
此证书的 SHA-512 指纹。

因为计算 SHA-256 指纹通常更快,并且因为它只有 SHA-512 指纹的一半大小,所以 x509.fingerprint256 可能是更好的选择。 虽然 SHA-512 一般可以提供更高级别的安全性,但 SHA-256 的安全性与大多数通常用于签署证书的算法相匹配。

The SHA-512 fingerprint of this certificate.

Because computing the SHA-256 fingerprint is usually faster and because it is only half the size of the SHA-512 fingerprint, x509.fingerprint256 may be a better choice. While SHA-512 presumably provides a higher level of security in general, the security of SHA-256 matches that of most algorithms that are commonly used to sign certificates.