
创建 AsyncIterator 对象,该对象遍历输入流中的每一行作为字符串。 此方法允许通过 for await...of 循环异步迭代 readline.Interface 对象。


如果循环以 breakthrowreturn 终止,则将调用 rl.close()。 换句话说,迭代 readline.Interface 将始终完全消费输入流。

性能无法与传统的 'line' 事件 API 相提并论。 对于性能敏感的应用程序,请改用 'line'

async function processLineByLine() {
  const rl = readline.createInterface({
    // ...

  for await (const line of rl) {
    // 逐行读取输入中的每一行
    // 都将在此处作为 `line` 连续可用。

readline.createInterface() 将在调用后开始使用输入流。 在接口创建和异步迭代之间进行异步操作可能会导致丢失行。

Create an AsyncIterator object that iterates through each line in the input stream as a string. This method allows asynchronous iteration of readline.Interface objects through for await...of loops.

Errors in the input stream are not forwarded.

If the loop is terminated with break, throw, or return, rl.close() will be called. In other words, iterating over a readline.Interface will always consume the input stream fully.

Performance is not on par with the traditional 'line' event API. Use 'line' instead for performance-sensitive applications.

async function processLineByLine() {
  const rl = readline.createInterface({
    // ...

  for await (const line of rl) {
    // Each line in the readline input will be successively available here as
    // `line`.

readline.createInterface() will start to consume the input stream once invoked. Having asynchronous operations between interface creation and asynchronous iteration may result in missed lines.