clienthttp2session.request(headers[, options])

  • headers <HTTP/2 Headers Object>

  • options <Object>

    • endStream <boolean> 如果 Http2Stream 可写端最初应该关闭(例如发送不应期待有效负载正文的 GET 请求时),则为 true
    • exclusive <boolean>trueparent 标识父流时,创建的流将成为父流的唯一直接依赖项,所有其他现有依赖项都成为新创建流的依赖项。 默认值: false
    • parent <number> 指定新创建的流所依赖的流的数字标识符。
    • weight <number> 指定流相对于具有相同 parent 的其他流的相对依赖性。 该值为 1256(含)之间的数字。
    • waitForTrailers <boolean> 当为 true 时,Http2Stream 将在发送完最后的 DATA 帧后触发 'wantTrailers' 事件。
  • 返回: <ClientHttp2Stream>

仅对于 HTTP/2 客户端 Http2Session 实例,http2session.request() 创建并返回 Http2Stream 实例,该实例可用于向连接的服务器发送 HTTP/2 请求。

此方法仅在 http2session.type 等于 http2.constants.NGHTTP2_SESSION_CLIENT 时可用。

const http2 = require('http2');
const clientSession = http2.connect('https://localhost:1234');
const {
} = http2.constants;

const req = clientSession.request({ [HTTP2_HEADER_PATH]: '/' });
req.on('response', (headers) => {
  req.on('data', (chunk) => { /* .. */ });
  req.on('end', () => { /* .. */ });

当设置了 options.waitForTrailers 选项时,在将要发送的最后一块有效负载数据排队后立即触发 'wantTrailers' 事件。 然后可以调用 http2stream.sendTrailers() 方法将尾随标头发送到对等方。

当设置了 options.waitForTrailers,则传输完最后的 DATA 帧时,Http2Stream 不会自动关闭。 用户代码必须调用 http2stream.sendTrailers()http2stream.close() 来关闭 Http2Stream

:method:path 伪标头在 headers 中没有指定,它们分别默认为:

  • :method = 'GET'
  • :path = /
  • headers <HTTP/2 Headers Object>

  • options <Object>

    • endStream <boolean> true if the Http2Stream writable side should be closed initially, such as when sending a GET request that should not expect a payload body.
    • exclusive <boolean> When true and parent identifies a parent Stream, the created stream is made the sole direct dependency of the parent, with all other existing dependents made a dependent of the newly created stream. Default: false.
    • parent <number> Specifies the numeric identifier of a stream the newly created stream is dependent on.
    • weight <number> Specifies the relative dependency of a stream in relation to other streams with the same parent. The value is a number between 1 and 256 (inclusive).
    • waitForTrailers <boolean> When true, the Http2Stream will emit the 'wantTrailers' event after the final DATA frame has been sent.
  • Returns: <ClientHttp2Stream>

For HTTP/2 Client Http2Session instances only, the http2session.request() creates and returns an Http2Stream instance that can be used to send an HTTP/2 request to the connected server.

This method is only available if http2session.type is equal to http2.constants.NGHTTP2_SESSION_CLIENT.

const http2 = require('http2');
const clientSession = http2.connect('https://localhost:1234');
const {
} = http2.constants;

const req = clientSession.request({ [HTTP2_HEADER_PATH]: '/' });
req.on('response', (headers) => {
  req.on('data', (chunk) => { /* .. */ });
  req.on('end', () => { /* .. */ });

When the options.waitForTrailers option is set, the 'wantTrailers' event is emitted immediately after queuing the last chunk of payload data to be sent. The http2stream.sendTrailers() method can then be called to send trailing headers to the peer.

When options.waitForTrailers is set, the Http2Stream will not automatically close when the final DATA frame is transmitted. User code must call either http2stream.sendTrailers() or http2stream.close() to close the Http2Stream.

The :method and :path pseudo-headers are not specified within headers, they respectively default to:

  • :method = 'GET'
  • :path = /