crypto.getCipherInfo(nameOrNid[, options])

  • nameOrNid: <string> | <number> 要查询的密码的名称或 nid。
  • options: <Object>
    • keyLength: <number> 测试密钥的长度。
    • ivLength: <number> 测试 IV 的长度。
  • 返回: <Object>
    • name <string> 密码的名称
    • nid <number> 密码的 nid
    • blockSize <number> 密码的块大小(以字节为单位)。 当 mode'stream' 时,此属性被省略。
    • ivLength <number> 以字节为单位的预期或默认初始化向量长度。 如果密码不使用初始化向量,则省略此属性。
    • keyLength <number> 以字节为单位的预期或默认密钥长度。
    • mode <string> 密码模式。 'cbc''ccm''cfb''ctr''ecb''gcm''ocb''ofb''stream''wrap''xts' 之一。


一些密码接受可变长度的密钥和初始化向量。 默认情况下,crypto.getCipherInfo() 方法将返回这些密码的默认值。 要测试给定的密钥长度或 iv 长度对于给定的密码是否可接受,请使用 keyLengthivLength 选项。 如果给定的值不可接受,则返回 undefined

  • nameOrNid: <string> | <number> The name or nid of the cipher to query.
  • options: <Object>
  • Returns: <Object>
    • name <string> The name of the cipher
    • nid <number> The nid of the cipher
    • blockSize <number> The block size of the cipher in bytes. This property is omitted when mode is 'stream'.
    • ivLength <number> The expected or default initialization vector length in bytes. This property is omitted if the cipher does not use an initialization vector.
    • keyLength <number> The expected or default key length in bytes.
    • mode <string> The cipher mode. One of 'cbc', 'ccm', 'cfb', 'ctr', 'ecb', 'gcm', 'ocb', 'ofb', 'stream', 'wrap', 'xts'.

Returns information about a given cipher.

Some ciphers accept variable length keys and initialization vectors. By default, the crypto.getCipherInfo() method will return the default values for these ciphers. To test if a given key length or iv length is acceptable for given cipher, use the keyLength and ivLength options. If the given values are unacceptable, undefined will be returned.