没有 require.resolve

(async () => {
  const dependencyAsset = await import.meta.resolve('component-lib/asset.css');

import.meta.resolve 还接受第二个参数,它是从中解析的父模块:

(async () => {
  await import.meta.resolve('./dep', import.meta.url);

Former use cases relying on require.resolve to determine the resolved path of a module can be supported via import.meta.resolve, which is experimental and supported via the --experimental-import-meta-resolve flag:

(async () => {
  const dependencyAsset = await import.meta.resolve('component-lib/asset.css');

import.meta.resolve also accepts a second argument which is the parent module from which to resolve from:

(async () => {
  // Equivalent to import.meta.resolve('./dep')
  await import.meta.resolve('./dep', import.meta.url);

This function is asynchronous because the ES module resolver in Node.js is asynchronous. With the introduction of Top-Level Await, these use cases will be easier as they won't require an async function wrapper.