
报告生成的其他运行时配置可通过 process.report 的以下属性获得:

当为 true 时,reportOnFatalError 触发致命错误的诊断报告。 默认为 false

当为 true 时,reportOnSignal 触发信号的诊断报告。 Windows 不支持此。 默认为 false

当为 true 时,reportOnUncaughtException 触发未捕获异常的诊断报告。 默认为 false

signal 指定将用于拦截外部触发器以生成报告的 POSIX 信号标识符 默认为 'SIGUSR2'

filename 指定文件系统中输出文件的名称。 stdoutstderr 附有特殊含义。 使用这些将导致报告被写入相关的标准流。 在使用标准流的情况下,directory 中的值将被忽略。 不支持网址。 默认为包含时间戳、PID、和序列号的复合文件名。

directory 指定将写入报告的文件系统目录。 不支持网址。 默认为 Node.js 进程的当前工作目录。

// 仅触发未捕获异常上的报告。
process.report.reportOnFatalError = false;
process.report.reportOnSignal = false;
process.report.reportOnUncaughtException = true;

// 触发内部错误和外部信号的报告。
process.report.reportOnFatalError = true;
process.report.reportOnSignal = true;
process.report.reportOnUncaughtException = false;

// 将默认信号更改为 'SIGQUIT' 并启用。
process.report.reportOnFatalError = false;
process.report.reportOnUncaughtException = false;
process.report.reportOnSignal = true;
process.report.signal = 'SIGQUIT';


NODE_OPTIONS="--report-uncaught-exception \
  --report-on-fatalerror --report-on-signal \
  --report-signal=SIGUSR2  --report-filename=./report.json \

具体的 API 文档可以在 process API documentation 章节下找到。

Additional runtime configuration of report generation is available via the following properties of process.report:

reportOnFatalError triggers diagnostic reporting on fatal errors when true. Defaults to false.

reportOnSignal triggers diagnostic reporting on signal when true. This is not supported on Windows. Defaults to false.

reportOnUncaughtException triggers diagnostic reporting on uncaught exception when true. Defaults to false.

signal specifies the POSIX signal identifier that will be used to intercept external triggers for report generation. Defaults to 'SIGUSR2'.

filename specifies the name of the output file in the file system. Special meaning is attached to stdout and stderr. Usage of these will result in report being written to the associated standard streams. In cases where standard streams are used, the value in directory is ignored. URLs are not supported. Defaults to a composite filename that contains timestamp, PID, and sequence number.

directory specifies the file system directory where the report will be written. URLs are not supported. Defaults to the current working directory of the Node.js process.

// Trigger report only on uncaught exceptions.
process.report.reportOnFatalError = false;
process.report.reportOnSignal = false;
process.report.reportOnUncaughtException = true;

// Trigger report for both internal errors as well as external signal.
process.report.reportOnFatalError = true;
process.report.reportOnSignal = true;
process.report.reportOnUncaughtException = false;

// Change the default signal to 'SIGQUIT' and enable it.
process.report.reportOnFatalError = false;
process.report.reportOnUncaughtException = false;
process.report.reportOnSignal = true;
process.report.signal = 'SIGQUIT';

Configuration on module initialization is also available via environment variables:

NODE_OPTIONS="--report-uncaught-exception \
  --report-on-fatalerror --report-on-signal \
  --report-signal=SIGUSR2  --report-filename=./report.json \

Specific API documentation can be found under process API documentation section.