outgoingMessage.end(chunk[, encoding][, callback])

完成传出消息。 如果正文的任何部分未发送,则会将它们刷新到底层系统。 如果消息被分块,则它将发送终止块 0\r\n\r\n,并发送块尾(如果有)。

如果指定了 chunk,则相当于调用 outgoingMessage.write(chunk, encoding),后跟 outgoingMessage.end(callback)

如果提供了 callback,则在消息结束时调用(相当于 'finish' 事件的监听器)。

Finishes the outgoing message. If any parts of the body are unsent, it will flush them to the underlying system. If the message is chunked, it will send the terminating chunk 0\r\n\r\n, and send the trailers (if any).

If chunk is specified, it is equivalent to calling outgoingMessage.write(chunk, encoding), followed by outgoingMessage.end(callback).

If callback is provided, it will be called when the message is finished (equivalent to a listener of the 'finish' event).