dns.resolve(hostname[, rrtype], callback)

使用域名系统协议将主机名(例如 'nodejs.org')解析为资源记录数组。 callback 函数有参数 (err, records)。 当成功时,records 将是资源记录数组。 个别结果的类型和结构因 rrtype 而异:

rrtyperecords 包含结果的类型快捷方法
'A'IPv4 地址(默认)<string>dns.resolve4()
'AAAA'IPv6 地址<string>dns.resolve6()

出错时,errError 对象,其中 err.codeDNS 错误码之一。

Uses the DNS protocol to resolve a host name (e.g. 'nodejs.org') into an array of the resource records. The callback function has arguments (err, records). When successful, records will be an array of resource records. The type and structure of individual results varies based on rrtype:

rrtyperecords containsResult typeShorthand method
'A'IPv4 addresses (default)<string>dns.resolve4()
'AAAA'IPv6 addresses<string>dns.resolve6()
'ANY'any records<Object>dns.resolveAny()
'CNAME'canonical name records<string>dns.resolveCname()
'MX'mail exchange records<Object>dns.resolveMx()
'NAPTR'name authority pointer records<Object>dns.resolveNaptr()
'NS'name server records<string>dns.resolveNs()
'PTR'pointer records<string>dns.resolvePtr()
'SOA'start of authority records<Object>dns.resolveSoa()
'SRV'service records<Object>dns.resolveSrv()
'TXT'text records<string[]>dns.resolveTxt()

On error, err is an Error object, where err.code is one of the DNS error codes.