
可以作为 Worker 构造函数的 env 选项传入的特殊值,表示当前线程和工作线程应该共享对同一组环境变量的读写访问。

const { Worker, SHARE_ENV } = require('worker_threads');
new Worker('process.env.SET_IN_WORKER = "foo"', { eval: true, env: SHARE_ENV })
  .on('exit', () => {
    console.log(process.env.SET_IN_WORKER);  // 打印 'foo'。

A special value that can be passed as the env option of the Worker constructor, to indicate that the current thread and the Worker thread should share read and write access to the same set of environment variables.

const { Worker, SHARE_ENV } = require('worker_threads');
new Worker('process.env.SET_IN_WORKER = "foo"', { eval: true, env: SHARE_ENV })
  .on('exit', () => {
    console.log(process.env.SET_IN_WORKER);  // Prints 'foo'.