fsPromises.cp(src, dest[, options])

稳定性: 1 - 实验

  • src <string> | <URL> 要复制的源路径。
  • dest <string> | <URL> 要复制到的目标路径。
  • options <Object>
    • dereference <boolean> 取消引用符号链接。 默认值: false
    • errorOnExist <boolean>forcefalse 且目标存在时,则抛出错误。 默认值: false
    • filter <Function> 过滤复制文件/目录的函数。 返回 true 则复制条目,返回 false 则忽略它。 也可以返回解决为 truefalsePromise 默认值: undefined
    • force <boolean> 覆盖现有的文件或目录。 如果将此设置为 false 并且目标存在,则复制操作将忽略错误。 使用 errorOnExist 选项更改此行为。 默认值: true
    • preserveTimestamps <boolean> 当为 true 时,则 src 的时间戳将被保留。 默认值: false
    • recursive <boolean> 递归地复制目录 默认值: false
    • verbatimSymlinks <boolean> 当为 true 时,则符号链接的路径解析将被跳过。 默认值: false
  • 返回: <Promise> 成功时将使用 undefined 履行。

将整个目录结构从 src 异步地复制到 dest,包括子目录和文件。

当将目录复制到另一个目录时,不支持 globs,并且行为类似于 cp dir1/ dir2/

Stability: 1 - Experimental

  • src <string> | <URL> source path to copy.
  • dest <string> | <URL> destination path to copy to.
  • options <Object>
    • dereference <boolean> dereference symlinks. Default: false.
    • errorOnExist <boolean> when force is false, and the destination exists, throw an error. Default: false.
    • filter <Function> Function to filter copied files/directories. Return true to copy the item, false to ignore it. Can also return a Promise that resolves to true or false Default: undefined.
    • force <boolean> overwrite existing file or directory. The copy operation will ignore errors if you set this to false and the destination exists. Use the errorOnExist option to change this behavior. Default: true.
    • preserveTimestamps <boolean> When true timestamps from src will be preserved. Default: false.
    • recursive <boolean> copy directories recursively Default: false
    • verbatimSymlinks <boolean> When true, path resolution for symlinks will be skipped. Default: false
  • Returns: <Promise> Fulfills with undefined upon success.

Asynchronously copies the entire directory structure from src to dest, including subdirectories and files.

When copying a directory to another directory, globs are not supported and behavior is similar to cp dir1/ dir2/.