采集 HTTP/2 性能指标

性能观察 API 可用于收集每个 Http2SessionHttp2Stream 实例的基本性能指标。

const { PerformanceObserver } = require('node:perf_hooks');

const obs = new PerformanceObserver((items) => {
  const entry = items.getEntries()[0];
  console.log(entry.entryType);  // 打印 'http2'
  if (entry.name === 'Http2Session') {
    // 条目包含有关 Http2Session 的统计信息
  } else if (entry.name === 'Http2Stream') {
    // 条目包含有关 Http2Stream 的统计信息
obs.observe({ entryTypes: ['http2'] });

PerformanceEntryentryType 属性将等于 'http2'

PerformanceEntryname 属性将等于 'Http2Stream''Http2Session'

如果 name 等于 Http2Stream,则 PerformanceEntry 将包含以下附加属性:

  • bytesRead <number> 为此 Http2Stream 接收的 DATA 帧字节数。
  • bytesWritten <number> 为此 Http2Stream 发送的 DATA 帧字节数。
  • id <number> 关联 Http2Stream 的标识符
  • timeToFirstByte <number>PerformanceEntry startTime 到接收到第一个 DATA 帧之间经过的毫秒数。
  • timeToFirstByteSent <number>PerformanceEntry startTime 到发送的第一个 DATA 帧之间经过的毫秒数。
  • timeToFirstHeader <number>PerformanceEntry startTime 到接收到第一个标头之间经过的毫秒数。

如果 name 等于 Http2Session,则 PerformanceEntry 将包含以下附加属性:

  • bytesRead <number> 为此 Http2Session 接收的字节数。
  • bytesWritten <number> 为此 Http2Session 发送的字节数。
  • framesReceived <number> Http2Session 接收到的 HTTP/2 帧数。
  • framesSent <number> Http2Session 发送的 HTTP/2 帧数。
  • maxConcurrentStreams <number> Http2Session 生命周期内同时打开的最大流数。
  • pingRTT <number> 从发送 PING 帧到接收到它的确认所经过的毫秒数。 只有在 Http2Session 上发送了 PING 帧时才会出现。
  • streamAverageDuration <number> 所有 Http2Stream 实例的平均持续时间(以毫秒为单位)
  • streamCount <number> Http2Session 处理的 Http2Stream 实例的数量。
  • type <string> 'server''client' 来标识 Http2Session 的类型。

The Performance Observer API can be used to collect basic performance metrics for each Http2Session and Http2Stream instance.

const { PerformanceObserver } = require('node:perf_hooks');

const obs = new PerformanceObserver((items) => {
  const entry = items.getEntries()[0];
  console.log(entry.entryType);  // prints 'http2'
  if (entry.name === 'Http2Session') {
    // Entry contains statistics about the Http2Session
  } else if (entry.name === 'Http2Stream') {
    // Entry contains statistics about the Http2Stream
obs.observe({ entryTypes: ['http2'] });

The entryType property of the PerformanceEntry will be equal to 'http2'.

The name property of the PerformanceEntry will be equal to either 'Http2Stream' or 'Http2Session'.

If name is equal to Http2Stream, the PerformanceEntry will contain the following additional properties:

  • bytesRead <number> The number of DATA frame bytes received for this Http2Stream.
  • bytesWritten <number> The number of DATA frame bytes sent for this Http2Stream.
  • id <number> The identifier of the associated Http2Stream
  • timeToFirstByte <number> The number of milliseconds elapsed between the PerformanceEntry startTime and the reception of the first DATA frame.
  • timeToFirstByteSent <number> The number of milliseconds elapsed between the PerformanceEntry startTime and sending of the first DATA frame.
  • timeToFirstHeader <number> The number of milliseconds elapsed between the PerformanceEntry startTime and the reception of the first header.

If name is equal to Http2Session, the PerformanceEntry will contain the following additional properties:

  • bytesRead <number> The number of bytes received for this Http2Session.
  • bytesWritten <number> The number of bytes sent for this Http2Session.
  • framesReceived <number> The number of HTTP/2 frames received by the Http2Session.
  • framesSent <number> The number of HTTP/2 frames sent by the Http2Session.
  • maxConcurrentStreams <number> The maximum number of streams concurrently open during the lifetime of the Http2Session.
  • pingRTT <number> The number of milliseconds elapsed since the transmission of a PING frame and the reception of its acknowledgment. Only present if a PING frame has been sent on the Http2Session.
  • streamAverageDuration <number> The average duration (in milliseconds) for all Http2Stream instances.
  • streamCount <number> The number of Http2Stream instances processed by the Http2Session.
  • type <string> Either 'server' or 'client' to identify the type of Http2Session.