
  • id <string> 模块名称或路径
  • 返回: <any> 导出的模块内容

用于导入模块、JSON 和本地文件。 模块可以从 node_modules 导入。 可以使用相对路径(例如 ././foo./bar/baz../foo)导入本地模块和 JSON 文件,该路径将根据 __dirname(如果有定义)命名的目录或当前工作目录进行解析。 POSIX 风格的相对路径以独立于操作系统的方式解析,这意味着上面的示例将在 Windows 上以与在 Unix 系统上相同的方式工作。

// 使用相对于 `__dirname` 或当前工作目录的路径导入本地模块。
//(在 Windows 上,这将解析为 .\path\myLocalModule。)
const myLocalModule = require('./path/myLocalModule');

// 导入 JSON 文件:
const jsonData = require('./path/filename.json');

// 从 node_modules 或 Node.js 内置模块导入模块:
const crypto = require('node:crypto');
  • id <string> module name or path
  • Returns: <any> exported module content

Used to import modules, JSON, and local files. Modules can be imported from node_modules. Local modules and JSON files can be imported using a relative path (e.g. ./, ./foo, ./bar/baz, ../foo) that will be resolved against the directory named by __dirname (if defined) or the current working directory. The relative paths of POSIX style are resolved in an OS independent fashion, meaning that the examples above will work on Windows in the same way they would on Unix systems.

// Importing a local module with a path relative to the `__dirname` or current
// working directory. (On Windows, this would resolve to .\path\myLocalModule.)
const myLocalModule = require('./path/myLocalModule');

// Importing a JSON file:
const jsonData = require('./path/filename.json');

// Importing a module from node_modules or Node.js built-in module:
const crypto = require('node:crypto');