'trailers' 事件

当接收到与尾随标头字段关联的标头块时,则会触发 'trailers' 事件。 监听器回调传入 HTTP/2 标头对象和与标头关联的标志。

如果在收到预告片之前调用 http2stream.end() 并且未读取或监听传入数据,则可能不会触发此事件。

stream.on('trailers', (headers, flags) => {

The 'trailers' event is emitted when a block of headers associated with trailing header fields is received. The listener callback is passed the HTTP/2 Headers Object and flags associated with the headers.

This event might not be emitted if http2stream.end() is called before trailers are received and the incoming data is not being read or listened for.

stream.on('trailers', (headers, flags) => {