
返回表示从 V8 版本、命令行标志、以及检测到的 CPU 特性派生的版本标签的整数。 这对于判断 vm.Script cachedData 缓冲区是否与此 V8 实例兼容很有用。

console.log(v8.cachedDataVersionTag()); // 3947234607
// v8.cachedDataVersionTag() 返回的值源自
// V8 版本、命令行标志、以及检测到的 CPU 特性。
// 测试该值是否确实在切换标志时更新。
console.log(v8.cachedDataVersionTag()); // 183726201

Returns an integer representing a version tag derived from the V8 version, command-line flags, and detected CPU features. This is useful for determining whether a vm.Script cachedData buffer is compatible with this instance of V8.

console.log(v8.cachedDataVersionTag()); // 3947234607
// The value returned by v8.cachedDataVersionTag() is derived from the V8
// version, command-line flags, and detected CPU features. Test that the value
// does indeed update when flags are toggled.
console.log(v8.cachedDataVersionTag()); // 183726201