
注册要为每个 promise 的不同生命周期事件调用的函数。

回调 init()/before()/after()/settled() 在 promise 的生命周期内为各个事件调用。

所有回调都是可选的。 例如,如果只需要跟踪 promise 的创建,则只需要传入 init 回调。 可以传给 callbacks 的所有函数的细节都在钩子回调章节。

import { promiseHooks } from 'node:v8';

const stopAll = promiseHooks.createHook({
  init(promise, parent) {},
});const { promiseHooks } = require('node:v8');

const stopAll = promiseHooks.createHook({
  init(promise, parent) {},

The hook callbacks must be plain functions. Providing async functions will throw as it would produce an infinite microtask loop.

Registers functions to be called for different lifetime events of each promise.

The callbacks init()/before()/after()/settled() are called for the respective events during a promise's lifetime.

All callbacks are optional. For example, if only promise creation needs to be tracked, then only the init callback needs to be passed. The specifics of all functions that can be passed to callbacks is in the Hook Callbacks section.

import { promiseHooks } from 'node:v8';

const stopAll = promiseHooks.createHook({
  init(promise, parent) {},
});const { promiseHooks } = require('node:v8');

const stopAll = promiseHooks.createHook({
  init(promise, parent) {},