url.format(URL[, options])

  • URL <URL> WHATWG 网址对象
  • options <Object>
    • auth <boolean> 如果序列化的网址字符串应包含用户名和密码,则为 true,否则为 false默认值: true
    • fragment <boolean> 如果序列化的网址字符串应包含片段,则为 true,否则为 false默认值: true
    • search <boolean> 如果序列化的网址字符串应包含搜索查询,则为 true,否则为 false默认值: true
    • unicode <boolean> true 如果出现在网址字符串的主机组件中的 Unicode 字符应该被直接编码而不是 Punycode 编码。 默认值: false
  • 返回: <string>

返回 WHATWG 网址对象的网址 String 表示的可自定义的序列化。

网址对象具有 toString() 方法和 href 属性,用于返回网址的字符串序列化。 但是,这些都不能以任何方式自定义。 url.format(URL[, options]) 方法允许对输出进行基本的自定义。

const myURL = new URL('https://a:b@測試?abc#foo');

// 打印 https://a:b@xn--g6w251d/?abc#foo

// 打印 https://a:b@xn--g6w251d/?abc#foo

console.log(url.format(myURL, { fragment: false, unicode: true, auth: false }));
// 打印 'https://測試/?abc'
  • URL <URL> A WHATWG URL object
  • options <Object>
    • auth <boolean> true if the serialized URL string should include the username and password, false otherwise. Default: true.
    • fragment <boolean> true if the serialized URL string should include the fragment, false otherwise. Default: true.
    • search <boolean> true if the serialized URL string should include the search query, false otherwise. Default: true.
    • unicode <boolean> true if Unicode characters appearing in the host component of the URL string should be encoded directly as opposed to being Punycode encoded. Default: false.
  • Returns: <string>

Returns a customizable serialization of a URL String representation of a WHATWG URL object.

The URL object has both a toString() method and href property that return string serializations of the URL. These are not, however, customizable in any way. The url.format(URL[, options]) method allows for basic customization of the output.

const myURL = new URL('https://a:b@測試?abc#foo');

// Prints https://a:b@xn--g6w251d/?abc#foo

// Prints https://a:b@xn--g6w251d/?abc#foo

console.log(url.format(myURL, { fragment: false, unicode: true, auth: false }));
// Prints 'https://測試/?abc'