
如果存在,则 error.cause 属性是 Error 的根本原因。 当捕获一个错误并抛出一个带有不同消息或代码的新错误以便仍然可以访问原始错误时使用它。

error.cause 属性通常通过调用 new Error(message, { cause }) 来设置。 如果没有提供 cause 选项,则不是构造函数设置的。

此属性允许链接错误。 当序列化 Error 对象时,如果设置了 util.inspect(),则递归序列化 error.cause

const cause = new Error('The remote HTTP server responded with a 500 status');
const symptom = new Error('The message failed to send', { cause });

// 打印:
//   Error: The message failed to send
//       at REPL2:1:17
//       at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:130:12)
//       ... 7 lines matching cause stack trace ...
//       at [_line] [as _line] (node:internal/readline/interface:886:18) {
//     [cause]: Error: The remote HTTP server responded with a 500 status
//         at REPL1:1:15
//         at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:130:12)
//         at REPLServer.defaultEval (node:repl:574:29)
//         at bound (node:domain:426:15)
//         at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (node:domain:437:12)
//         at REPLServer.onLine (node:repl:902:10)
//         at REPLServer.emit (node:events:549:35)
//         at REPLServer.emit (node:domain:482:12)
//         at [_onLine] [as _onLine] (node:internal/readline/interface:425:12)
//         at [_line] [as _line] (node:internal/readline/interface:886:18)

If present, the error.cause property is the underlying cause of the Error. It is used when catching an error and throwing a new one with a different message or code in order to still have access to the original error.

The error.cause property is typically set by calling new Error(message, { cause }). It is not set by the constructor if the cause option is not provided.

This property allows errors to be chained. When serializing Error objects, util.inspect() recursively serializes error.cause if it is set.

const cause = new Error('The remote HTTP server responded with a 500 status');
const symptom = new Error('The message failed to send', { cause });

// Prints:
//   Error: The message failed to send
//       at REPL2:1:17
//       at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:130:12)
//       ... 7 lines matching cause stack trace ...
//       at [_line] [as _line] (node:internal/readline/interface:886:18) {
//     [cause]: Error: The remote HTTP server responded with a 500 status
//         at REPL1:1:15
//         at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:130:12)
//         at REPLServer.defaultEval (node:repl:574:29)
//         at bound (node:domain:426:15)
//         at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (node:domain:437:12)
//         at REPLServer.onLine (node:repl:902:10)
//         at REPLServer.emit (node:events:549:35)
//         at REPLServer.emit (node:domain:482:12)
//         at [_onLine] [as _onLine] (node:internal/readline/interface:425:12)
//         at [_line] [as _line] (node:internal/readline/interface:886:18)