使用的函数。 默认值: querystring.unescape()
    • maxKeys <number> 指定要解析的最大键数。 指定 0 以删除键的计数限制。 默认值: 1000

querystring.parse() 方法将网址查询字符串 (str) 解析为键值对的集合。

例如,查询字符串 'foo=bar&abc=xyz&abc=123' 被解析为:

  foo: 'bar',
  abc: ['xyz', '123']

querystring.parse() 方法返回的对象通常不是从 JavaScript Object 继承的原型。 这意味着典型的 Object 方法,例如 obj.toString()obj.hasOwnProperty() 和其他方法未定义且无法工作。

默认情况下,查询字符串中的百分比编码字符将被假定为使用 UTF-8 编码。 如果使用替代的字符编码,则需要指定替代的 decodeURIComponent 选项:

// 假设 gbkDecodeURIComponent 函数已存在...

querystring.parse('w=%D6%D0%CE%C4&foo=bar', null, null,
                  { decodeURIComponent: gbkDecodeURIComponent });
  • str <string> The URL query string to parse
  • sep <string> The substring used to delimit key and value pairs in the query string. Default: '&'.
  • eq <string>. The substring used to delimit keys and values in the query string. Default: '='.
  • options <Object>
    • decodeURIComponent <Function> The function to use when decoding percent-encoded characters in the query string. Default: querystring.unescape().
    • maxKeys <number> Specifies the maximum number of keys to parse. Specify 0 to remove key counting limitations. Default: 1000.

The querystring.parse() method parses a URL query string (str) into a collection of key and value pairs.

For example, the query string 'foo=bar&abc=xyz&abc=123' is parsed into:

  foo: 'bar',
  abc: ['xyz', '123']

The object returned by the querystring.parse() method does not prototypically inherit from the JavaScript Object. This means that typical Object methods such as obj.toString(), obj.hasOwnProperty(), and others are not defined and will not work.

By default, percent-encoded characters within the query string will be assumed to use UTF-8 encoding. If an alternative character encoding is used, then an alternative decodeURIComponent option will need to be specified:

// Assuming gbkDecodeURIComponent function already exists...

querystring.parse('w=%D6%D0%CE%C4&foo=bar', null, null,
                  { decodeURIComponent: gbkDecodeURIComponent });