全局 .d.ts


全局库是可以从全局范围访问的库(即不使用任何形式的 import)。许多库只是公开一个或多个全局变量以供使用。例如,如果您使用 jQuery,则可以通过简单地引用 $ 变量来使用它:

$(() => {

您通常会在全局库的文档中看到有关如何在 HTML 脚本标记中使用该库的指南:

<script src="http://a.great.cdn.for/someLib.js"></script>

今天,大多数流行的全球可访问库实际上都是作为 UMD 库编写的(见下文)。UMD 库文档很难与全局库文档区分开来。在编写全局声明文件之前,请确保该库实际上不是 UMD。


全局库代码通常非常简单。全局 "Hello, world" 库可能如下所示:

function createGreeting(s) {
  return "Hello, " + s;


window.createGreeting = function (s) {
  return "Hello, " + s;









// Type definitions for [~THE LIBRARY NAME~] [~OPTIONAL VERSION NUMBER~]
// Project: [~THE PROJECT NAME~]
// Definitions by: [~YOUR NAME~] <[~A URL FOR YOU~]>

/*~ If this library is callable (e.g. can be invoked as myLib(3)),
 *~ include those call signatures here.
 *~ Otherwise, delete this section.
declare function myLib(a: string): string;
declare function myLib(a: number): number;

/*~ If you want the name of this library to be a valid type name,
 *~ you can do so here.
 *~ For example, this allows us to write 'var x: myLib';
 *~ Be sure this actually makes sense! If it doesn't, just
 *~ delete this declaration and add types inside the namespace below.
interface myLib {
  name: string;
  length: number;
  extras?: string[];

/*~ If your library has properties exposed on a global variable,
 *~ place them here.
 *~ You should also place types (interfaces and type alias) here.
declare namespace myLib {
  //~ We can write 'myLib.timeout = 50;'
  let timeout: number;

  //~ We can access 'myLib.version', but not change it
  const version: string;

  //~ There's some class we can create via 'let c = new myLib.Cat(42)'
  //~ Or reference e.g. 'function f(c: myLib.Cat) { ... }
  class Cat {
    constructor(n: number);

    //~ We can read 'c.age' from a 'Cat' instance
    readonly age: number;

    //~ We can invoke 'c.purr()' from a 'Cat' instance
    purr(): void;

  //~ We can declare a variable as
  //~   'var s: myLib.CatSettings = { weight: 5, name: "Maru" };'
  interface CatSettings {
    weight: number;
    name: string;
    tailLength?: number;

  //~ We can write 'const v: myLib.VetID = 42;'
  //~  or 'const v: myLib.VetID = "bob";'
  type VetID = string | number;

  //~ We can invoke 'myLib.checkCat(c)' or 'myLib.checkCat(c, v);'
  function checkCat(c: Cat, s?: VetID);