net.Socket 类

此类是 TCP 套接字或流式 IPC 端点(在 Windows 上使用命名管道,否则使用 Unix 域套接字)的抽象。 它也是 EventEmitter

net.Socket 可以由用户创建并直接用于与服务器交互。 例如,通过 net.createConnection() 返回它,因此用户可以使用它与服务器对话。

它也可以由 Node.js 创建并在接收到连接时传给用户。 例如,它被传给在 net.Server 上触发的 'connection' 事件的监听器,因此用户可以使用它与客户端进行交互。

This class is an abstraction of a TCP socket or a streaming IPC endpoint (uses named pipes on Windows, and Unix domain sockets otherwise). It is also an EventEmitter.

A net.Socket can be created by the user and used directly to interact with a server. For example, it is returned by net.createConnection(), so the user can use it to talk to the server.

It can also be created by Node.js and passed to the user when a connection is received. For example, it is passed to the listeners of a 'connection' event emitted on a net.Server, so the user can use it to interact with the client.