tlsSocket.exportKeyingMaterial(length, label[, context])

密钥材料用于验证以防止网络协议中的不同类型的攻击,例如在 IEEE 802.1X 的规范中。


const keyingMaterial = tlsSocket.exportKeyingMaterial(
  'client finished');

 keyingMaterial 的返回值示例:
 <Buffer 76 26 af 99 c5 56 8e 42 09 91 ef 9f 93 cb ad 6c 7b 65 f8 53 f1 d8 d9
    12 5a 33 b8 b5 25 df 7b 37 9f e0 e2 4f b8 67 83 a3 2f cd 5d 41 42 4c 91
    74 ef 2c ... 78 more bytes>

有关详细信息,请参阅 OpenSSL SSL_export_keying_material 文档。

Keying material is used for validations to prevent different kind of attacks in network protocols, for example in the specifications of IEEE 802.1X.


const keyingMaterial = tlsSocket.exportKeyingMaterial(
  'client finished');

 Example return value of keyingMaterial:
 <Buffer 76 26 af 99 c5 56 8e 42 09 91 ef 9f 93 cb ad 6c 7b 65 f8 53 f1 d8 d9
    12 5a 33 b8 b5 25 df 7b 37 9f e0 e2 4f b8 67 83 a3 2f cd 5d 41 42 4c 91
    74 ef 2c ... 78 more bytes>

See the OpenSSL SSL_export_keying_material documentation for more information.