Http2Session 类

http2.Http2Session 类的实例表示 HTTP/2 客户端和服务器之间的活动通信会话。 此类的实例_不_旨在由用户代码直接构造。

每个 Http2Session 实例将表现出略有不同的行为,具体取决于它是作为服务器还是客户端运行。 http2session.type 属性可用于确定 Http2Session 的运行模式。 在服务器端,用户代码很少有机会直接使用 Http2Session 对象,大多数操作通常是通过与 Http2ServerHttp2Stream 对象的交互来执行的。

用户代码不会直接创建 Http2Session 实例。 服务器端 Http2Session 实例是在接收到新的 HTTP/2 连接时由 Http2Server 实例创建的。 客户端 Http2Session 实例是使用 http2.connect() 方法创建的。

Instances of the http2.Http2Session class represent an active communications session between an HTTP/2 client and server. Instances of this class are not intended to be constructed directly by user code.

Each Http2Session instance will exhibit slightly different behaviors depending on whether it is operating as a server or a client. The http2session.type property can be used to determine the mode in which an Http2Session is operating. On the server side, user code should rarely have occasion to work with the Http2Session object directly, with most actions typically taken through interactions with either the Http2Server or Http2Stream objects.

User code will not create Http2Session instances directly. Server-side Http2Session instances are created by the Http2Server instance when a new HTTP/2 connection is received. Client-side Http2Session instances are created using the http2.connect() method.