readable.filter(fn[, options])

稳定性: 1 - 实验

此方法允许过滤流。 对于流中的每个块,将调用 fn 函数,如果它返回真值,则该块将被传给结果流。 如果 fn 函数返回 promise,则该 Promise 将被 await

import { Readable } from 'node:stream';
import { Resolver } from 'node:dns/promises';

// 使用同步谓词。
for await (const chunk of Readable.from([1, 2, 3, 4]).filter((x) => x > 2)) {
  console.log(chunk); // 3, 4
// 使用异步谓词,单次最多进行 2 个查询。
const resolver = new Resolver();
const dnsResults = Readable.from([
]).filter(async (domain) => {
  const { address } = await resolver.resolve4(domain, { ttl: true });
  return address.ttl > 60;
}, { concurrency: 2 });
for await (const result of dnsResults) {
  // 在解析的 dns 记录上记录超过 60 秒的域。

Stability: 1 - Experimental

  • fn <Function> | <AsyncFunction> a function to filter chunks from the stream.
    • data <any> a chunk of data from the stream.
    • options <Object>
      • signal <AbortSignal> aborted if the stream is destroyed allowing to abort the fn call early.
  • options <Object>
    • concurrency <number> the maximum concurrent invocation of fn to call on the stream at once. Default: 1.
    • signal <AbortSignal> allows destroying the stream if the signal is aborted.
  • Returns: <Readable> a stream filtered with the predicate fn.

This method allows filtering the stream. For each chunk in the stream the fn function will be called and if it returns a truthy value, the chunk will be passed to the result stream. If the fn function returns a promise - that promise will be awaited.

import { Readable } from 'node:stream';
import { Resolver } from 'node:dns/promises';

// With a synchronous predicate.
for await (const chunk of Readable.from([1, 2, 3, 4]).filter((x) => x > 2)) {
  console.log(chunk); // 3, 4
// With an asynchronous predicate, making at most 2 queries at a time.
const resolver = new Resolver();
const dnsResults = Readable.from([
]).filter(async (domain) => {
  const { address } = await resolver.resolve4(domain, { ttl: true });
  return address.ttl > 60;
}, { concurrency: 2 });
for await (const result of dnsResults) {
  // Logs domains with more than 60 seconds on the resolved dns record.