os.setPriority([pid, ]priority)

  • pid <integer> 要为其设置调度优先级的进程 ID。 默认值: 0
  • priority <integer> 分配给进程的调度优先级。

尝试为 pid 指定的进程设置调度优先级。 如果未提供 pid 或为 0,则使用当前进程的进程 ID。

priority 输入必须是 -20(高优先级)和 19(低优先级)之间的整数。 由于 Unix 优先级和 Windows 优先级之间的差异,priority 映射到 os.constants.priority 中的六个优先级常量之一。 当检索进程优先级时,此范围映射可能会导致返回值在 Windows 上略有不同。 为避免混淆,请将 priority 设置为优先级常量之一。

在 Windows 上,将优先级设置为 PRIORITY_HIGHEST 需要提升用户权限。 否则设置的优先级将被静默地降低到 PRIORITY_HIGH

  • pid <integer> The process ID to set scheduling priority for. Default: 0.
  • priority <integer> The scheduling priority to assign to the process.

Attempts to set the scheduling priority for the process specified by pid. If pid is not provided or is 0, the process ID of the current process is used.

The priority input must be an integer between -20 (high priority) and 19 (low priority). Due to differences between Unix priority levels and Windows priority classes, priority is mapped to one of six priority constants in os.constants.priority. When retrieving a process priority level, this range mapping may cause the return value to be slightly different on Windows. To avoid confusion, set priority to one of the priority constants.

On Windows, setting priority to PRIORITY_HIGHEST requires elevated user privileges. Otherwise the set priority will be silently reduced to PRIORITY_HIGH.