syntheticModule.setExport(name, value)

  • name <string> 要设置的导出名称。
  • value <any> 将导出设置为的值。

此方法用于模块链接后设置导出的值。 如果在链接模块之前调用,则会抛出 ERR_VM_MODULE_STATUS 错误。

import vm from 'vm';

const m = new vm.SyntheticModule(['x'], () => {
  m.setExport('x', 1);

await => {});
await m.evaluate();

assert.strictEqual(m.namespace.x, 1);const vm = require('vm');
(async () => {
  const m = new vm.SyntheticModule(['x'], () => {
    m.setExport('x', 1);
  await => {});
  await m.evaluate();
  assert.strictEqual(m.namespace.x, 1);
  • name <string> Name of the export to set.
  • value <any> The value to set the export to.

This method is used after the module is linked to set the values of exports. If it is called before the module is linked, an ERR_VM_MODULE_STATUS error will be thrown.

import vm from 'vm';

const m = new vm.SyntheticModule(['x'], () => {
  m.setExport('x', 1);

await => {});
await m.evaluate();

assert.strictEqual(m.namespace.x, 1);const vm = require('vm');
(async () => {
  const m = new vm.SyntheticModule(['x'], () => {
    m.setExport('x', 1);
  await => {});
  await m.evaluate();
  assert.strictEqual(m.namespace.x, 1);