dynamicInstantiate hook

注意:加载器 API 正在重新设计。 这个钩子可能会消失,或者它的签名可能会改变。 不要依赖下面描述的 API。

 * @param {string} url
 * @returns {object} response
 * @returns {array} response.exports
 * @returns {function} response.execute
export async function dynamicInstantiate(url) {
  return {
    exports: ['customExportName'],
    execute: (exports) => {

Note: The loaders API is being redesigned. This hook may disappear or its signature may change. Do not rely on the API described below.

To create a custom dynamic module that doesn't correspond to one of the existing format interpretations, the dynamicInstantiate hook can be used. This hook is called only for modules that return format: 'dynamic' from the getFormat hook.

 * @param {string} url
 * @returns {object} response
 * @returns {array} response.exports
 * @returns {function} response.execute
export async function dynamicInstantiate(url) {
  return {
    exports: ['customExportName'],
    execute: (exports) => {
      // Get and set functions provided for pre-allocated export names

With the list of module exports provided upfront, the execute function will then be called at the exact point of module evaluation order for that module in the import tree.