
为了从多个 Node.js 环境(例如主线程和工作线程)加载,插件需要:

  • 成为 Node-API 插件,或
  • 如上所述使用 NODE_MODULE_INIT() 声明为上下文感知

为了支持 Worker 线程,插件需要清理它们可能在此类线程存在时分配的任何资源。 这可以通过使用 AddEnvironmentCleanupHook() 函数来实现:

void AddEnvironmentCleanupHook(v8::Isolate* isolate,
                               void (*fun)(void* arg),
                               void* arg);

此函数添加了一个钩子,该钩子将在给定的 Node.js 实例关闭之前运行。 如有必要,可以在使用具有相同签名的 RemoveEnvironmentCleanupHook() 运行这些钩子之前将其删除。 回调按后进先出的顺序运行。

如有必要,还有一对额外的 AddEnvironmentCleanupHook()RemoveEnvironmentCleanupHook() 重载,其中清理钩子采用回调函数。 这可用于关闭异步资源,例如插件注册的任何 libuv 句柄。

以下 addon.cc 使用 AddEnvironmentCleanupHook

// addon.cc
#include <node.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

using node::AddEnvironmentCleanupHook;
using v8::HandleScope;
using v8::Isolate;
using v8::Local;
using v8::Object;

// 注意:在实际应用程序中,不要依赖静态/全局数据。
static char cookie[] = "yum yum";
static int cleanup_cb1_called = 0;
static int cleanup_cb2_called = 0;

static void cleanup_cb1(void* arg) {
  Isolate* isolate = static_cast<Isolate*>(arg);
  HandleScope scope(isolate);
  Local<Object> obj = Object::New(isolate);
  assert(!obj.IsEmpty());  // 断言 VM 仍旧存活

static void cleanup_cb2(void* arg) {
  assert(arg == static_cast<void*>(cookie));

static void sanity_check(void*) {
  assert(cleanup_cb1_called == 1);
  assert(cleanup_cb2_called == 1);

// 将此插件初始化为上下文感知。
NODE_MODULE_INIT(/* exports, module, context */) {
  Isolate* isolate = context->GetIsolate();

  AddEnvironmentCleanupHook(isolate, sanity_check, nullptr);
  AddEnvironmentCleanupHook(isolate, cleanup_cb2, cookie);
  AddEnvironmentCleanupHook(isolate, cleanup_cb1, isolate);

通过运行在 JavaScript 中进行测试:

// test.js

In order to be loaded from multiple Node.js environments, such as a main thread and a Worker thread, an add-on needs to either:

  • Be an Node-API addon, or
  • Be declared as context-aware using NODE_MODULE_INIT() as described above

In order to support Worker threads, addons need to clean up any resources they may have allocated when such a thread exists. This can be achieved through the usage of the AddEnvironmentCleanupHook() function:

void AddEnvironmentCleanupHook(v8::Isolate* isolate,
                               void (*fun)(void* arg),
                               void* arg);

This function adds a hook that will run before a given Node.js instance shuts down. If necessary, such hooks can be removed before they are run using RemoveEnvironmentCleanupHook(), which has the same signature. Callbacks are run in last-in first-out order.

If necessary, there is an additional pair of AddEnvironmentCleanupHook() and RemoveEnvironmentCleanupHook() overloads, where the cleanup hook takes a callback function. This can be used for shutting down asynchronous resources, such as any libuv handles registered by the addon.

The following addon.cc uses AddEnvironmentCleanupHook:

// addon.cc
#include <node.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

using node::AddEnvironmentCleanupHook;
using v8::HandleScope;
using v8::Isolate;
using v8::Local;
using v8::Object;

// Note: In a real-world application, do not rely on static/global data.
static char cookie[] = "yum yum";
static int cleanup_cb1_called = 0;
static int cleanup_cb2_called = 0;

static void cleanup_cb1(void* arg) {
  Isolate* isolate = static_cast<Isolate*>(arg);
  HandleScope scope(isolate);
  Local<Object> obj = Object::New(isolate);
  assert(!obj.IsEmpty());  // assert VM is still alive

static void cleanup_cb2(void* arg) {
  assert(arg == static_cast<void*>(cookie));

static void sanity_check(void*) {
  assert(cleanup_cb1_called == 1);
  assert(cleanup_cb2_called == 1);

// Initialize this addon to be context-aware.
NODE_MODULE_INIT(/* exports, module, context */) {
  Isolate* isolate = context->GetIsolate();

  AddEnvironmentCleanupHook(isolate, sanity_check, nullptr);
  AddEnvironmentCleanupHook(isolate, cleanup_cb2, cookie);
  AddEnvironmentCleanupHook(isolate, cleanup_cb1, isolate);

Test in JavaScript by running:

// test.js