'uncaughtExceptionMonitor' 事件

  • err <Error> 未捕获的异常。
  • origin <string> 指示异常是源自未处理的拒绝还是源自同步错误。 可以是 'uncaughtException''unhandledRejection'

'uncaughtExceptionMonitor' 事件在 'uncaughtException' 事件触发或通过 process.setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback() 安装的钩子被调用之前触发。

一旦触发 'uncaughtException' 事件,则安装 'uncaughtExceptionMonitor' 监听器不会更改行为。 如果没有安装 'uncaughtException' 监听器,则进程仍然会崩溃。

process.on('uncaughtExceptionMonitor', (err, origin) => {
  MyMonitoringTool.logSync(err, origin);

// 故意引发异常,但不捕获。
// 仍然崩溃 Node.js
  • err <Error> The uncaught exception.
  • origin <string> Indicates if the exception originates from an unhandled rejection or from synchronous errors. Can either be 'uncaughtException' or 'unhandledRejection'.

The 'uncaughtExceptionMonitor' event is emitted before an 'uncaughtException' event is emitted or a hook installed via process.setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback() is called.

Installing an 'uncaughtExceptionMonitor' listener does not change the behavior once an 'uncaughtException' event is emitted. The process will still crash if no 'uncaughtException' listener is installed.

process.on('uncaughtExceptionMonitor', (err, origin) => {
  MyMonitoringTool.logSync(err, origin);

// Intentionally cause an exception, but don't catch it.
// Still crashes Node.js