
以下常量旨在与 fs.Stats 对象的 mode 属性一起使用,以确定文件的类型。

常量 描述
S_IFMT 用于提取文件类型代码的位掩码。
S_IFREG 常规文件的文件类型常量。
S_IFDIR 目录的文件类型常量。
S_IFCHR 面向字符的设备文件的文件类型常量。
S_IFBLK 面向块的设备文件的文件类型常量。
S_IFIFO FIFO/管道的文件类型常量。
S_IFLNK 符号链接的文件类型常量。
S_IFSOCK 套接字的文件类型常量。

The following constants are meant for use with the fs.Stats object's mode property for determining a file's type.

Constant Description
S_IFMT Bit mask used to extract the file type code.
S_IFREG File type constant for a regular file.
S_IFDIR File type constant for a directory.
S_IFCHR File type constant for a character-oriented device file.
S_IFBLK File type constant for a block-oriented device file.
S_IFIFO File type constant for a FIFO/pipe.
S_IFLNK File type constant for a symbolic link.
S_IFSOCK File type constant for a socket.